Removing Attaching Spirits
The Master Edition
3 Reviews
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This book is a journey. It is adequate for the Shaman. Most important it has allowed me to understand more clearly the patterns in consciousness manifesting in the hidden mind. The subconscious evil that exists among relationships and ‘religions.’ What people may be seeking in the malevolent rituals that they perform or are receptive to. It’s helped me to feel less guilty about finding knowledge and any ‘power’ differential that is a result. Many people won’t believe you, but at least you are capable of living without conflict or confusion.
Every Tybro tablet is special in that the recipient receives the benefits the product is marketed to provide as well as unannounced gifts. This tablet is no different, another piece of the puzzle to our existence has been added to the board. We have learned new information on the operation of the spirit world, new entities, intelligent ways of interacting with some of them for our benefit, and of course techniques for removing stubborn entities that follow us across lifetimes. We learned that attaching spirits can attach to entire families and cause destruction financially and emotionally. Some spirits can take human form and have relationships with humans and procreate leading to “interesting” offspring; they can also break up relationships. One of these spirits scares demons, hmm.... what scares demons? Additionally, there is a good piece of history that magicians would find interesting. Lastly, we were gifted with tools that can remove ALL attaching spirits with very little effort. This is a must have tablet for healers and non-healers alike. We all have some of these spirits that enjoy our company. We are happy to part ways with our parasitical attaching spirits and move closer towards freedom. Thank you, Masters.
Full of information not found anywhere
This book and Doxagrad are must haves for any healers working with clients. This has information that I haven't come across anywhere and I'm only 1/3 of the way through. There is a sutra in there that reads like a story and man is it powerful and only needs to be read one time for a lifetime of protection. It honestly felt like the sutra does other things too because of the power I felt. Although it can be a little scary reading about these entities, I'd rather be aware and know how to protect myself against them. I haven't heard Master talk about many of these entities before. It's a wonderful adjunct to DADA and Doxagrad. The information in this book is priceless. Thanks again Master!