
Rare Waters Rare Herbs E-Book

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Rare Waters Rare Herbs E-Book


All medicines need water in order to work and the body is made up of more 70% water. However, not all herbs are created equal. Furthermore, not all waters are created equal. Some herbs have the ppower to regenerate the physical, sexual, emotional, and spiritual powers of the body. Some waters are reputed to have a soul and the ability to heal many different types of illness. We are not told about these products as a general rule and even today, most healers do not know of the water with a soul, among others. Rare herbs will help you expand your database of information and understanding about what is possible in the herb world.


In this new book, we will give you the names of dozens of powerful herbs and waters that will astound you with their power.  Many of them will be unfamiliar to you but their ability to help you and your friends will be astounding. These products are as rare as they are powerful. I have researched and presented the most powerful of these products for overall safety, efficacy, and availability. Many of us instinctively seek out natural products while ill because our ancestral memory tells us to do so.


There are waters that derive from ancient sources that exist hundreds of feet underground. There are ancient healing herbs in many of the forests and high arctic plateaus of the world that are said to hold the secret to long life and rejuvenation. Some of these herbs and waters act in combination to rebuild the body and mind.


Price: $200.00

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2 Reviews

  • 5

    A Treasure

    Posted by L.F. on Oct 8th 2022

    I love herbs so I was really excited to get this and even more excited when I began to read. It holds so many gems. I'm grateful for the descriptions, references, and breakdowns that make this book an easy read. A must-have and very happy with the purchase. Thank you!

  • 5


    Posted by LOVEISALL on Sep 14th 2020

    Learned alot and told others. Must Have!

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