
Ancestors The Primal Invocation

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Recent scientific research has pointed to very startling conclusions about our DNA heritage. There is some scientific evidence that we actually carry the memories of our ancestors with us in our genetic code. The theory was especially popular in the 1960s and 70s, when scientists were just beginning to unravel the mysteries of the double helix. Our DNA determines our physical appearance, the reasoning goes, and our predispositions to various illnesses, and plays a role in our general disposition and skill set. All of that has been passed down to us through countless generations. Science has shown that some of the memories and behaviors that you have originated in ancestors that lived up to ten generations ago. Furthermore, more than 90% of your DNA has no known purpose, and may simply be ancestral memory carried forward by your parents.
The Primal Invocation is a series of specially crafted sounds that are designed to help you get in touch with your ancient self.  The Cherokee Bear Dance was designed to empower and awaken sleeping energies inside warriors.  The African Tribal Ancestral Dance was performed by many tribes as a way of awakening and connecting with the power of our ancestors.  The Desert Tribal Dances connected us with our ancestors who were none other than the gods themselves.  The thunderous March of The Gods is an ancient percussion piece that is designed to help bring us in touch with our sleeping divine genes.  All of these pieces and more are included in this work.
You will find yourself moving, singing, and dancing as you hear this work.  Remember is it not only you that is singing, but the energy and memories of your ancient loved ones awakening to these rhythms. Play this for them from time to time during your altar work.
This selection is free to all who wish to download it.  It is our way of honoring all those who went before us, and are still with us.  We are the children of those that dared to live and bring us forth. Our gift to those who loved us before.
Price: FREE
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55 Reviews

  • 5


    Posted by John on Jul 16th 2024

    I felt protected, understood, wanted, healed, and delivered. I have done many wrongs in my past. I ask the Gods to forgive me, cleanse me , and help me to live out my divine purpose. Thank you once again!!

  • 5


    Posted by Ancestors Primal Invocation on Jan 4th 2024

    I'd like to say, I had a really good run because of this audio. I'm always on the hunt for new audios from Master Gibson and this is one I can't see myself going without. I am recently running for a half marathon and never thought this is something I'd be able to use to push myself to greater heights and times. I connected extremely deeply with the energies invoked and was able to feel a sense of connectedness I've never felt before while on the run. I'm happy for this audio thank you again

  • 5

    I feel fearless

    Posted by Lee Ann on Nov 25th 2023

    I love this audio. The music is beautiful. It fills me with strength and makes me feel fearless and invincible.

  • 4

    This audio got me emotional

    Posted by Evans on Jun 10th 2023

    As the other comments expressed, I too found myself dancing then just a sense of stillness during the transitions that made me really connect with the ancestors that came before me, goosebumps followed suit as well. I'm grateful

  • 4

    Ancestors the primal invocation

    Posted by Duduzile Masuku on Apr 25th 2023

    I found myself dancing to this invocation as I was offering it at my altar. I absolutely love it! Thanks Masters

  • 4

    Ancestors the primal invocation

    Posted by Duduzile Masuku on Apr 25th 2023

    I found myself dancing to this invocation as I was offering it at my altar. I absolutely love it! Thanks Masters

  • 5

    Spiritual/Tribal Connection

    Posted by Seth Goss on Mar 1st 2023

    I love playing this invocation for my ancestors. I feel such an immense connection between myself, my ancestors and the tribal chanting, sounds and music going on. I really feel my native american lineage coming through so strong with this as well. It's hard not to dance and groove along as I play it for them and trust me, when that urge comes I don't hold back. Thank you Masters and Tybro for this wonderful gift. Much love and gratitude.

  • 5


    Posted by Melody Edwards on Feb 21st 2023

    This is so powerful for me. I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and it has been challenging. The moment I played this I felt like a warrior. There is no fear. I could feel all my benevolent ancestors surrounding me. It felt as though they were lined up on every side. I was going into battle yet not afraid. After I felt such a feeling of peace and comfort. I felt like I had come home. This will be part of my daily vibe. Thank you so much for this!

  • 5

    A simple yet profound way to connect and honor all ancestors.

    Posted by Clifford Mehtab Akal Singh Lindor on Feb 13th 2023

    This Audio has become a staple for my ancestors and I. During Ancestral worship days I will often grab an old phone and keep this playing on loop for the week or 40 days minimum. We all have ancestral lineage thats thousands of years and people deep. There's one language that is universal and that is the divine sound current. Certain Songs, Chants and Invocations just have a way of speaking beyond words if any and just soothes the soul. This Audio blend of primordial sounds speaks to me deeply and Last Oct-Nov I played on repeat for 40days and have met more Ancestors in the dream state. Some I listen to their words, some we eat others we sing and dance. Ultimately I wake up feeling more whole, peaceful and content which is truly a priceless gift. So thank you MASTERS for this Gift for both my ancestors and I as it will be a tool that will be a staple in my journey. It's currently playing on my old phone atop my Elysium radiator 4x4. For anyone seeking a way to connect to the energy of their ancestors especially if you don't have any connection. Start playing this audio. Especially as part of meditation after a yoga session and just be open to what information comes to you after or over the course of the lunar cycle. The energy my ancestors love when I play for them as I feel it erects a pillar of light from which they are able to draw upon like an offering. Truly a Priceless Gift Thank You

  • 5

    Primal invocation

    Posted by Bk on Dec 22nd 2022

    The product works, but just like anything worth having, you must be consistent with it. With this product I was able to hug my granddaddy in the dream state.

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