
Archangel Hedranxenel Radiator for Accidental Death and Catastrophes

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The Holy Agents of The Tree of Life Protection Radiators
The tree of life appears in both the opening and closing chapters of the Bible (Genesis 2-3 and Revelation 22). In the book of Genesis, God places the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the Garden of Eden, where the tree of life stands as a symbol of God’s life-giving presence and the fullness of eternal life available in God. Agreement among Bible scholars suggests that the tree of life with its central placement in the garden was to serve as a symbol to Adam and Eve of their life in fellowship with God and their dependence on him.
In the center of the garden, human life was distinguished from that of the animals. Adam and Eve were much more than mere biological beings; they were spiritual beings who would discover their deepest fulfillment in fellowship with God. However, this fullness of life in all its physical and spiritual dimensions could only be maintained through obedience to God’s commands.
Most scholars agree that the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (resulting in the loss of immortality and death) are two different trees. Scripture reveals that fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was forbidden because eating it would necessitate death (Genesis 2:15-17). Whereas, the result of eating from the tree of life was to live forever. The Genesis story showed that eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil resulted in sexual awareness, shame, and a loss of innocence, but not immediate death.
The Tree of Death supports the energy of the twelve leading causes of disease, disability, and death in our domain. It’s energies are carried into our world by the Demons who position these energies in our genes and in our consciousness.
The 12 Holy Agents of The Tree of Life were created to counter their energies and actions in the world. This is a radiator that posits the energy of one of these Archangels and protects us from an important cause of death and suffering. The radiators that we provide here are based on a hidden ancient formula given to man by the Holy Angelic Agents known as the
Tshidera. These angels protect man from the twelve most important causes of death.  Without them, mankind would not exist. 
They are:
Athanpoli- The Angel that protects against heart disease
Tarvannolax- The Angel that protects against cancer
Azvblangeodcha- The Angel that protects against unintentional causes of death
Avtogamado- The Angel that protects against chronic lower respiratory disease
Aolzichapalco- The Angel that protects against stroke
Chaxvo- The Angel that protects against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
Hadhodan- The Angel that protects against diabetes
Elotaplasvolgi- The Angel that protects against influenza and pneumonia
Blabalo- The Angel that protects against kidney disease
Canneblodanzen- The Angel that protects against suicide and mental illness
Deriedexanel- The Angel that protects against violent death, murder, and crime
Hedranxenel- The Angel that protects against accidental death and catastrophes
We provide a separate radiator for each of these Angelic Agents for the introductory price of $99.95. Our regular price for each of these radiators will be $199.95. For a limited time only, you may purchase each one for half price. 
The radiators blanket the body, soul, and aura in a protective layer of divine force that inhibits the action of the demons of the tree of death.  This protection slows their actions and makes it difficult for them to reach you. We do not guarantee that these protections will prevent your death from these causes, but they will greatly impede the flow of the death forces around you.  This impedance combined with prayer, proper diet, meditation, and healthy living habits could greatly extend your life.  These agents will watch over you day and night and you will be protected in a way that has never been possible before.
Simply place your picture, hair sample, or blood sample under the radiator plate and leave it. You may place successive plates on top of each other and they work very well when stacked. One sample is all that you require. The plates work for one person at a time.  Placing multiple people under one or more plates greatly dilutes the energy of the plate.
Introductory Price: $99.95
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