
Rare Waters Rare Herbs

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Rare Waters Rare Herbs


All medicines need water in order to work and the body is made up of more 70% water. However, not all herbs are created equal. Furthermore, not all waters are created equal. Some herbs have the ppower to regenerate the physical, sexual, emotional, and spiritual powers of the body. Some waters are reputed to have a soul and the ability to heal many different types of illness. We are not told about these products as a general rule and even today, most healers do not know of the water with a soul, among others. Rare herbs will help you expand your database of information and understanding about what is possible in the herb world.


In this new book, we will give you the names of dozens of powerful herbs and waters that will astound you with their power.  Many of them will be unfamiliar to you but their ability to help you and your friends will be astounding. These products are as rare as they are powerful. I have researched and presented the most powerful of these products for overall safety, efficacy, and availability. Many of us instinctively seek out natural products while ill because our ancestral memory tells us to do so.


There are waters that derive from ancient sources that exist hundreds of feet underground. There are ancient healing herbs in many of the forests and high arctic plateaus of the world that are said to hold the secret to long life and rejuvenation. Some of these herbs and waters act in combination to rebuild the body and mind.


Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson


Price: $200.00

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4 Reviews

  • 5

    1907 Water from Rare Waters Rare Herbs

    Posted by Joshua Smith on Jun 16th 2022

    Learned about this water from the Rare waters and Herbs book. 1907 has a spiritual power of 9.8 of 10. Taste so good and my body immediately started to flush the first days of using. Ive adjusted after a few days. Its amazing the illusions of this world. My whole life ive never given my body proper water. Ive never knew what water that nourishes your body and soul taste like. The nutrional benefits are immense. And there are many many levels beyond this water (levels in the cha ching category

  • 5


    Posted by Carlos Freeman on Apr 26th 2021

    Who knew the Gods themselves made a water that is available for purchase? Apparently, the Masters did and that water is only one example of the many gems in this book.

  • 5

    Who is these people and where did they come from!

    Posted by Emathious Robinson on Jan 21st 2020

    Today my water was delivered. I have the HARDEST time drinking water and making sure I drink my daily requirements. NO NO NO NOT WITH THIS WATER WILL IT BE A PROBLEM! I purchased one of the suggested waters from the book and it tasted so good, that I gulped 1 liter down without a problem. It's like my body was hungry for it and knew what it was but I didn't. My mouth kept drinking and drinking while my mind was thinking when are you going to stop while my spirit was saying helpher SHUT UP and shocklingly ALL 1 LITER OF IT WAS GONE! When I finished I was holding the empty bottle and staring at it with my mouth wide open with a puzzled look on my face thinking WTH is this water because I have to force myself to finish 20oz of water let alone 1 LITER EFFORTLESSLY while my body and spirit overrode my stubbornness to do so! ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING!!!! So I threw the bottle down ( didn't care where it landed), went to the computer and purchased a 30 day supply! Will keep you updated.

  • 5

    Worth It

    Posted by Kittey on Mar 12th 2018

    I had great health care which I paid out of pocket for several years. Somehow the amount of my healthcare increased and I didn't realize I didn't cover my full amount when I paid it last month. $20 short from January, I now have no health insurance until 2019 as per their policy (I can't renew). I took that as a sign. So now that I'm $700 per month wealthier, I decided to not beg for my health insurance back, but bought this book about a week ago. It had been calling my name for months now so I finally hit the purchase button. Upon looking through it, I was disappointed--while the information was great, it wasn't what I expected. But then it hit me. If it had been beckoning to me to purchase, it must be a reason. My spiritual team never steers me wrong. I wound up purchasing one of the waters from the book that I found at Whole Foods for a great price. I had been experiencing back spasms for about a year now which can be quite uncomfortable at night. I've been drinking it for 3 days now and to my more back pain! I believe it is dissipating!! And my skin is glowing! Not only does this book deserve all 5 stars, I plan to buy the water for my Mom and see how it does for her. I will also be working my way down the list of items suggested in this book. Thank you, Master Gibson. You have amazed me yet again.

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