5 Reviews
Thank you
Thank you Masters
I am new to the work of Dr. Gibson (though not new to spiritual work). This is the first webinar series of his I have experienced. Honesty, I wondered about spending $100 for one hour. If you are also wondering, let me assure you, this is an extraordinary learning experience. There is such depth of information. I'm grateful to have lifetime access to the material because it is something I am sure to go back to over and over again. This is a stunning introduction to his work and I am very grateful to have found him at this precise time in my life. I look forward to diving deeper and deeper into his work. Thank you Dr. Gibson.
Amazing Content
First I want to say THANK YOU to Dr Gibson for sharing his knowledge. This information cannot be found anywhere else in the manner that is been displayed in this course. It is overwhelming and amazing to me to learn about the concepts that Dr. Gibson teaches. I truly appreciate this course. Dr Gibson’s teaching style just makes sense and is very easy to understand and follow. Thank you again for imparting your knowledge. I cannot get enough.
Greetings of Peace, I’m just truly thankful for these beautiful teachings and the magic & power all around us. We are getting the proper steps to take in order to connect with these divine forces the correct way as we’re growing into our light bodies. To honor all that is given and receive in all gratefulness, this wisdom is priceless, thank you! I’m looking forward to series 3, then 4. In between time I’m in joying all the sun light and love and the messages that’s upgrading my being through my daily practices. Love, Meira OraLee Atarah
The information Master Gibson shares changes your life! I have never seen anything like it or felt the power with any other practices. Bowing!