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  • Attunement To Higher Consciousness Package


The main focus of our spiritual work at Tybro is the evolution of Consciousness.  Each of us in this world is a combination of beings.  We are astral beings.  In this form, we sleep, dream, and ultimately transition out of this world. Astral consciousness is one of the most dominant forms of consciousness on this world.  The next most dominant form of consciousness is physical. 

We perceive both astral and physical consciousness with our five senses.  We see, hear, touch, taste, and smell with senses that convey information about the world to the mind.  We rely on these senses for all of our information about the physical world.  However, if an angel stood right next to you, you would never know it.  The astral and physical senses can't tell you jack about the higher world.  As a matter of fact, they attempt to convince you, through the aegis of the ego, that anything higher than the dream/physical matrix of worlds has no existence at all. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Physics tells us that there are at least eleven total dimensions of reality that make up our universe.  Physics also tells us that these dimensions are all around us, and that our senses are not able to pick up the information streaming into our brains from these worlds.  

Mystics have told us that the world that we accept as physical is only the icing on a very, very, big cake.  Now, physics and mysticism agree on this point.  Quantum physics even goes one step further.  Quantum physics tells us that in order for our reality to exist, consciousness must continually tune into and create every pixel of every scene that we experience.  In other words, nothing exists until consciousness decides that it does. This is where things get really interesting.  If consciousness creates our reality, why does it limit us to only astral and physical senses?

Some people have the innate ability to see the higher worlds and commune with beings who have higher consciousness.  This communication is easy for them.  For most people however, this does not happen.

The Attunement to Higher Consciousness CD Package is a new solution to this age old problem.  The Attunements consist of thirteen very specially crafted sounds.  Each of these sounds work together over time to gently pull away the layers of darkness that prevent us from perceiving and enjoying the higher levels of consciousness.  These sounds have never been heard on this world before.  

My spiritual Father, Djanthi/Thoth, invited me into one of his sound laboratories while we were talking one day.  He showed me a series of instruments capable of creating very advanced sound waves.  The waves had a very pronounced effect on my consciousness.  As he played each sound for me, I began to see things in his world and around him that I have never seen before.  I could see his wings.  He was several feet taller.  The lab was bigger and extended several hundred yards in all directions.  There was also a glow and a smell that I had never seen.  I saw a glow around him that pulsated with life and energy.  In short, I felt more alive and aware under the influence of these sounds than I have ever felt in my life. 

He kindly spent a great deal of time showing me the science behind the sounds.  Each of the sounds allows for a gradual peeling away of the blocks to the perception of higher consciousness.  Let me explain the science behind the sound as best I can.

Several terms are important in understanding these attunements.


Base Frequencies

Spin Rate

Dual Mode

Frequency Mix Percentage

Scalar Sound Waves

Local Star Sounds


Base frequencies:  each of the sounds is composed of a series of basic frequencies.  These frequencies are mixed together in a special series of combinations that have never been heard before on this world.  These combinations allow for the unleashing of dormant DNA material that will allow the gradual unfolding of the attunement to higher consciousness.

Spin Rate:  sound waves spin and each of the sounds that are part of the attunement package spin in a certain frequency direction. This special spin is a crucial property of the attunement.  It allows the brain to latch on to the sound and process it in a way that prevents fatigue and lack of focus.

Dual Mode: the sounds are presented as paired entities.  You are not just hearing one tone, you are hearing a minimum of six different tones blended together at slightly different tonal frequencies.  The differences cause the sound to waver and flow in a pleasing manner. As the sounds increase in complexity, you may hear as many as 10-15 different tones blended together in dual mode.

Frequency Mix Percentage:  there is a specific mixture of each of the component frequencies in dual mode.  These mixtures allow for the basic heightening of consciousness.  As one gradually attunes to each sound, the ability to sense reality at the higher levels of consciousness emerges.

Scalar Sound Waves:  A Scalar Wave is a multi-dimensional standing wave pattern that emanates out of a fixed point of sound -tonal vibration - within the Morphogenetic Field (MF) of the Cosmic Unified Field of Energy.

Scalar waves appear to move from one place to another, but in truth they are stationary points of light that are strung together in sequences, within the fabric of the cosmic morphogenetic field.

