
Spiritus: The Book of Breathing

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In the physical world, we have one breath, the breath of life. This breath empowers all the major functions in the body.

There are other major breaths (breathings) that may be activated within the body. The Breath of The Gods activates the

latent power of the Breath of The Gods hidden in your breath. The Breath of Isis rejuvenates the body and soul. The Breath

of Letters actually ennobles and brings forth hidden layers of divine power from within the Light Domains of the mind. There

are others. Your astral, physical, and celestial forms have been designed to breathe these special energies. No one ever

taught you how. All humans breathe the same. It is the way that you are programmed.


We may vary the speed and timing, but the Breath remains the same.


Every god and goddess breathes differently. The Goddess Isis breathes differently than the Goddess Freya. Thor breathes

differently then Brahma. The unique Breath of a god/goddess gives them their power. If you breathe long enough like a god,

you gain some of their power.


As long as you breathe like a human, you will remain human. This book includes:


The Elemental Breaths

The Celestial Breath

The Divine Current Breathings

The Breath of Brahma

The Jade Emperor Breaths

The Pyramid Breathings

The Breathings from the Light Domains

The Breath of Isis

The Breath of Letters

The Breath of Maat

The Breath of Odin

The Breath of Freya

The Breath of The Golden Buddha

The Breath of Ra

The Breath of Shango


Price: $1,000.00


Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson



*Advanced text orders typically take 1-2 weeks to arrive, as they are ordered on demand.




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15 Reviews

  • 5

    Get it anyway

    Posted by Womens Development on Mar 7th 2025

    I just started using this book so I won't lie about results but I will say everything I get from tybro works and I am skeptical of everything.

  • 5

    Growth on the path.

    Posted by Joshua Smith on Sep 13th 2023

    My ability to hold breath has greatly improved (passed the 2 minute mark today!). My body generated tremendous heat causing slight sweating and euphoric feeling. The heat was similiar to what i feel after breath of fire but more intense. The euphoric feeling was the first ive felt. Im so excited about this milestone! Dream vividness and lucidity continues to improve.

  • 5


    Posted by Ankh Biggers on Jan 17th 2023

    This was a great addition to my evolution. There were many things cleared up in my own consciousness, as well as things added to my spiritual tool bag. I am truly looking forward to using the techniques of this tablet. And there are a lot of techniques provided!!!

  • 5


    Posted by Linda Leilani Brown on Nov 23rd 2022

    So excited to receive this book. I can feel its power just by engaging in the first exercise. Just scanning the pages of the different techniques of breathing I can sense a shift in my consciousness that will happen when I engage with each one. So thankful for the upgrade in my life that has allowed me to buy higher level tools. Thank you, thank you, thank you Master. Much love to and respect to you always!!!

  • 5

    Required Material

    Posted by Gary on Oct 26th 2022

    There aren’t exactly any words to describe this tablet. That would be doing it a great injustice. The information presented completely exceeded all of my expectations. The Master sincerely loves us enough to share this insanely powerful practice for a relatively generous price. Make no mistake, the practices are very straight forward and doable but POWERFUL BEYOND BELIEF. I’ve arrived to the conclusion that this should be mandatory material for everyone seeking immortality. The information is so powerful that you could literally just use this one tablet and attain the highest of divinity if you wish to. This is going to reshape humanity in the following years to come. Consider this the paradigm shift that we’ve all been searching for.

  • 5

    Very educational breathing techniques

    Posted by habiba malik on Jun 17th 2022

    I have had this book for quite some time and yet I only opened it about 7 months ago because I am still hesitant at times in my own personal quest for spiritual advancement. I don't know why. Since I have delved into Spiritus however I have learned so much about the proper breathing techniques topromote better health as well as attIaining more expanded consciousness. I use the techniques constantly now. I amexceedingly grateful for this tool as well as all of Master and Mothers' wonderful tools. Namaste.

  • 5

    A must have

    Posted by Joshua Smith on Jun 16th 2022

    Spiritus is one of my favorite Tybro tools. There is a ton of information in this book. The art of breathings is a powerful ancient art that is not taught enough in the world. It was interesting to learn about the role breathing not only plays in your bodily functions but in magic, communion with higher beings, and your over all growth as a divine being. The book offers plenty of pictures and explanations. The instructions are very clear as well. With this one book you have a lifetime of breathing practices alone. This tool can be used to free yourself in so many ways. For me, this book will be a family heirloom for generations to come. Im slowly changing the way I breath and I see great benefits. One benefit is in my ability to relax more quickly. I have also benefitted from clearer thoughts, and heightened senses. This book is beyond typical yoga practices of breathing taught to the mass public. It’s ancient it’s celestial, its an advance teaching and a must have. We breathe everyday and never know the why, how, how to improve our quality of breathing. I highly recommend thus book. I use the diaphragm breathing methods with my meditations, prayers and magical practices. Espeically in prayer I notice I am able to connect with the energy I seek more quickly. I get prickly tingling sensations all over my head and head as confirmation they have grown more intense as my breathing practices progress. The book of breathings anoter Tybro slam dunk. Power!

  • 5


    Posted by Arikh Anpin on Jun 10th 2022

    Just began the first few breathings and developing the structure of what breath implies and already seeing insights into daily life. Not only informational but evolutionary mentally and physically

  • 5


    Posted by Notica Moon on Jan 18th 2022

    Awesome book!

  • 5

    Spiritus an important work

    Posted by Joshua Smith on Jan 17th 2022

    Spiritus will provide you with a lifetime of knowledge and practices. There is a great power in the text and the power contained in the initial breathing reporogramming spells caused my temples and top of my head to pulse with energy and strong tingling sensations. I look forward to elevating my conciousness and the physical performance of my body. This tablet is truly a key to the dormant supernatual abilities in humans. If your serious about your development in conciousness im certain this text will prove invaluable on your journey. Grab a copy!

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