The Order of the Red Dragon

The Order of the Red Dragon Elder Healing Scroll

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The Order of the Red Dragon Elder Healing Scroll


The Order of the Red Dragon is the oldest spiritual organization in in the world. Its mission is to guard the evolution and healing of mankind and all sentient races. Part of their charter mission, is to protect and empower all the magic used in our domain. Part of this charter was the creation of the elder scrolls. There were 6 different types of elder scrolls: healing, magical empowerment, protection from darkness, consciousness evolution, growth of the light body, and physical mastery.



For the first time, we offer handwritten elder scrolls dedicated to the process of healing. The elder scrolls are unique healing tools in that the magic of the scripts, embedded in the scrolls, absorbs the offending entity and pathogens causing disease. The user focuses on the disease at hand and places the scroll on the affected part of the body. The magic of the scroll absorbs that darkness causing disease. No invocation or spells are necessary in that the scroll is the spell and its charge is permanent and does not diminish with use. Each scroll was charged with the power of a hidden celestial phenomenon, which is known only to the members of the order.


Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson


Price: $1200 

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1 Review

  • 5

    Extremely Powerful!

    Posted by Doreatha on Jul 28th 2021

    This item came wonderfully packaged reminding me of how precious it is. I could feel the power in my hand. I immediately put it on knee where I can see some slithering entity that kept reappearing and causing the knee pain almost daily several hours after I cleansed myself. The pain dissolved immediately. I put it one my heart and felt the calm, warm power radiate throughout my body, relaxing me. The next day I woke up and walked easily into the kitchen without realizing that I didn't have any knee pain and laughed in joy once I remembered. I look forward to using this on clients too. Thank You Masters for this wonderful gift!

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