
Rare Latin Magical Incantations Book

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Rare Latin Magical Incantations Book


Incantations fall within the domain of the conscious aspect of the language mediated particle generating force. When we speak, our words collapse the potential forces of reality into things. Some of these creations are visible. Some of these creations are invisible. Over time, all of these creations are affected by emotion, thought, other creations, and a host of magical laws that will either sustain their reality or cause them to disappear altogether.


When we use magical incantations, we are in effect imposing very special forces upon the fabric of reality. Beyond the power  of speech of creation, magical incantations have the power to rewrite the code of this fabric. Remember, all realities are woven within the potential fabric of space. Most of these potential realities never see the light of day. Most of them die on the vine. Magical incantations give these unlikely new life realities and bring them into full view of the participant creator.


This book is a compilation of the most powerful Latin incantations that I have ever known.  These incantations, spells, and invocations were my introduction to the world of magic in this lifetime.  I share them with you, my followers, as a window into what has up to this point been a very private world.


The Chapters, Introduction, The Elemental Incantations, Invocations of the Holy Light, Invocations of the Light of the Holy Names of God, Rare Empowerment Invocations, Protective Incantations, Rare Latin Healing Invocations, Rare Latin Invocations of the Major Gods, Complex Latin Invocations.


Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson


Price: $200

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15 Reviews

  • 5

    Another amazing tool

    Posted by Mark Duncan on Feb 7th 2019 I have been attracted to magic since I was 5 years old. Had a telekinetic experience twice.....once at martial arts class when I was 7, I literally pushed my older brother down without touching him. He said, "what did you just do, I felt something push me and you didn't touch me physically". The second was 6th grade, I pointed at my teacher Mr. Forensic's graded papers after he finished talking to me about my behavior, and made one of his papers fly in the air just by pointing at the stack...I knew then that i was destined to be magical. This book is key. Learn it. Master it. It works period. I protect myself everyday with it. Thanks Master Gibson. I recommend this to anyone who wants to wake up their sleeping power.

  • 5

    Another Jewel by my Beloved Guide Michael Djanthi

    Posted by AnkhRaMses on Feb 4th 2019

    After purchasing the Ganesha Medallion, the Invocation of Heaven, and the Abraxax Medallion, the Latin Invocations fits in with a string of synchronicities that I can't put into words. I thank you Master, while still feeling that Thanking you is not enough.... I love you, I'm sorry , please forgive me, Thank you!

  • 5

    I’m in love!

    Posted by Kelvon on Dec 7th 2018

    I pick this book up everyday since the day I’ve received. This is one of my first tools that I purchased and didn’t work on my first try which is exciting for me because now I have something to challenge me. Working with the Latin pronunciations of the words have been fun also. There are some amazing incantations in here to help with almost anything. I was amazed at some of the ways incantations can change time, space and reality. I believe this book is a must have from the Tybro collection.

  • 5

    Packed Full of Golden Nuggets

    Posted by Michael Phoenix on Apr 19th 2018

    A well laid out conceptual frame along with a great sampling of potent incantations across a diverse array of uses.

  • 5

    First things first

    Posted by Michael Phoenix on Apr 24th 2017

    A must have for any young wizard seeking to establish a skill set in the fundamentals of magic.

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