
The Jade Emperor Order of The Four Royal Stars Qudrat Spells - E-Book

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The Jade Emperor Order of The Four Royal Stars Qudrat Spells

In astrology, the Royal Stars of Persia are Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut. They were regarded as the guardians of the sky in approximately 3000 BCE during the time of the Ancient Persians in the area of modern-day Iran.
The Persians believed that the sky was divided into four districts with each district being guarded by one of the four Royal Stars. The stars were believed to hold both good and evil power and the Persians looked upon them for guidance in scientific calculations of the sky, such as the calendar and lunar/solar cycles, and for predictions about the future.
Although there is mention of the Royal Stars influencing the ancient Egyptians in roughly 5,000 BCE, they were noted when the ancient Persian prophet Zarathustra mentioned them in the Bundahishn, the collection of Zoroastrian cosmogony and cosmology, in approximately 1,500 BCE.
The Persians considered these stars to be the four guardians of the heavens. They marked the seasonal changes and marked the equinoxes and solstices.
Aldebaran watched the Eastern sky and was the dominant star in the Taurus constellation, Regulus watched the North and was the dominant star in the Leo constellation, Antares watched the West and was the alpha star in Scorpio, and Fomalhaut watched the Southern sky and was the brightest star in Piscis Austrinus (sharing the same longitude with the star Sadalmelik which is the predominant star in Aquarius).
Aldebaran marked the vernal equinox and Antares marked the autumnal equinox, while Regulus marked the Summer Solstice and Fomalhaut the Winter Solstice. While watching the sky, the dominant star would appear in its season, each having a time of the year when most noticeable. Regulus was seen as the main star because it was in the constellation of Leo, giving it the power of the lion, signifying the strength of kings with large implications.
The constellations of the Royal Stars were said to be fixed because their positions were close to the four fixed points of the sun's path. The sun was then surrounded by four bright stars at the beginning of every season. From this observation, individuals began to denote them the Royal Stars.
The Four Royal Stars control the destiny and fate of every man, woman, and child on earth.  The Four Royal Guardians formulate the fate of all and report their work directly to the Jade Emperor and The Jade Empress.  All karmic choices and destinies are then placed inside the Actus region of the soul at birth. 
Good karma is bestowed and released as a blessing for good decisions, actions, and thoughts from the individual, parents, and ancestors.  Negative karma is bestowed and released as a punishment for bad decisions, actions, and thoughts from the individual, parents, and ancestors. 
The Four Royal Stars, and The Jade Emperor and Empress deliberate and debate every decision related to karma both good and bad for every living creature in existence.  The Jade Court leans heavily on the recommendations made by the Four Royal Stars.  Each star decides the fate of specific types of karma for each of us.
The Order of The Four Royal Stars was formed by the intelligence of the royal stars of the sky over two million years ago. Their sole purpose is to help mankind evolve and prosper.  They work extensively with the Royal Court of The Jade Palace in order to help us learn to assuage our negative karma and heighten our positive karmic forces.  This Order implanted the idea of kings, rulers, wealth, family, and enlightenment in the human subconscious. They also work extensively to help us evolve beyond destructive and impulsive urges that cause us to destroy ourselves and others.  The following spiritual formulas are keyed to deep forces that were buried within the human subconscious long ago.  Each force is tied to a particular royal star.  Each force either enhances, weakens, or eradicates a particular kind of influence mediated by that star.  The formulas work on you and are intelligent. 
They are carried into your soul by the angels and they remain until their work is done.  When you look at each formula, a different type of higher celestial mechanics begins to work on your spiritual and physical DNA.  You don’t need to think about the work that needs to be done, any more than you need to think about how to circulate the blood in your body.  The angels will take the formulas, apply them to your soul forces, and do all the work for you.
Your part in the process is important.  You only need to acquire the work lawfully and use it as directed on a regular basis.  Spiritual, moral, and emotional development is an important aspect of wealth, maturity, and power in the world.  The Royal Court and the Royal Stars assess your soul on a regular basis. They are on the lookout for the development of certain higher forces. 
An important breed of these forces is contained here.   Let the forces help you rise in life.  Let them make you better.  Wealth, power, and health follow those that do this work.
During special periods of time, the gods work together in order to spread their blessings over special populations. The power of one god/goddess is tremendous, but when two or more celestial beings work together to create a spell, ritual, or blessing, they are called Qudrat Spells. The power of a Qudrat Spell is hundreds of times more potent than any spell of an individual deity.
The Jade Emperor Order of the Four Royal Stars Qudrat Spell period will draw to a close as the new moon rises. We will not sell this item any longer once this period of power ends. Those who have purchased this item will be able to continue to tap into the blessings of these spells.

This item will no longer be available after December 18th, 2022 at 11:59pm.

Price $399.95
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