
Spiritual Potential Reading

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Spiritual Potential Reading








Do you know what the stars have to say about your psychic and spiritual potential?


The Spiritual Sky software program leads the user into a new world of psychic and spiritual exploration. You can now accurately determine your psychic and spiritual potential using only your birth information. The result of more than 10 years of astrological research and study, this remarkable reading provides you with your astrological spiritual potential for:


General Psychic Potential

Mystical Potential


Spiritual Healing


Each of the above potentials is given with a five tiered point rating system and indexed report with detailed text sent via email. Also, a rating system and indexed report is given for an individual’s positive karma potential, negative karma potential, temporal (creative/destructive) energy potential, and much more.


We will need your provided birth date, place, and time, and the program will generate a graphic representation of multiple planet aspects and astrological correlations to miraculous spiritual abilities.


A normal person will score in the 50-100 range while spiritually gifted individuals score well into the 250-300 range.


We will also send you a list of recommended tools that will help bring out your potentials based on your results.


Don’t miss this rare and unique opportunity to find out your spiritual potential today!


Your reading will be delivered via email in 3-5 business days.


Place your full name, birth date, place, and time in the order notes.

Note: The more accurate this information, the more accurate your reading will be.


Price: $99.95

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16 Reviews

  • 5

    Life Changing

    Posted by Jason Warren on Dec 4th 2024

    Not only was Master Gibson able to describe the shortcomings and overall characteristics of who I used to be, but the recommendations provided have worked wonders that are unexplainable. Peace, love and gratitude to the Gibsons and I wish the best for everyone here that's taking their spiritual journey seriously.

  • 5

    Spiritual Potential Reading

    Posted by K. on Aug 7th 2024

    I was nervous about getting this done honestly. But upon reading it, all the things that was mentioned in the report was something I had intuitively known about anyway. So, the reading gave me more confirmation than anything and more insight. This is a reading you keep in your records throughout your life as a guideline. And I feel that you can incorporate more of your gifts in your career as an entrepreneur. There are other Oracle readings out there that you need in general but this one is definitely a piece of the puzzle...a piece of your akahsic does give you more trust in your abilities and it does point out things that you need to take more care of when it comes to your own personal endeavours and your success . Whatever weaknesses you have in your chart, your work is to put more TLC and a bit of elbow grease in general. It does provide tools that can assist you and for anymore that has a humble income, just buy what you can afford or save until you can finally purchase the tool(s) you know you need. I'm grateful for this reading and honestly all the lightworkers on this planet that have shared their gifts with others to help us share our gifts as well. Blessed be ??

  • 5

    So Glad I Did This

    Posted by Chantelle on Mar 8th 2024

    I was nervous to get this reading done, but so glad I did. It gave me a lot of insight to why I am the way I am. Why I deal with things the way I do. And I was nervous about the scores I would receive, because I have come to believe I am a medium. I have done many practices with a psychic medium friend of mine, and I was convinced. So I wanted to confirm I wasn't just crazy. My scores were pretty high, and I was told not to let these gifts go to waste. So this was confirmation for me that I wasn't just hallucinating. I was surprised at the scores I received in all areas. Especially healing. As I've never really thought of myself as a healer. It has always seemed like a very draining experience. But reading through this, it has given me the desire to try and work on all of my gifts, focusing on one at a time. I will be purchasing some of the recommended tools and learning as much as I can. And of course, putting my gifts to use. I am even considering how I can use some of them as a potential career path. We shall see. But strongly recommend getting this reading, regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey.

  • 5

    Most powerful reading

    Posted by Ryan Rhodes on Nov 10th 2022

    This reading gave me so much clarity and insight about myself, and honestly I was not ready to accept it at first but the more I allow myself to grow in consciousness with the tools that are recommended and tailored to my reading I feel like I'm overcoming the heavy planetary alignments and energies I was born with. I have to work extra hard lol but that's ok. I am willing to put the work in. Great starting point for anyone needing guidance on what tools they need to accelerate their spiritual growth. Thank you Master.

  • 5

    My personal bible

    Posted by Zonda Thomas on Jun 17th 2022

    I love my reading. I refer to my reading often to guide me and tell me which Spiritual tools to use and purchase. Some of the information shows my shortcomings and where I need to improve. I really wanted to jump right into healing myself and others. The reading helped me to slow my roll and work on myself before moving forward to heal others. The reading is written in a loving way that when it tells my low points, it gives guidance and encouragement on how to improve that area in my life. On areas I'm strong in, the reading give guidance on how to make me stronger. I am truly amazed on how much information they know about me through my birthday. My heart is touched, and I know that my life matters a great deal to all and the Universe.

  • 5


    Posted by Dani on Jun 17th 2022

    I had good scores but my highest was my mediumship potential. I have definitely experienced a variety of things pertaining to this. The reading helped me to see that there are some gifts I have a potential for that should be nurtured because they are underutilized.

  • 5

    Understand your potential

    Posted by Joshua Smith on Jun 16th 2022

    The Tybro Spriitual Potential Report is a robust report that gives you insight into who you are on an energetic level. Where does your potential lie? Many of us have no idea what we are capable of or why we have certain interest, behaviours, talents etc. Astrological in nature, this report gives you great insights on these things and set you up on your path of growth. The report shows the energies you were born with but, remember you have the choice and power to increase your potential by the choices you make and the practices you keep. In addition to the report, you are provided with a tailored list of spiritual tools that nurture your potential in all areas. For anyone serious about their spiritual growth this report is a must have! In formal education we are constantly assesed (standardized test) and told what we can and cannot do based on these assesments. For me these assesments held little weight as I always managed to exceed the expectations my assesments pointed to. I never understood this. I never understood how I had little interest in formal school topics yet Id past test with little to no studying. How I was told I wouldn’t be able to get into a college most likely yet I ended up with a schoalrship at a University. I knew mostly got through school off intuition and made the best of it this way. When I got my Spiritual Potential Report it showed I have an abundance of mystical, psychic, and mediumship potential. I feel things and I relied on this aspect of my being during my formal education years and even more so today. I believe a report like this should be something everyone should receive at birth and considered it in their formal and spiritual education. Without it we are operating with limited information of who we truly are. Highly reccomended.

  • 5

    Remarkable Spiritual Potential Reading

    Posted by Luis Barragan (Luís Piano) on Jun 3rd 2022

    This is a Doctorate-level reading. My mother had my Astro Chart done when I was a baby, so I have had much time (!) to sift through my own Cosmic Data, YET this reading has greatly facilitated the process of mapping and understanding Star Data. This is not to say that my reading was a walk in the park as there are some difficult challenges for us all to learn. I hope that I am as objective as possible so that this review is helpful.

  • 5

    Spiritual reading

    Posted by M on Mar 2nd 2022

    If I had to choose one word to describe my Spiritual Reading, I would use, Profound! A eye opening, life changing tool.

  • 5


    Posted by Unknown on Apr 7th 2021

    Great reading. Very impressed with the details surrounding one's karma and the recommended tools list was very helpful. Thank you!

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