
Your Astral Projection Body - E-Book

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Your Astral Projection Body - E-Book 


Astral projection or astral travel refers to the experience of a person's conscious awareness leaving the physical body to observe the world from an independent and objective point of view. This is also referred to as an out-of-body experience (OBE). Mainstream science dismisses astral projection out of hand as being impossible according to the laws of physics as they are currently understood. It is relegated instead to flights of imagination, dreams, or hallucinations. Astral travel is often associated with meditation. Over the years, I have developed a number of methods for inducing this experience at will. Those methods are within the tools below.



The human body is a complex amalgamation of forms that exist in many realms.  We never profess to the reality of our many forms, other than to speak of dreams and visions from time to time. We are divine beings with forms that have supernatural potential.  We may use this potential or let it die with the end of each lifetime.  This book is designed to teach you the reality of the different realms of reality and how to move within them.  Read the text carefully.  This is a very ancient book and no one really knows who wrote it.  I find it to be one of the best of its kind.  You will find great power in these pages and if you apply the techniques, you will find the freedom of your many bodies. 


There are certain aspects of the astral dimension and the projection process that are very complicated- Much of it is misunderstood and it can all be very confusing at times. This series of articles attempts to shed a little light on the subject, and hopefully, explain what it's all about. The theories and conclusions in this Treatise are largely drawn from my own projection experience.


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16 Reviews

  • 5


    Posted by Melike on Mar 10th 2024

    Excellent thanks

  • 5


    Posted by Jonathan on Mar 4th 2023

    I absolutely love this e book, it is packed with knowledge unlike any other book I’ve read. It was beautifully written as a master piece.

  • 5

    Astral Projection E-Book

    Posted by Gavrielle on Jun 16th 2022

    First off, I can’t believe Master released such an incredible text for FREE. There is NO EXCUSE not to download and absorb this rich knowledge! I am fascinated by Astral Travel and know I have very high potential to experience it. This text provides such a great blue print and various ways to experiment with what works best for you. Personally, the rope technique resonates and is something I was able to grasp more easily. I still feel a bit intimidated by it and I know that’s my own block. I really enjoyed learning how to move the energy with each chakra and move up my body. I have paired that exercise while listening to the Chakra Cleansing and Empowerment audio. If you want to go even deeper, I definitely recommend the Enhanced Astral Travel Master Class available on Vimeo. Master provides incantations and certain herbs to eat and what foods to avoid. For example, Asparagus and Pork are considered detritus and is not encouraged to eat for at LEAST one week before Astral Travel. I feel much more confident and safer to attempt Astral Travel after learning from Master’s experience and teachings. I always ensure to have my protection with me at all times (including my Ordinis Draconis Medallion and dragon egg) to stay safe in the astral plane. Writing this review really encourages me to keep trying and focus because I know once I truly dedicate and put in the repetition – it will happen effortlessly. Thank you Master for sharing this with all of us!!!

  • 3

    Your astral projection

    Posted by Paula on Jun 15th 2022

    Great book so far . I have not experienced astral traveling yet . Plus I have not completed the book . Thank you, I will get back to reading this material

  • 5

    astral projection

    Posted by terry birchal birchall on Feb 17th 2022

    very interesting and detailed read

  • 5

    Subject review

    Posted by EB on Jun 4th 2021

    Highly recommend! Over 100 pages for free couldn’t complain!

  • 5

    Astral Travel

    Posted by Winston E Pitters on Jun 1st 2021

    Most excellent series, I would recommend it to all looking to astral project accurately.

  • 5

    Travel anywhere anytime

    Posted by Darin Johnson on Mar 11th 2021

    Worth the time and patience. You can experience new worlds. Open your doors to here and now.

  • 5


    Posted by Fidel Robinson on Oct 13th 2020


  • 5


    Posted by Fidel Robinson on Oct 13th 2020


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