
An Introduction To Rapid Soul Preparation - Webinar

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Rapid Soul Preparation: For Entrance Into The Celestial World (Webinar)




Everyone wants to know about heaven and everyone wants to go there. Recent polls suggest that nearly 80% of all Americans believe there is a place called heaven. I find that statistic encouraging because it tells me that even in this skeptical age there is something deep inside the human heart that cries out, "There's got to be something more. Something more than the pain and suffering of this life. Something more than 70 or 80 years on planet earth. Something more than being born, living, dying, and then being buried in the ground.


Sometimes we talk about a "God-shaped vacuum" inside the human heart. I believe there is also a "heaven-shaped vacuum," a sense that we were made for something more than this life. We were made to live forever somewhere. In a real sense we were made for heaven.


There is another fascinating statistic I should mention. Not only do most Americans believe in heaven, most people expect to go there when they die. From my own personal experience, I can tell you that heaven is real. It is a solid place just like the earth you are sitting or standing on right now.


It has its own food, buildings, people, music, and cultures unique to the celestial world. There is a secret to going there and getting in, it is open to everyone, with the condition that you are properly prepared. Any soul, no matter it’s moral, spiritual, or emotional condition may gain entrance into the celestial world if it has the right preparation. I have seen souls enter into heaven that I would never have thought belonged there.


I asked Gabriel about this once. He said, “Obviously they had help.”


His answer intrigued me for a long time, years in fact. What was the nature of this help? How does one secure this type of assistance? Is there a cost?


None of the angels would tell me. I couldn’t find a teacher who knew. Then one day, while I was in a deep lucid dream, I found myself having lunch with God at a small cafe in a large celestial. The cafe sat on the bank of a river that flowed with gold and wine. The food was superb.


I asked Him the question, “How does a person prepare for entrance into Heaven at the end of life?”


The question turned into a long conversation that I recorded into this tablet. This is the only record of this conversation that we have. It is the only publication that records a conversation that I had with the Creator about how to prepare and transform your soul into a vessel that can be admitted into Heaven.


As God Himself said, “For most people, it is a process.”


This process is detailed in this one if a kind tablet. The Creator has granted me permission to provide this work to mankind. He asked me to promise to place his True Name within the text.


He said jokingly, “I don’t get much press.”


God has a very good sense of humor.



NOTE: If you can't attend the live event, register BEFORE the event and you will receive a cloud recording within 48 hours after the event. All attendees will receive the recording as well. The price will go up when it is placed on Vimeo. Registration ends January 30th at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Date: January 31st, 2023

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Price: $150.00

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6 Reviews

  • 5

    Another Great from the Rapid Series

    Posted by Joshua Smith on Jul 12th 2023

    This webinar was awesome. The stories Master shared about his travels to the heavenly worlds are a joy to hear. The descriptions of the foods he tried, the people he saw, beings he met, and conversations with the Creator himself were simply fantastic. The Rapid Preparation webinar challenged my consciousness the most out of all the rapid series webinars. I even found the rituals to be some of the more challenging. One day when I'm ready I look forward to completing them and getting to know Lord Osiris much more. I didn't know much about Lord Osiris beyond Egyptian mythology but now I'm motivated to learn more about this deity and his role in human evolution and the afterlife. He has made a number of appearances in the rapid series. Rapid Preparation is a gem that will require multiple listens. This webinar will also bring up questions about the concept of good and bad as well. Are bad people barred from entering heaven? If you are good, is that an automatic entry into paradise? Things that make you go hmmmmm. The webinar prices are highly accessible and are packed with a lifetime of knowledge not only for this world but preparing yourself so you have some great options in the next. In addition you are not just provided with information to contemplate, you are provided with rituals and magic that you can begin to put into practice immediately. Rapid preparation gives you a few more keys to unlock your access to your FREEDOM!

  • 5

    Rapid Soul Preparation

    Posted by Suniray Ballard on Mar 17th 2023

    This webinar was in divine alignment and in divine time. I’m a yoga instructor and for the first time I was introduced to the purpose of asanas that is beyond this world and this body. My practice has now come full circle. I am actually excited about visiting higher worlds and seeing celestial beings. I am working on fully developing myself so that I can ascend. Eternally grateful for Master Gibson and his willingness to teach and share.

  • 5

    Rapid Soul Preparation

    Posted by Suniray Ballard on Mar 17th 2023

    This webinar was in divine alignment and in divine time. I’m a yoga instructor and for the first time I was introduced to the purpose of asanas that is beyond this world and this body. My practice has now come full circle. I am actually excited about visiting higher worlds and seeing celestial beings. I am working on fully developing myself so that I can ascend. Eternally grateful for Master Gibson and his willingness to teach and share.

  • 5

    Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready!

    Posted by Edith on Feb 8th 2023

    Its so many layers to spiritual growth, an Endless journey, Exciting, scary and profound. 1 Corinthians 2:9 “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” Master my words can not express how grateful I am for the many webinars, I have been able to attend, But this one OMG, The tools, instructions, and applications. I have fun with the exercises, my body is getting stronger. My fears are decreasing, this is just the beginning a Beautiful journey. You are Remarkable.

  • 5

    Rapid Soul Préparation webinar

    Posted by Asher Shelton on Feb 7th 2023

    Awesome, informative, enlightening! Worth every penny!

  • 5


    Posted by Womens Development on Feb 7th 2023

    Sooooooo I started the work and that night I felt my astral body being I guess fixed or rebuilt. This is all real deal stuff.

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