The Invocation of the Archangel Barakiel: The Archangel of Great Fortune
The Archangel Barakiel is the most powerful entity connected to changing one’s fortune for the better. This Archangel has legions of angels that serve under his domain. Each of his angels helps the human race to evolve and gain more of the fortune that belongs to us.
The Invocation of the Archangel Barakiel is given in the angelic language as well as English.
The invocation reads as follows:
Bring the power of the archangel barakiel to serve me
raise my power of light and bring me into greater gold and light
You may use this invocation to bring the energy of the Archangel to help you when you are in need. Remember, Archangels are pure energy and they may be in multiple places at one time. The more you invoke the energy, the more it will help you.
Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson
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46 Reviews
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Es ist wunderschöne Musik, die mich regelrecht verzaubert.
The Invocation of the Archangel Barakiel
What a lovely audio. I am hooked to the music. It makes me feel so great when listening to it!
The invocation of Archangel Barakiel is beautiful. It actually makes me want to watch a good movie. The music is so soothing and has a fantasy world feel to it. It is a dreamy experience to listen to it. It makes me happy and uplifted. In addition, listening to it reminds me that the wealth I seek in my life is already available to me. There are so many benefits I get from this audio. You can use it passively by simply listening or you can take more active approaches by incorporating it into your wealth rituals and learning the incantation. It's a wonderful way to add energy to your day. I listen to it daily and I especially enjoy playing it while I work. It helps me focus which helps my productivity which results in more income opportunities! The invocation has a very calming effect. If you have anxiety around the concept of wealth and making money perhaps you will try to mediate with this playing and visualize all the wealth and money you want and see if it helps dissolve those anxieties. I like how Tybro tools can be paired together. It gives great flexibility and allows our intuition to guide us through our magical ritual. We have the Archangel Barakiel generator as well and like to use the audio with it. Our home is always bathed in the currents of wealth thanks to this audio and the Barakiel generator to name a couple. Tybro tools such as these make magic so accessible and easy to implement in your life on a daily basis. I highly recommend this invocation.
Barakiel Invocation
Listening to this beautiful invocation while wearing AA Barakiel medallion and applying the teachings from the "NEW MEDALLION WEBINAR". One can begin the process of uplifting the wealth inflow. Thank you AA Barakiel, Thank you Master Gibson. A great gift for almost no cost.
Beautiful Angel with the energy of manifestation of matter
This angel has assisted me with achieving my dreams without the blockages of negative energy in my way. Thank you archangel barakiel. And tybro for the expansion .
This morning i played the invocation, i haven't listened to it for some time. It made me so tearful and i yearned for others say it engulfs you with this wonderful energy of love, peace and joy...thank you so much spirit just wants to go home....blessed are we <3
Amazing product
Upon listening to it for the first time, I found myself in a meditative state, and immediately saw flashes of many of my soul's past lives. The images did not last long but each vision faded away gently and replaced by another without any attachment to it. Thank you.
Prosperous gold energy
I haven’t Used it for that long but I have used it for one day and on my very first time I automatically Visualize myself in a high blue energy field with gold and silver and also fiat notes coming down on me. It was a wonderful experience.I will return to give more feedback once I use it for a consistent period of time Thanks
I have meditated with Archangel Barakiel invocation and have felt the divine presence engulf me which brought me to tears. I have also played it in the background while giving reverence to my ancestors and the feeling is just overwhelming in a good way. I feel extremely blessed to have found the Master's teachings and tools.
Soul connection
First time using this invocation I felt a power reach to the soul part. Very profound. This is a very beautiful composition of an invocation. Love it! Thanks Tybro