The appearance of the Scalar Wave movement is generated as sequences of scalar wave points are activated or "lighted" in synchronization with each other (an effect that can compare to progressively flashing a series of bulbs, strung out in a line off and on, one at the time, flashing the first bulb off as the second lights, etc, whereby it appears that the light has moved from one point in the line to another) Scalar Waves are forms of Consciousness. Each wave is a standing packet of specific quantities of Consciousness. In other words, as you listen to specifically programmed scalar waves, various regions of here-to-fore closed levels of Consciousness are gradually nudged into open awareness.  Scalar sound waves act like a light being turned on in a dark room.  This light helps to awaken the sleeping areas of the mind as the attunement progresses.  Attunements 9-13 are programmed with scalar sound waves.

Local Star Sounds: There are more stars in our reality than grains of sand on all the beaches in the world.  All of these stars create waves of sound that affect our consciousness.  The first attunement is composed of a series of special sounds from the local star clusters near our world.  These sounds help us tune in to the relevant energy from the most powerful stars in our reality. 

There are 13 different attunement sounds in the attunement package.  The sounds should be used in order, starting with attunement one, for one week before moving to the next highest sound.  Each of the sounds has a specific name and function.


Attunement One:  Precsium

This attunement allows the energy of the local star systems to guide the opening of human consciousness beyond three dimensional space.

Local star sounds from Rigel One, Alpha Centauri A, and B

White Dwarf Star

Advised length of use:  once daily for one week


Attunement Two:  Sorisicum

This attunement begins the opening of consciousness to the fourth dimensional worlds around our planet.  After using this attunement for one week, your dreams will change.

Base frequencies: 111-115hz, 1.5-2.5hz, 3.5-4.0hz

Spin Rate: 25hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Advised length of use: once daily for one week to two weeks


Attunement Three: Parisecum

This attunement completes the opening of consciousness to the fourth dimensional worlds around our planet.  This attunement allows for a wider perception of delta and gamma brain wave activity. Angelic elements of consciousness will gradually come into perception as you use this attunement. 

Base frequencies: 200-205hz, 2.0-3.0hz, 4.5-5.0hz

Spin Rate: 35hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Advised length of use: once daily for two weeks


Attunement Four: Scharum

This attunement allows the beginning of the process of opening awareness into the Celestial Worlds.  This is a very important attunement and should not be completed out of turn.  Attunements, one, two, and three should be completed prior to attempting this one.  The spin rate and frequency of energy on Scharum is significantly higher than the lower attunements.  This attunement begins a three step process of opening human awareness to the Higher Celestial Levels of Consciousness.

Base frequencies: 350-354hz, 4.0-5.0hz, 6.0-6.5hz

Spin Rate: 40hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Advised length of use: twice daily for one week


Attunement Five: Paolisecum-noba-senitisum

This attunement is as much an invocation of higher consciousness as it is a discrete set of frequencies. Even though this attunement does not yet involve scalar sound waves, its effect is designed to open up the higher mind to the awareness of lower consciousness.  As such, it continues the process of opening awareness into the Celestial Worlds.

Base frequencies: 495-500hz, 6.0-7.25hz, 8.0-9.25hz

Spin Rate: 40hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Advised length of use: once daily for one week


 Attunement Six: Secumorisum

This attunement completes the attunement of the lower mind into the Celestial World.  After completion of this attunement, the mind will more easily accept sights, sounds, tastes, and smells, from the Celestial Worlds in both the physical form and the dream state.  Also, after one transitions, the realities of the Higher Celestial Worlds will be easier to absorb and process.  One of the reasons that we cannot migrate to the higher worlds is our inability to perceive the higher energies.

Base frequencies: 602.36-610.196hz, 8-9.25hz, 9.0-10.25

Spin Rate: 45hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Advised length of use: once daily for five days


Attunement Seven: Feriesum

This attunement begins the process of allowing one to perceive the energies of the Primordial Worlds.  After the completion of the Celestial World attunements, one will be ready to perceive the next level of reality.  The Primordial Worlds are the first created worlds in our reality. They are the Worlds of the Higher Gods and Angels.  Perceiving this reality comes in stages.  Attunements 7-10 help one begin and further this process.

