7 Reviews
The Book of Leaves E Book version
It’s a very simple tablet to look at.
I was extremely delighted and over joyed when I was finally able to purchase this wonderful e-book, I told myself I would purchase it when it was on sale, luckily I didn't have to wait to long for that to happen, much appreciations to tybro for that one. The books of leaves oh boy where should I began, first off If you are serious about your spiritual growth this e-book is a must, I cannot stress that enough. Expanding on the fact of being serious about your spiritual growth this book will download the energies of enlightenment, immortality, divine power, alchemy and god knows what else. All the energies that you would be interested in if you are serious about your own growth as a soul. My personal experience with this text is absolutely lovely, the change in consciousness is quite profound and beautiful. My only advice is that know it really works, just be patient, what you are asking for requires much work and time, good luck out there ;)
Very easy to use
Extremely effective, I use this every day, thank you masters!
book of leaves
Absolutely Love it! My go to everyday, to escape stress and difficulties. Very simple, quick and easy to use......the simplicity is truly lengthy boring commitment required......literally 5-10m per day and your good to go. Only wish now to purchase the larger version........everyone should start with and enjoy the E version.......very genius in its presentation and very powerful spiritually melting away stress and negativity.....Namaste
Thank very much Masters!
The Book of Leaves E-Book version is my daily warm-up and very powerful. Before I start my day with any breathing exercises, meditation, and practicing with my other powerful Tablets & Spells “ The Book of Leaves” gets me in the right state of mind. The codes/ images seem like doing different type of dance each time I look at them. Since it’s only been 2 weeks and I definitely looking forward to see new upgrades in my spiritual journey, daily life and beyond. Thanks a lot Masters for making those tools available for advanced Souls like myself, Ludwight
Book of Leaves E-Book
The e-book Book of Leaves! First when you view this work the conscious mind try to grasp the unusual images on the screen. What is it? You keep looking...onto the next page! The stranger it gets! I have been benefiting from Tybro tools for years! This e-book interfaces with my consciousness in way that when scanned swells the energies in the head centers and body as well. I beleive it also enables one with greater capacity to use blessed items and medallions! My solar practices and blinking sun are also more empowered! The upgrades are massive... words do not suffice! Very happy I took the leap! Imagine owning the larger version of this gem by Father Djanthi Thoth! The light of my soul shines in himble gratitude!
Thank you!
I've been wanting this one for a long time. Who knew it would be made into an E-book. Gratitude, Masters. I hear it's all the rave and I plan on singing its praises as well! Thank you.