The Frequency of the Mountain of Gold Attunement
The Frequency of the Mountain of Gold Attunement a powerful audio attunement to help you access your own inner abundance. The attunement contains a frequency which aligns with the energy of a mountain full of gold, hidden deep within our consciousness. As you listen to this captivating frequency, it will resonate through your body and soul, connecting you to the infinite wisdom stored in this mountain and inspiring your creativity.
This attunement helps open up energetic pathways that bridge our inner world with the external; linking us to the mythic energy of abundance and prosperity. As you tune into these frequencies, your awareness expands and clarity is gained - taking you on an empowering journey as you explore how to create balance between material and spiritual wealth. This ancient wisdom can be of immense benefit for those seeking clarity in their money-mindset and harnessing the power within their own life force.
The Frequency of the Mountain of Gold Attunement frees up blocked energy, giving you the chance to reset any lower vibrations stored in your aura when accessing financial wealth. This powerful tool can significantly raise your vibration while understanding how prosperity works in universal law, including karma and fate. By tapping in to this ancient frequency of abundance, it’s possible to clear limitations around access resources so that we can achieve greater success over time.
Note: This audio has ultrasonic frequencies imbedded into it that may not able to be heard by the human ear. Be careful not to damage your ears with the tone by playing it at too high a volume, especially while listening with headphones.
Price: $299.95
3 Reviews
Absolute Delight
I love all Jade Emperor products, which are gifts offered to humanity by Jade Emperor through Master Gibson. I played this audio almost 24 hours from the point of purchase. The description of the product informs that it clears lower level energies from the aura. I appreciate this joyful clearing. Thank you Jade Emperor. I love you.
Peaceful & Transcendent
This audio is one of my all time favourites, I always find myself putting it on as it brings me such peace almost instantly. The music is so soothing to listen too, it makes so simple to fall into a meditative state - I am so glad I came across this audio. If you’re looking to invest further into your spiritual journey, for me this is an amazing tool and you’ll find yourself putting this on repeat! Thank you to Master Gibson and Acharya for creating this beautiful product, and of course to The Jade Emperor himself for blessing us with such incredible gifts.
Jade Emperor
Blessing to the Jade emperor. I completed my ritual from the Jade Emperor webinar I closed my eyes and saw a golden mountain that transformed into a samurai head guiding me towards this audio. The only way to explain this audio is like you’re flying. Thank you to the masters, and the president himself the Jade Emperor.