Elara and the Celestial Banquet (Story From the Tales of the Raven Book) - Audiobook
Elara and the Celestial Banquet (Story From the Tales of the Raven Book) - Audiobook
A long, long time ago, before doctors, healers, medicine men, or even the stories of the gods existed, disease found its way into the world. Having no souls to yet prey upon, the crafty demon perched itself quietly upon the oak and watched the world grow slowly beneath its gaze. It watched oceans grow and recede. It watched the clouds feed upon the glistening drops of mist rising from the lakes and return again unto the land as fat raindrops. It watched the forests and the grasses feed upon the plump droplets of life-giving moisture and build farmlands ripe with the promise of fields laden with life.
As man grew, disease got its wish. Man aged, and discovered a myriad ways to bring suffering upon himself. He discovered war, and devised a thousand ways to end life. He discovered travel, and with it ways to spread disease far into the bowels of the wind. He discovered gold, wealth, and poverty, and with it the disease of desire.
As the burden of disease grew heavy upon the souls of men, they learned to sink to their knees and pray to the gods for relief. The gods heard their cries and summoned the Raven. The gods had not yet needed to heal, or make magick, or to address suffering such as what mankind had discovered. The gods devised a plan in response to the machinations of this demon that called itself disease. They reasoned that the power of their divinity could be crafted into stories that could be shared among men. These stories could be told by anyone and all who needed relief from the grasp of the demon could receive respite and healing from the divinity in the words.
The gods poured their divine healing words into the raven. They whispered power into the veins of the raven and taught it how to spin a story into medicine. Over time, they knew that they could teach it no more and that it was ready to become their emissary of healing into a suffering world.
The Raven carried the stories far and wide into the worlds of men. The Raven, now seen as an Emissary of The Gods, was summoned whenever sickness or suffering birthed themselves into the lives of men. Inevitably, when the Raven told its stories, healing occurred, and disease retreated from that corner of the world.
The Tales of the Raven thus became the first and oldest form of healing in the world. These tales burned themselves into the souls of men and were used for millennia until mankind found its own magick and remedies.
When one listens to this story, manifestation ability is activated and enhanced from within the soul. This stories is far older than medicine or magic. Listen to it and pray for what you need. The story is the sublime incarnation of divinity itself. It will often work when no other remedy is effective.
This audio story is 30 minutes in length.
Price: $99.95