METAPARABLES: The Collected Stories of the Master
Metaparables are stories that transcend time. Some are ancient and profound beyond reckoning. Some are rooted in hope and tragedy. Some are hosted by dragons and magicians from times that have never been human. These parables are teaching tools that unlock ancient and hidden levels of consciousness that most of us never use. The Master is a storyteller par excellence and these tales are drawn from dimensions both far and wide.
They are found scattered through his writings and for a time, they have been collected here for spiritual growth convenience. Read them once. Read them twice. Read them three times or more, and you are going to open the vaults of your imagination to worlds and possibilities that will inspire you over and over. This is an E-Book available for immediate download.
Price: $99.95
3 Reviews
Read these stories Repeatedly for Maximum Benefit
Upon my first read, I was intrigued by the Collected Stories of the Master. After the second read through - I started to see connections between the characters of each tale. Once I started the third read-through, I started seeing connections with my own spiritual journey, and started creating some additional spiritual aspirations of my own. I will read these stories again and again, I notice something different every time. My recommendation before reading is to open your mind and release your expectations for what the stories SHOULD be. Perhaps it's just me -- when I released my expectations, the stories started to open up to me in a new way. Thank you for this gift, Master.
Great product
Good stories and they get to the point.
Great Stories
I am grateful for this collection of stories, they really challenge your thinking