
The Healing Spell Energy Battery

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  • The Healing Spell Energy Battery
  • The Healing Spell Energy Battery
  • The Healing Spell Energy Battery
  • The Healing Spell Energy Battery
  • The Healing Spell Energy Battery
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The Healing Spell Energy Battery 



This extremely powerful and versatile spiritual energy pendulum stores and amplifies the energy of any healing spell.  It draws and transmits energy from eleven dimensions of reality.  This battery draws energy from the largest known star in our reality, UY Scuti, a huge supergiant with a radius 1700 times that of our sun.  This star exists in many dimensions of our reality and the battery draws energy from the star, transmits it to your energy form, and uses it to empower a number of magical and spiritual processes in your successive forms. 
When used with the proper incantations, provided with the battery, you may store and transmit the power of up to 100 different healings spells to yourself or others at one time.  When laid upon the sigil of a healing spell, the battery may also greatly amplify the power of the spell.  This battery draws power from a supergiant star when in use and thus spares your body from being drained during healing work.  The aura of the battery also protects the healer from attack, drainage by energy parasites, and demonic forces.  The battery is also an excellent source of power for working on difficult chronic spiritual and magical conditions.  This battery is large and heavy and should not be shared with others.  Do not get it wet, wash it, or lie it on your skin.  The battery works well on its own but its power is greatly amplified when you use it with Rare Latin Incantations, Deep Magic, Healing Spells, and Accelerated Healing. 
The battery combines and accelerates the incantations, sigils, and spells within these texts and raises your healing power.  The more you use the battery, the stronger you will become. The limits are only defined by how much you wish to grow.
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2 Reviews

  • 5


    Posted by Sheila Sherpa on Mar 31st 2021

    Gorgeous! The energy is profound... Felt the power as it was on it's way to me and when I received the package in my hands I felt the energy through the package. It has good weight and very large. Beautiful piece. I'll be getting to work soon. Thank you so much & Many blessings.

  • 5


    Posted by Ankh Biggers on Sep 3rd 2020

    I was smiling uncontrollable the whole time I was opening the package. Got to the wrapping, got to the velvet bag, pulled out the chain pulled out the weight. And I was just admiring the look of it in my hand. Then as I was having a thought that I shouldn't remove the plastic wrapping from the weigh just yet, I could feel a noticeable vibration in my feet. Before I could completely switch my focus to it, it had rapidly moved to my buttocks and was moving to my back. I felt energy spike out my back and shoulders as it moved eyes and there was an explosion in my crown and I felt tears falling and could hear the tears hitting the velvet bag. It felt like beams of energy stream out the top of my head. Then my entire body started pulsating. Then my hand started feeling like someone was pouring ice cold water on them. When the energies subsided I wrote the experience down. And placed the pendulum on my altar. I'm still replaying that event in my head right now!

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