
The Lord Odin - Lady Freya Qudrat Spells - E-Book

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  • The Lord Odin - Lady Freya Qudrat Spells - E-Book
  • The Lord Odin - Lady Freya Qudrat Spells - E-Book


The Odin Freya Qudrat Spells E-Book
Odin spanned the history of the Norse mythic world from its creation to its destruction. Before the world existed, he and his two younger brothers, Vili and Ve, killed the primal frost giant Ymir. They used Ymir's bones, blood, and flesh to form the universe. Odin arranged the heavens for the gods, the middle world for humans and dwarfs, and the underworld for the dead. He then created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an elm tree.
Among the deities said to have been Odin's children were Balder and Thor. Odin—the favorite deity of princes, nobles, and warriors—came to be seen as the supreme Norse god, the one to whom the other deities turned for help and advice. He ruled them from his palace Valhalla* in the heavenly realm called Asgard. As the god of war, Odin watched over warriors who fell in battle. Valkyries* carried the fallen ones straight to Valhalla. There Odin feasted them and prepared them for Ragnarok, the final battle in which the gods and the world were doomed to perish.
Odin was credited with great wisdom, including knowledge of magic and divination.
One of the principal deities of the Norse pantheon, the lovely and enchanting Lady Freya is a goddess of blessings, love, lust, and fertility. A member of the Vanir tribe of deities, Freya shared her people’s penchant for the magical arts of divination. It was Freya who introduced the gods to Seidr, a form of magic that allowed practitioners to know and change the future.
Freya was gentler and more agreeable than the other Norse deities. Where Thor accomplished his goals through aggression and Odin and Loki resorted to trickery, Freya achieved her ends with the gentler persuasions of gifts, beauty, and sex. While Freya was often unselfish and helpful, she did have a darker side. Like the male gods, Freya had a taste for blood and fought fiercely in battle. It was said she took the lives of half the warriors ever slain in battle.
Freya was known by a number of epithets, and the variants of her name (Freja, Freyia, Freyja, Fröja, Frøya, Frøjya, and Frua, among others) were as different as the Germanic languages and dialects of her many worshippers. Thanks in part to these linguistic differences, some interpretations of Norse mythology believed Freya to be synonymous with Frigg, Odin’s wife, and sometimes Gullveig, the völva narrator of the Völuspá who recounted the Aesir-Vanir War and predicted the fate of the gods during Ragnarök.
A leader of the Vanir gods, Freya was recognized as the archetypal völva, a practitioner of Seidr whose art and ritual could see events before they happened. The volva could then attempt to alter these events, leading enemies to their doom, and delivering friends from impending disaster.
In her role as sorcerer or shaman practicing pre-Christian Norse magic, Freya’s social status changed dramatically depending on where she was and whom she was with. In rural Scandinavia, Freya was thought to be a supernatural figure until the 19th century.
Freya, or a variant of the name, is still a popular name for girls in Scandinavian countries. Alone in Norway, around 500 women have the first name Frøya. Numerous places in Sweden bear Freya’s name. Many of them, including Freyjulundr, which refers to her sacred grove, are in Uppland.
Freya has been compared with the Egyptian goddess Isis and the Greek goddesses Aphrodite and Venus. She is believed to be one of the most powerful practitioners of magic in the universe.
During special periods of time, the gods work together in order to spread their blessings over special populations. The power of one god/goddess is tremendous, but when two or more celestial beings work together to create a spell, ritual, or blessing, they are called Qudrat Spells. The power of a Qudrat Spell is hundreds of times more potent than any spell of an individual deity. We have never before released Qudrat level celestial spells. Deities often reserve these energies for blessing entire civilizations or planetary domains.
In practice, the terms “spell” and “ritual” are used interchangeably in magick and throughout used as an umbrella term for magickal working.
A spell tends to be a less formal kind of magick, usually cast for a specific purpose or need, for example, to protect a named traveler (maybe yourself or a family member) on a particular journey or trip
for a specified length of time. The energies are raised and then released so they will bounce back to activate the purpose of the spell which has been represented by a symbol of that journey. This physical focus of the spell might in natural magick be a feather or some chopped fennel herbs to symbolize travel.
In contrast, a ritual is based on a more general or long-lasting focus. A ritual may be carried out at specified times, for example, the first day of spring or to celebrate the birth of a baby. A ritual, even in natural magick, follows a more structured format. What is more, whereas a spell builds up to a climax and release of energy, the ritual may release energy more evenly throughout the weeks and months ahead.
The power of Lord Odin and Lady Freya is vast. They have been married for millions of years. They have given birth to and raised a number of gods. They have fought dragons, giants, demons, and armies of their enemies from all over the nine worlds. They have built one of the largest and wealthiest realms in the universe.  Their palaces are made of gold and climb miles high into the sky. They love each other deeply and they love to share their power with their followers.
These spells are designed to help you grow and evolve with the divine power of these two immensely gifted deities.  I have met them both and they share their gifts of magic with whomever they deem worthy.  They will not help you harm others. They will not perform dark arts for you.  They are willing to help the sincere aspirant evolve and grow.  They can read your heart and truest intentions.  They know you and they helped to create our realm.
Ask for what you truly need with these spells and if they deem it worthy and just, they will help you.
Price: $199.95
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2 Reviews

  • 5


    Posted by Womens Development on Jul 20th 2020

    These spells are fast and easy. My results may take time but every product I buy from master gibson has a result.

  • 5

    Love the beach background

    Posted by Nin Koy on Jul 18th 2020

    I like it. The spell has a beautiful background of the beach. The ocean and beaches are my favorite places. Maybe these spells will work for me. I hope Lord Odin and Lady Freya finds me worthy and help with some of my wishes. But first I have to put in the work. Thanks for the spells Dr. Gibson. If I could only run into a huge amount of money, so I could get all the products at full price and have the time to use them. Because they don't dissappoint. Get this ebook if you can. It's very affordable and there's a spell in there for almost everyone. The spells are general and not specific so it covers a wider range of desires we want. And they are incredibly easy to perform. Yeah I highly recommend it.

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