
Third Eye Training Glasses

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Third Eye Training Glasses


Imprinting is a special service we used to offer in past years. We have a machine that imbeds spiritual power and energy into an item or tool of choice. We have decided to bring back this service for a limited time. 


Clairvoyant imprinting will allow us to place a high-level energy frequencies into a device or tool of power. It is designed to enhance your ability to see the higher domains. It will allow you to have enhanced visions during meditation and to see spiritual forces. It will also enhance your ability to use the advanced texts.


The clairvoyant imprinting service is currently available to be placed into a pair of glasses. This is the first tool we offer to train and advance the development of your third eye and visionary potential. Visions of the high domains come most clearly with eyes closed during meditation. 


These glasses are imprinted with the following energy frequencies: 




General Ability Enhancement


When you wear them and meditate in silence (with eyes closed), the energy of your third eye and visionary system are bathed continually with these frequencies. Over time your third eye will absorb these energies and develop. You may use the clairvoyant energy recording to speed up the process. The glasses will draw visions into your consciousness and you will begin to experience clear energies from the higher domains in a visionary manner. 


Note: Please allow 2-3 weeks for the imprinting process to be completed. 



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6 Reviews

  • 5

    Consistent Experiences

    Posted by Damian DS on Sep 10th 2024

    These glasses have thus far given me consistent spiritual experiences every time I have have used them. My particular method has been lying flat on my black on the floor, arms at my sides, glasses on, with headphone playing the clairvoyant audio. Within 10 minutes I have been finding myself outside of my body or in a very vivid dream like scenario. To be honest, a lot of the experiences don't really make sense to me, such as me in a Game of Thrones like world lol. Very cool to have those experiences though to say the least. I have also found consistent use of these glasses has indeed been developing my third eye, as I find myself more lucid when I have naps and evening rest. At times after use, I find pressure a slight pressure in my head, but from the Masters radio show, I have learned that this is the grey matter growing in your brain and your consciousness actually expanding. Overall I am very happy to have this tool and utilize it for my growth. Thank you.

  • 5

    Third Eye glasses

    Posted by Rajkaur on Sep 16th 2023

    Thank you Masters for this amazing tool. I have had a intriguing interest in the Third eye and yet I also chose to be on the fence about exploring it. Finally with Grace of Gods I made a choice to invest in this product. I am looking forward to developing my senses and third eye with this amazing tool. Many thanks for your continuous outpour of tools and techniques to assist me and many to evolve and enhance this earthly journey. I bow at your lotus feet beautiful Masters. Thank you very very very much.

  • 5

    3rd eye glasses

    Posted by REGINALD BROWN on Jan 13th 2023

    I have been using these for a week now and I haven't felt anything in the conscious state but the wildest thing happened last Night. I put the glasses on in my dream state and astral projected to other dimensions and this clearly wasn't an ordinary dream. I play the clairvoyant audio at bedtime as well. But they have definitely worked just in the other state. Which is strange but ill take it. Just gotta stay consistent with it. So far so good.

  • 5

    Interesting Glasses

    Posted by Robbie Wilson on Sep 19th 2022

    This is only my first time using the glasses but I would say that I started to see specks of lights, and faces. There was a heavy, weird pressure in my third eye. I felt like it was being bathed over and over again with energies that was helping to awaken my third eye. If you have the Consciousness audio, use it. I think that is what magnified the experience.

  • 5

    Third Eye Training Goggles

    Posted by Jermaine Jackson on Sep 10th 2022

    First off I want to say I’m grateful for Master Mitchell and Master Acharya Gibson for all their products and the information they spread. I haven’t even begun to meditate with the Third Eye Training Goggles but I must say all I have done was put them on to make sure I put them together correctly and only a few seconds past by and I was already in such a peaceful meditative state in such a minute amount of time. Truly looking forward to working with the goggles and all other products the Masters have to offer! Get the goggles no need to second guess if you’re thinking about purchasing!

  • 5

    Amazing Spiritual Tool

    Posted by Ludwight Rigueur on Jul 21st 2022

    Wow - I’ve just received my Third Eye Training Glasses today. I usually wait after work to use my Spiritual tools but I had 90 minutes break. So I decided to test out my new Third Eye Training Glasses for one hour while listening to my clairvoyant energy recording. What an amazing experience to see many different worlds, cities, dimensions so clear. It also, got to a point where I felt so much pressure inside my head and part of me wanted to stop but my Higher-Self and Avatar-Self told me to hang on because it’s part of the process to re-waken, re-program and upgrade my third eye. Another part of me called upon Lord Ganesha, the Angels of Sanctification 8.0 Medallion, Archangel Barakiel to assist me with that pressure. Then I became much calmer till the end of the full hour. I felt Master Gibson’s presence as well. Someone shook my feet to let me know that everything is alright and welcome back to the next level. At the end of my session I felt amazing and I’ll look forward to the upcoming couple days, weeks for new experiences. Now I have the most important tools for my third eye development with the combination of: OCULUS THIRD EYE MASTERY - The Third Eye Astral Body Attunement Audio Download, clairvoyant energy recording, and now the Third Eye Training Glasses are all excellent tools to help me reach my highest potential beyond my wildest dreams. I highly recommend to get those Spiritual tools soon as possible and you’ll get to experience amazing results and beyond… Thank you very much Master Mitchell and Kathy Gibson. As well the Tybro family for bringing us the necessary tools for our Spiritual growth. All the best to you all, Ludwight

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