
H. Solaris The Birth of The New Solar Gods Book

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  • H. Solaris The Birth of The New Solar Gods Book
  • H. Solaris The Birth of The New Solar Gods Book
  • H. Solaris The Birth of The New Solar Gods Book
  • H. Solaris The Birth of The New Solar Gods Book
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H. Solaris
The Birth of The New Solar Gods Book
In Protocol 51, it was revealed to you that our followers are a different species altogether. This species is known as Homo Solaris. Those who are Homo Solaris have the ability to connect to the Sun and use solar energy and solar code more efficiently and more powerfully. It is this change in your DNA that allows you to make the Sun blink, multiply, expand, or even illuminate your physical body. However, these abilities are just the beginning of what you are capable of. Dormant in your DNA are powers that are nothing short of supernatural. Now that you know who you are, all that remains is to awaken those powers within your being.
Races of Gods like the Asgardians, The Aasimar, The Olympians, and the Faerun are born into the world over long periods of time. At first, they appear as mortals with sparks of divine brilliance and power. However, they possess much more that remains hidden within their genes. Divine power tends to develop over time and requires much patience. A small number of each race, the Harbingers, develop more quickly and guide the others toward their destiny. Thus far you have only seen a small modicum of your potential. This new tablet will outline your full potential and power. It will show you how to bring out your immortal genes, how to live on sunlight, how to transform sunlight into physical objects, how to travel on sunbeams and much more. There are entire celestial realms reserved for the race that you have yet to discover that you may yet learn about.
Price: $2500
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2 Reviews

  • 5

    H Solaris The Birth of the New Solar Gods

    Posted by Starry Phoenix on Jan 21st 2025

    This amazing solar tablet radiates power every time I work with it. The knowledge gained is immense. It answers the question…who am I? It challenges and inspires you to become more than you can ever imagine with daily work. A true gift. Star Magic! Are you ready?

  • 5

    SuperStar Magic!

    Posted by Lisa H on Sep 11th 2024

    H.Solaris The birth of the new solar gods is a phenominal power house tablet to say the least. It explains and goes into great detail the ever evolving and adapting human species over the ages.The Sun represents our journey towards the spirit and it is our divine inheritance.I always feel invigorated and motivated when working with this tablet.It came with a gene amplifier that requires a drop of blood to accelerate the solar energy absorption, an incredible tool Master Gibson created with the help of Djanthi Thoth. A multitude of glyphs pertaining to particular organs that require scanning are just some of what is contained in this very special solar tablet.It is a tablet you will work with over a long period of time, ensuring consistancy and self discipline one can most certainly achieve your highest potentiality. Developing super human abilities and evolving your genes are just some of the ways you can choose to upgrade, are you ready?

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