
Valentine's Day (Digital Package)

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Valentine's Day (Digital Package) 


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Destiny Pairs/SoulMates: The Secrets E-Book - $199.95 

Destiny pairing is the process of conjoining the energy of your twin flame with your own.  Whether you ever meet that person or not, their energy is part of you.  When you are lucky enough to find your destiny mate, and most people are not, you may draw upon the energy of the universe that helped to create both of you. The power that you use in this pairing is massive, and each time that you tap into it, you increase the power within your soul.
The soul is actually created in two parts.  Separated, each may function in the world just fine, but together, the power and creative force of soul mates and destiny pairs working together is life changing. The soul mate is the other half of the soul that is created by God.  Soul mates are created in stages, and each of us actually has different levels of soul mates.  The destiny pairing is the highest form of soul mating that we are permitted in this world. 
This book will explore the secrets of soul mates and destiny pairs.  We will also look at the different levels of these energies as they manifest in the world.  As we understand the process better, we can more easily understand the steps necessary to elevates our lives and consciousness in order to be blessed with the energy of our highest mating.  This book is the first of its kind and there has never been another text written specifically on the secrets of destiny pairing and soul mating.

The Ultimate Relationship Audio Bundle - $99.95


This bundle includes the following audio downloads: The Invocation to the Goddess of Love, The Relationship Attunement, The Destiny Pairing Invocation: Thydna Rachanvo Gendava Altagna Zachor, and the Sounds of Harmony Audio Download. 


The Relationship Attunement


The Relationship Attunement recording uses advanced sound bytes that affect the mind, body, and soul.  The specially generated tones are ancient and they help the listener clear away negative energy, thoughts, and karmic debris associated with relationships.  It works not only for intimate relationships, but for family, friends, and coworkers.  These tones help to empower relationships and help us gain emotional insight into ways that we can improve them.Listen to the recording with a clear mind.  You may listen alone or with a loved one.  It does not matter.  The recordings will help you just the same.


The Destiny Pairing Invocation: Thydna Rachanvo Gendava Altagna Zachor

This recording is intended to join together the forces of the universe that create twin souls. Most of us never find our twin flame, but this recording will help you work with the energy of your twin soul even if you don’t ever find the one. Destiny pairing is the process of conjoining the energy of your twin flame with your own.  Whether you ever meet that person or not, their energy is part of you.  When you use the destiny pairing invocation, you draw upon the energy of the universe that helped to create both of you. The power that you use in this pairing is massive, and each time that you tap into it, you increase the power within your soul.
The Sounds of Harmony 


Astrologically Venus is associated with the principles of harmony, beauty, balance, the feelings and affections, and the urge to sympathize and unite with others. It is involved with the desire for pleasure, sensuality, personal possessions, comfort and ease. It governs romantic relations, marriage and business partnerships, sex (the origin of the words 'venery' and 'venereal'), the arts, fashion and social life. The first-century poet Marcus Manilius,described Venus as generous and fecund, and the lesser benefic. In medicine Venus is associated with the lumbar region, the veins, parathyroids, throat and kidneys. Improving your Venus energy could potentially improve your romantic relationships, ability to experience pleasure and sensuality, harmonize and stabilize your personal possessions, and improve your social life.


The Invocation to the Goddess of Love


The Goddess Hera (Roman name: Juno), Wife of Zeus and queen of the ancient Greek gods, represented the ideal woman and was Goddess of marriage and the family. Hera was notable as one of the very few deities that remained faithful to her partner and she, therefore, came to symbolize monogamy and fidelity. As one of the most important deities, Hera was, naturally, a prominent figure in ancient Greek art, particularly on Attic red- and black-figure pottery. However, without any specific attributes, she is often hard to distinguish from other goddesses. She is most often seated on a throne and sometimes wears a crown (polos), holds a royal scepter, and wears a bridal veil. On occasion, she is also depicted holding a pomegranate, a traditional symbol of fertility. Other associations include the peacock - a symbol of pride - and the cuckoo, the form Zeus first took when he courted Hera - both of which the goddess reportedly kept as pets on Mount Olympus - and finally, with the lily flower. It is important to believe that you will receive what you seek when you call out her name. 


Love, Sex, and the Magical Currents MasterClass Recording - $250 


Humans have been misled about many things in their existence, but the biggest lie we have been told revolves around the nature of sex.  We have been led to believe that sex exists for two reasons, making babies and pleasure.  Yes, sex feels great and it is the main way that we reproduce, but that is only part of the story. We have never had a real conversation about sex and relationships.  If we are going to evolve, we have to lift all the veils. Sex results in pregnancy less than five percent of the time in a young healthy couple. We actually use less than one percent of our sexual potential during a normal lifetime.  Men make trillions of sperm during life, but we never use more than a few of them for reproduction.  Women carry thousands of eggs, but never use more than a few for reproduction. We are taught that orgasms deplete the body of energy, but research shows that people who experience at least 21 orgasms per month live longer than those who do not.  Frequent orgasms have been shown to protect men from prostate cancer, hypertension, and stroke. 
Women who experience frequent orgasms have improved circulation, improved fertility, reduced anxiety, healthier skin, improved immunity, and greater cardiovascular health.  All of this data flies in the face of ancient lore that chides us with shame and guilt regarding all forms of sexual pleasure. In our ancient past, mankind did not use sex as a primary means of reproduction.  The Gods placed humans directly into the womb without the need for sexual reproduction.  Religion, war, disease, and rebellion pushed us away from divine creative reproduction.  However even today, millions of women all over the world still report pregnancies that occur despite the absence of sexual contact with men.
The Ambient Magical Energy transmitted through sex is only partially sexual in nature.  It can cure disease.  It can cause disease.  It can create wealth.  It can destroy wealth.  It can increase magical potential.  It can destroy magical potential.  The Magical Currents transmitted during sex have a great deal more potential than you have ever been taught. Sex feels great, but it was not designed simply for pleasure and reproduction.  Those truths are simply meant to distract you. The entire human race has forgotten the purpose of sexual energy.  
The Love, Sex, and The Magical Currents Master Class is designed to help you unlearn ancient bad thoughts habits and return to your rightful understanding regarding the vast and secret potential of the energy that creates and sustains us daily.  We all have it, we were never taught to properly use it. 
Package Price: $369.95
Note: This package is available this weekend only! Offer Ends Monday, February 17, 2025 at 11:59 AM EST.


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