The Order of the Green Dragon Webinar
The Order of the Green Dragon is an ancient organization dedicated to its own evolution and growth. It is the greatest threat to human growth and enlightenment in the universe. The Order of the Red Dragon is devoted to man's growth and protection. Each aspect of the universe that we live in is shrouded in secrecy and protection for a reason. There are forces all around us that seek to kill, maim, enslave and subvert everything that we do.
Evil is not an adequate term for the forces that control your lives.
In this webinar, we will introduce you to the major players in the organization known as The Order of the Green Dragon. You will learn how it was formed, how it grew, and how it affects your life on a daily basis. In order to understand and defend yourselves properly, you need to know more about who you are fighting.
Hurricanes, earthquakes, disease, volcanoes, mass murder, war, drugs, gambling, slavery are only a few of the tools that this organization uses to subvert the human race. You need to know more about them. You need to know why they hate you.
Childhood is over. Join us for this very special webinar.
Dr. Gibson
Price: $99.95
Date: Wednesday, September 20th, 2017
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Registration Deadline: September 20th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time
8 Reviews
Extremely Enlightening!
I'm extremely fortunate that I didn't pass this webinar up. This had to be one of the most enlightening webinars I've seen. I've always wondered a few things about this world and this video cleared up at least 3 or 4 of them. With the Law of Polarity, one must know what dual energies exist to distinguish one from the other. Now I see in clear ways. Master Gibson, thanks so very much for this enlightening video. I can now say, I know what direction I'm going in and whom I want to spiritually be affiliated with. In the meantime, I'm rolling up my sleeves and continuing to strengthen myself spiritually. Thanks so much again.
Crucial information
To evolve I believe one must know what forces oppose you. Although some may say, "oh don't focus on that you're feeding in to it". No, you need to know who is at work against you and why. This will not only serve to reinforce your spiritual practice but give you more determination to stay on course. Thank you Masters for this webinar. Very much needed...
Thank you Masters for giving this vital information. Waking up is so sobering. To finally know where we are and to understand the true nature of the forces that are at work against us is Priceless. Everyone needs to know the truth to why it is so important to leave this place. As Master explained , We are in a bad part of the neighborhood. We Rise...
Excellent webinar! I always knew there were sinister things going on with planet Earth. So grateful for Master and Acharya's courageous efforts to inform the Tybro family and guide us as we evolve and ascend from this realm and how to protect ourselves against these sinister forces My sincere gratitude for this webinar.
Excellent webinar! I always knew there were sinister things going on with planet Earth. So grateful for Master and Acharya's courageous efforts to inform the Tybro family and guide us as we evolve and ascend from this realm and how to protect ourselves against these sinister forces My sincere gratitude for this webinar.
Better than expected!
Most amazing and much needed information to know who/what humanity is controlled by. To know your oppressor is half the wining. To get protection against is even better. Thank you for this wonderful seminar!
A Great reason to take spiritual evolution seriously
Explains who is against you and who is on your side. Didn't know such powers existed that are willing to fight against me and for me. Confirm strong forces behind you when tackling oppositional Earthly forces. I will evolve more seriously
Fantastic! The Masters are extremely courageous in their ongoing efforts to tell us the absolute truth about this world. This is a must for everyone. We have to look at everything with eyes wide open in order to free ourselves. This webinar answered many, many questions for me. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!