
The 87th Book of Power Preventing Chaos and Procrastination - E-Book

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The 87th Book of Power Preventing Chaos and Procrastination


Preventing Chaos and Procrastination was written as the 87th book of power though which a normal mortal could eradicate the hold of stress and chaos on life.  This book is written in the forms of a series of progressively powerful spells that work on the conscious and subconscious mind.  The God Thoth worked with many ancient multidimensional races that shared advanced technology and magic. The Soris is an extremely advanced race from a distant dimension of space-time that once lived as humans do today. They learned to conquer the ravaging effects of their deep subconscious energies and used this advancement to move out into the higher realms. 

You may scan this book at your leisure. Each spell works automatically to cleanse you of the need to create chaos in your life and to procrastinate.  When you feel chaos forming around you, scan the spells and the energies forming the chaos will dissipate through the power of the God. There are a number of spells in this book. You will be drawn to some more than others.  Use them as you will and watch yourself evolve.


Each of the spells is equipped with special star based scripts that will change your programming with each use.  You will find it more and more difficult to procrastinate and to tolerate chaos in your life.  The change will happen quickly for some and more slowly for others, but it will occur.

Dr. Mitchell Gibson


Price: $19.95

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43 Reviews

  • 5

    'He presents them in packages you think you can afford'! S.R

    Posted by Marcus on Jul 3rd 2017

    That unseen enemy, between knowing what should be done, not doing, ' AND' being ok with it. Normalising it. This (for me amongst other things) highlights that. Makes it tangible. A thing to confront should you choose. I suspect this helps bring you to the beginning of where the hard work begins. But first you have to see it........ then you have a choice. A motivating lightening & enlightening product. The 'Soris' lived as humans??? Thank you Master

  • 5

    Use it everyday

    Posted by Unknown on May 29th 2017

    I use it everyday. It is so beautiful to look at, along with having the benefits described. Very easy to use.

  • 5

    Moving forward in new ways

    Posted by Jacqui Johnson on May 2nd 2017

    I am very thankful for this magical product.I have scanned this several times since my purchase and I feel myself focusing and centering to get more things done.Completion of I come! Master Gibson and your teams are miracle makers. I love you and thank you. Aloha love sparkles and radiant light twinkles to everyone!

  • 5

    Book is excellent

    Posted by Ron Pettis on Mar 26th 2017

    As I began to use the book I felt the energy from the book and I have noticed that I do not procrastinate as much as I did before. I am to focus easier to do what needs to be done

  • 5

    Confirmation from the Universe/Celestial beings

    Posted by Mike Kerali on Mar 12th 2017

    On the 10 of March, 2017, I was on an early morning flight from Amsterdam to East Africa. After a while I turned on my iPad and thought it was a wonderfull moment to do my scanning of the 87th Book of Thoth purchased only some days ago. Nearly toward the end of the Book, my eyes turned to the tv-flight information only to notice that we were over-flying Egypt on the Western side of the Great River Nile bank. What a feeling to behold!

  • 5

    It does what is says

    Posted by Pronob Roy on Mar 10th 2017

    An excellent book for taking the energy of chaos out of ones life. I felt lighter every time I did the practice. Great tool to have and would recommend it to every one.

  • 5

    Ancient Blessings

    Posted by Unknown on Mar 8th 2017

    Wow! I am beginning to complete some of my task that I had been putting off. Gradually I am coming around to getting things done. With more patience and focus... Astounding to say the least! and I have Natural flowing, positive Engery to do it.

  • 5


    Posted by A member of The Tybro Power Group on Mar 6th 2017

    This again is one of The Master's tools you must have. I got my 87th Book Power the first day it was release. I will shared my first experience with this powerful tool. The next day after I purchase the book while on my way to work, I develop a serious pain on the left side of my chest, it was a pain like I over stretched or pull something out of place. After being at work for a couple the pain did decrease, my mind guided me to my phone and I started to scan the 87th Book of power, by the time I got to the end the begin to decrease, a few minutes later I scan the book again, by the end of the book the was gone and has not return thus far. I'm scanning the book in the morning before my daily meditation , in the afternoon and at night before bed . I definitely notice a change in my approach to my daily events, the handling of people and things in my life. This is a must have tool. Thank you Master Father again!!!!!!.....Peace

  • 5


    Posted by Khayr Love on Mar 6th 2017

    I've been struggling . . . excuse me, let me stop lying. I've been BATTLING with the "P" word for AT LEAST 25 years. After the 2nd scan I felt like I finally had a weapon to combat my arch nemesis. And then the "WHOA" started happening. Like, "Did I just get all that done in just a few minutes and I ACTUALLY FELT LIKE doing it?" This is my new favorite. Before sleep is making things even "DREMIER" (if that's even possible) than before. I'm feeling "AMBITIOUS" about some things. These books I need to write, their surfacing. Thanks you Masters. I humbly bow.

  • 4

    Getting more centered and charging ahead

    Posted by Jozsef Bencze on Mar 5th 2017

    It feels good to scan the pages and definitely feeling more centered. I am also having more clarity what to take care of. The effect feels a bit like the Self Confidence cd. Thank you Father

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