
Defense Against the Dark Arts Book

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The Dark Arts are the most feared and least understood of all the forces that beset mankind. This text is designed to help mankind learn the higher principles of defense against the dark arts. This basic text is taught to all of the soldiers among my people who protect and defend the lower worlds.  I have written many such texts as primers in order to help defenders in training learn the ways of the warrior.


Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson

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30 Reviews

  • 5

    Knowledge of negative entities andSpiritual protection

    Posted by habiba malik on Jun 17th 2022

    I have had this book for some years and I use it whenever it calls to me. I may refer back to it in order to review something in particular regarding the negative entities highlighted in it or to review and gaze at the protective mandalas contained within it or to review the information regarding the actual protective techniques to protect against the daemonium or the protections of the 4 vigilant watchmen. I LOVE THIS BOOK! and I will never part with it and it's so affordable it's truly a no-brainer

  • 5

    Defense is the best offense

    Posted by Joshua Smith on Jun 17th 2022

    This book teaches you about some of the causes and nature of injury, sickness, death, violence, and any other dark forces that plague humanity. There are energies and forces at play when these thing manifest in life. The Defense of Dark arts shows you how to protect and defend yourself from these. The spells and practices contained in the book are powerful. You will read about things that seem like sci fi or something out of horror films. Remember movies, video, games and 99% of our entertainment medias out of Hollywood literally imitate reality. They are not fiction. Master Gibson gives you some advance tools in this book to protect yourself, family, friends, home, businesses. Even if you are a skeptic, I recommend doing the practices anyway. Energy is real and by you using protective practices you will be able to protect yourself despite your skepticism. I have worked with 70% of the tools in the book and I feel confident in my day to day. I have seen protection on so many levels. Within my home the energy is peaceful when I’m out and about it is extremely rare I’m around negative people places and things and if I find myself in a low vibration environment it’s like I’m invisible to negativity. I am a warrior by nature so I appreciated a way to express the warrior protective energies in this magical art form. Reminds me of Harry Potter when they students have to take defense against the dark arts. Master Gibson has provided a gift one that should not be overlooked. You have the right to protect yourself and live without suffering.

  • 5

    Stay ready so you don't have to get ready

    Posted by Bishop on Jun 13th 2022

    Coming across this book can definitely be counted as a blessing. There is an entirely different reality, it seems, right in front of us that I always felt was there but it was always counted as fantasy. Defense Against the Dark Arts will open up your mind and expand your understanding in regards to what "reality" really is. We all have suffered from what is deemed as "just being a part of the human condition" but for so may of those unexplained things I believe this book will help gain some clarity. Knowing what you're up against, alone, places you in a category that many are not but also knowing what to do about it for yourself and others you care about will place you leagues ahead of the rat race. It's a beautiful thing to be able to be for yourself what you always needed when you couldn't explain it, express it, or repress it if you tried. I have purchased this book and others from Tybro in their physical forms and am now realizing the information in them is so valuable I want the E-Book versions as to always be able to have them and print again if need be. I encourage any and everybody to obtain either version of this book because I truly believe you will have more than a few "i knew it!" moments while reading it. I hope others take this information and learn to guard your mind, your spirit, your body, your loved ones, and your blessings..

  • 5

    Defense against the Dark Arts book

    Posted by Zonda Thomas on May 4th 2022

    LOVE IT! My blowing, eye opening, and a must have in your library. Great information to live by as well as solutions to life long problems and issues.

  • 5

    Dada is MUST have

    Posted by Nablond Ella on Dec 5th 2021

    Having been victim on multiple occasions of nefarious acts of the dark arts to the point of being afflicted by a deadly disease. Having witnessed friends, family members and neighbors in the past losing their lives to evil witchcraft and black magic this book brought me a lot of answers, knowledge and techniques that I've long searched for. Thanks to the rituals and remedies in DADA I was able not only to continuously protect myself and loved ones even from afar. I highlyrecommend this book to anyone in need of spiritual protection especially to any serious spiritual person, the knowledge and information provided will help its owner for a lifetime. I bow with gratitude and give thanks to the Creator of All, the Gods of Light, Archangel Zythurdreane and especially to Master Mitchell Gibson and Master Acharya!!!

  • 5

    Defense Against The Dark Arts

    Posted by Oudy Elysee on Oct 29th 2021

    The information in this book is powerful and I love it. If you are into metaphysics, or any other spiritual work this is a great book to have in your library. Its hard to give a review because the book it just too powerful, not enough words can truly express the magnitude of this book. I am just lost for words. Peace and Light.

  • 5

    Thank You Archangel Zythurdreane

    Posted by Meaghan Perrault on Mar 1st 2021

    I honestly wish I could give this book more than 5 stars. The information provided is powerful beyond measure. I read the book over the course of a couple days just to process the information, and the energy that emanates from the knowledge. With each chapter I felt expansion happen within myself, and my crown chakra/ top of my head became very activated (tingling sensation in forehead/ and top of head). I highly recommend this title if you seek truth, and possess courage to awaken further. It will provide you with the tools and information to protect yourself and others moving forward. Much gratitude to Master Gibson for provide this book to us, and making it so affordable. Thank you again, really can't say that enough.

  • 5

    Defense against the dark arts

    Posted by Daunza Blue on Oct 21st 2020

    High level knowledge and secrets you will not find anywhere unless you are a member of some kind of lodge

  • 5

    Defense Against the Dart Arts

    Posted by Wilson on Oct 17th 2020

    Extraordinary! This book helped save me from a onslaught of daily disturbance. The spells work pronto, I mean immediately. This books stays close to me at all times and I work it regularly. It is a must have so you can have safer navigation in this turbulent world we live in. Those creepy things that I can feel watching me at night, waiting for a moment of weakness can't touch me anymore. Get this book right now before there gone.

  • 5


    Posted by Raj kaur on Oct 1st 2020

    This is one of the most powerful tools you can get your hands on, the book is a treasure to own, simply spending a few minutes with the sigils given within can benefit your life and elevate your spiritual journey. A must have tool for every aspirant whether a beginner or advanced. Thank you Master Gibson for gifting this precious tool to those who truly wish to elevate their life.

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