The Sun God Spells of Power - E-Book
The spells of power that were created by the solar gods are designed to empower and expand all phases of life. Solar religions and magical groups were built around these practices in such a way that entire civilizations could grow and flourish under the watchful of the power of sola magic. At times wars between the most powerful mages would erupt in order to determine who was indeed the most dominant and powerful. Mediator gods such as Thoth and Quetzalcoatl would end these conflicts and restore harmony to the world.
The solar spells we are about to entrust to you have been passed down from one culture to another for thousands of years.
Every culture has its own unique way of working with the gods but all magic has its roots nestled among the rays of the sun. All of these spells emanate from the power of the solar gods and are the true source of our greatest powers.
As you go through these spells, remember that some of these gods created you from a single thought. As such, you will resonate with their power more than some of the other deities. Solar-powered spells are our most powerful magicks and even a novice mage may experience results with a modicum of regular use. Always perform solar magic under the light of day and never at night. Preferably, perform solar magic spells while the sun is clearly visible and unobstructed by clouds. Sunrise and sunset are the most powerful times of the day to work solar magic. Be sure to bathe and wear clean clothing while performing these spells. All magic depends upon faith and emotion, love being the greatest of all these.
This one-of-a-kind book includes ancient solar spells from the God Ra, The God Helios, The Sun Goddess Anniti, and others. These spells will only be available until June 30 at midnight and then we will remove them from the site.
Price: $399.95
1 Review
Amazing spells of the solar gods
This ebook is quite simply beyond amazing! Every time you are working with the spells of the solar gods you feel like you are drinking the elixir of sunlight. Just working with them for a week, I can see big shifts happening around me as well. Cant believe how fortunate I am to start to work with solar gods, who help you grow your solar body the quickest way. It has spells that you can do at sunrise, sunset and any time of the day. All of them are quite special. Cannot recommend this ebook enough! Thank you Master Gibson for making it available.