Base frequencies: 804.236-914.997hz, 9.0-10.25hz, 12.0-14.25hz

Spin Rate: 45hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Frequency Mix adjustment to 39%  (all prior attunements at 50%)

Advised length of use: once daily for one week


Attunement Eight: Pcharum

This attunement continues the process of allowing one to perceive the energies of the Primordial Worlds.  Pcharum is special in that the spin rate is increased to 50 for the first time.  Also, the base frequencies rise above the 1000hz range for the first time. 

Base frequencies: 1698.85-1842.91hz, 33-33.25hz, 36-38.19hz

Spin Rate: 50hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Advised length of use: one daily for one week


Attunement Nine: Florisum

This attunement continues the process of allowing one to perceive the energies of the Primordial Worlds.  Florisum allows sight and hearing in the Primrodial World while still emobodied in the physical.

Base frequencies: 1976.38- 1988.62hz, 44-46.38hz, 46-49.62

Spin Rate: 35hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Scalar waves activated

Frequency Mix adjusted to intervals of 37%, 50%, 72%

Advised length of use: twice daily for two weeks



Attunement Ten: Pashorishitum

This attunement allows for projection of physical consciousness into the Primordial World. In this way, one may feel the body present on a Primordial Planet.

Base frequencies: 5234-5250hz, 80-82hz, 88-90hz

Spin Rate: 40hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Scalar waves activated

Frequency Mix adjusted to intervals of 10%, 25%, 50%, 90%

Advised length of use: once daily for one month


Attunement Eleven: Orisum-banto(semis)

This attunement allows the development of full awareness and movement in one's Primordial Higher Form.  The Primordial Body is the first form we inhabit after developing consciousness outside of the Spirit.  This attunement allows one to see and experience the Primordial Body.

Base frequencies: 10560-10600hz, 200-220hz, 110-120hz

Spin Rate: 45hz

Dual Mode

Positive Spin

Frequency Mix adjusted to intervals of 5%- 8%, 12%, 40%, 85%,

Advised length of use: once daily for two weeks


Attunement Twelve: Onyichium

This attunement allows one to tune into the aspect of Self that is Source.  Each of us has a presence in the Source.  This presence creates our arms and legs, body, mind and soul.  Our Divine Parents utilize the presence to coordinate our very existence.  As such, we are totally unaware of this aspect of Self.  It is our purest and Highest Creative Energy.  Onyichium allows us to consciously commune with and experience this level of Self.

My Father asked me not to reveal the frequencies and rates associated with attunements twelve and thirteen. I honor his request and further state that they are so complex that any explanation would be futile at best.

After using attunements 1-11, one may use twelve and thirteen at will.  At this point, Consciousness has been attunement to the point where one no longer needs advised guidance.


Attunement Thirteen: The Primordia

To understand The Primordia, we must talk physics for a bit. 


Before our reality was created, Our Creator formed the Intent to create our universe.  This Intent was followed by a Decision which impelled a small particle of reality to manifest.  This particle of reality caused what we now know as the Big Bang.  However, before the Big Bang, the Intent to form reality was called forth into being.  This Intent caused the Creation of a sound we now know as The Primordia.  The Primordia is the first sound ever created.  Through its power, a small particle of reality sprang forth and formed our reality.

The Primordia is the sound energy that causes divine power to spring forth in all of us.  It is the sound that creates the spark. Proper use of The Primordia enables one to draw energy and power directly from sound.  It may over time mitigate the need for food, water, and air.  Use your now Attuned Consciousness to determine how to best utilize The Primordia. 

The Attunement to Higher Consciousness Package will not be sold as individual CDs.  The packet will be provided in a special USB drive that will be mailed to the user.  The sounds are over 1GB in length and as such would make for a monstrous download, not to mention a huge drain on our servers.

We ask that each user respect the time, energy, and focus of meditation that went into the creation of this package.  As such, we ask that you not distribute or share these works with others.  They are for your own personal use.


Thank you for your support.


Mitchell and Kathy Gibson


Price: $300.00

    Attunements to Higher Consciousness

    Attunement To Higher Consciousness Package   The main focus of our spiritual work at Tybro is the evolution of Consciousness.  Each of us in this world is a combination of beings.  We are astral beings.  In this form, we sleep,...
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