The Gods of Light
The very first question that a newly transitioned soul is asked by the Gods is simple: “Who(m) do you serve?”
Most people will say one of two things. One: “I have no idea what you are talking about!” Those individuals are swiftly sent back to earth.
Two. I serve no one. “I am my own Master.”
If you have not created a sustainable world with dwellings for yourself and your followers, you will be sent swiftly back to the earth domain. Worlds that are sustained by your thoughts and emotion will wither as you die.
Some people will mention the god of their faith i.e., Jesus, Buddha, Moses, etc. but they will have no real idea of how to connect with the entity except through prayer or visualization. It is a bit like being asked for your passport when trying to enter into a country and not having one. Reciting the pledge of allegiance won’t get you past the guard. Do you think moving from a lower world to a higher world would be any easier?”
A passport is a sign of allegiance to a particular country and its rulers. Traveling in this world without one is very difficult. Moving from the lower worlds to the higher worlds is very difficult without being able to show your allegiance and devotion to one of the Gods of Light.
Each of the Gods of Light has created worlds that are sustained by their power. I have seen many of these worlds and they are beautiful beyond belief. However, most humans will not be afforded the luxury of living on a higher world because they have never really worked on devoting themselves to one of the Gods of Light.
Mostly, they don’t even know who they are.
In this very important work, we will give the details of how you devote yourself to a god/goddess of light. We will also provide you with details of their names, domains, and most important prayers, invocations, and practices.
With this information, you will be able to describe your service to The Gods of Light when faced with this important question. You will be able to contact the god and form an important bond that will carry you forward with accelerated speed in your spiritual, emotional, and evolutionary growth. My devotion and service to My Lord Thoth has been the impetus for my accelerated growth on this world. You will now have the ability to form similar relationship with the god/goddess of your choice.
*Advanced text orders typically take 1-2 weeks to arrive, as they are ordered on demand*
4 Reviews
I've had this tablet for about a week and I'm already noticing its effects. After working with a few gods mentioned in the book, my dream recall has significantly improved already. I remembered about eight different dreams just last night. This practice is specifically connected to certain gods that enhance this ability. Not to mention the other benefits that you will need to read to see. I’m excited to start using my Gods of Light Pendulum alongside it to amplify the energy even more.
Words may fall short to express the gratitude I have for Master Gibson and Acharya Gibson. They have brought to my awareness amazing spiritual teachings which are deeper than anyone else teaches. I purchased this amazing Spiritual tool tablet and although I was familiar with Gods of Light by attending the webinar by Master. The Gods listed in this tablet are so easily approachable by the sigils listed and only literally a few minutes invested in each sigil for specific purpose is all one has to do............simply looking at following the instructions. Like any authentic relationship, the commitment, trust, allocation of time, humility are all part of having a healthy relationship. Initially I worked with various Gods and then I finally started working with one specific God and I honestly feel that it did not take any time (felt instant) for the beautiful God to start helping me with my requests. I have experienced a variety of changes (for the better) which I am totally convinced is due to the generosity of the God, I chose to work with. Where in the world do we get such huge rewards for such little investment of time. In the world one works for a duration before seeing a "pay cheque". With these tools....the answer to the request is much quicker and most of the time much better than what one may have anticipated. The amazing thing is simply holding the Tablet just like any other tools offered by Masters........the feeling of calmness, assurance and being nurtured is felt very deep within the heart. I am very grateful to Master Gibson and to all the Gods and Angles who have through Master's continuous efforts bestowed the blessings of these tools upon all those who are ready to benefit from them. Based upon our own investment of "Trust" "expectation" a God may manifest even in a "river pebble" ..... Thank you Masters
Gods of Light
I would first like to extend commendations to Tybro as a company, for the care and compassion they express towards their followers. I am also pleased with the quality as well as quantity of information they share. In review of the Gods of Light, I am very happy with my purchase. The tablet is filled with knowledge that I am now being introduced to. I am not new to my spiritual journey,but I am also not an elder, but that being said, I feel as if this tablet supercharged my momentum. The first couple of minutes of just looking at the cover when it arrived, I could literally feel my shoulders get lighter. The words read very easy, and sometimes it's like you can hear the Master's voice, and it's not unlike he's there. Since I just started reading the tablet, I can't review any application at this time, but I have had some gaps filled and dots connected, and I am motivated to see what unfolds. Thank you to the Masters and everyone at Tybro.
I decided that after becoming ordained by Master that I needed this tablet. Before actually receiving the tablet I was already connecting to the God of Light. This tablet is full of magic, I have been able to create many magical things and connect with light beings. I am no longer the same woman I was before I purchased this magical tablet. Thank you Master Gibson for blessing us with this tablet and sharing what was taught to you by higher powers. The Gods of Light tablet will truly change your life into a magical earthly journey.