
How to Find Your Spiritual Parents and Building Your Spiritual Altar Book

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How to Find Your Spiritual Parents and Building Your Spiritual Altar Book


In this new book, we will teach you how to connect with your spiritual parents.  We will also teach you how to find them on your own. This task is a major spiritual blessing and in the past, one could go to spiritual teachers, magi, shamans, or other connected beings in order to find out who your connections are. I can look at a person and tell who their spiritual parents are, in much the same way that one can see physical parentage. There are ways to tell who your spiritual parents are, and now we will share some of these secrets with the world.


This book is dedicated to creating and maintaining a spiritual altar. If you build this altar, there will be Gods sitting upon it. Their energy will fill your home. They will shadow you in ways that you cannot imagine. They will do this in order to help you make your life better. They have loved you and watched over you for longer than you have been incarnated on this planet. As humans, we cannot remember their presence or see their faces, but they are there whether we honor them or not.


In this book we will show you how to build your altar. We will show you where to put it once it is complete. We will show you what to place on your altar. We will teach you how to maintain your altar. We will advise you as to which Gods and Goddesses you should place on your altar.


Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson


Price: $99.95


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18 Reviews

  • 5


    Posted by EB on Mar 11th 2021

    Highly recommended!

  • 5

    Essential Book

    Posted by Meaghan Perrault on Feb 28th 2021

    Much gratitude to the Master for providing this text. It is very well written and essential to successfully building your spiritual altar, and ultimately in finding your spiritual parents. I read the entire book from start to finish immediately after receiving it. I really appreciate the level of detail put forth, and I feel more confident about the altar I established because of this book. As I maintain my altar I will be referring back to this text often because there's so much information covered that will help along the spiritual journey.

  • 5

    Finding My Way Back Home

    Posted by Darrell Robertson on Jul 10th 2019

    This has been a tremendous experience. I have always felt like there was more to what I was taught about God and deities or forced through fear to believe in one deity, the Christian deity. I have always felt something strong pulling on my soul and now, I have found my way home thanks to YOU! My life has found it's purpose which is to be happy, loving and abundant without the approval of any man. I have lost many friends because of my discovery, but I have found my Spiritual Parents which means more. Looking forward to more growth and discoveries!

  • 5

    A must have tool to aid in spiritual development!

    Posted by Von Hodge on Mar 20th 2018

    Thank you for putting this wonderful work together! This is a subject that can easily be put into several volumes. I appreciate that it is presented both eloquently and simply enough to make a potentially overwhelming topic easy to understand. I have not regretted investing in any of the Tybro products! Thank you Masters!

  • 5

    Powerful and Informative

    Posted by Rudy on Dec 19th 2017

    Easy read with easy to follow spiritual tips as far as Altar Work and the Ancestors. Also helps with finding the Archetype of the deities that may be your spiritual parents. Great book to have. Thank you.

  • 5

    Real spiritual help

    Posted by Selth Bethea on Dec 5th 2017

    It contains spiritual wisdom that I haven’t found any where else and I’ve been on the spiritual path for about thirty years. Reading and practicing from a variety of sources related to spirituality not religion, seeking how to connect more fully and consciously to my true self and all there is.

  • 5

    Must Have

    Posted by Lori Tatum on Oct 2nd 2017

    This book is a must when building and using an altar to the Gods and ancestors. It answered so many of my questions.

  • 5

    I read this book in 24 hours

    Posted by Kelvon Bacote on Sep 5th 2017

    This book has much needed information. I have had an alter since 2009 but there were still key things that were missing that I got from this book. Once I added those things to my alter, I could feel the vibration rise in my alter area. This is a must have book.

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