
Audio Downloads

Audio Downloads

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  • The Invocation of The Archangel Michael
The Archangel Michael is the most powerful of all the angels in the celestial world.  He is the Commander of the Celestial Host and is considered by many to be the right hand of the Creator.  The Archangel Michael is one of the most widely venerated beings in the universe.  In his many forms, he is able to protect and defend our reality from many threats that emanate from the domains outside our own. His job is wondrous. He may be invoked in times of need through the use of prayer and the celestial language.  This language is older and the universe and is very difficult to pronounce.  This recording uses a stirring thunderstorm and the words of the invocation given below in order to help you invoke his power.  You do not need to say the words out loud.  Allow your mind to speak the words internally as you listen to the powerful invocation.  If you feel that you want to cry, that is good…you have connected with the power of the Archangel.  You may use this invocation for comfort in times of stress, need, protection, or simply just to be near the Archangel.

O Michael,    o   u   h   v   n   o       e   i   v   o   x       d   r   p   o   h   a   h     c   e   u   o   l   n
n   t   a   h   e   c        d   a   r   r   p   o   r   d   u       t   a   h   e   c   d
m   n   h   e   u   n        x   u   n   h   u        g   u   v   i   l   r   u
h   e   n   l   v   n   e   n        c   o   u   t   o   u   o
p   u   d   d   u   n       O Michael


    The Invocation of The Archangel Michael

    The Invocation of The Archangel Michael      The Archangel Michael is the most powerful of all the angels in the celestial world.  He is the Commander of the Celestial Host and is considered by many to be the right hand of the...
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  •                                                                                            The Unconscious Mind Cleansing System

The unconscious is where most of the work of the mind gets done; it's the repository of automatic skills, the source of intuition and dreams, and an engine of information processing. Fleeting perceptions may register in the unconscious mind long before are aware of them.


The unconscious mind is not some black hole of unacceptable impulses waiting to trip you up, but it can be the source of hidden beliefs, fears, and attitudes that interfere with everyday life. Most forms of psychotherapy aim to bring into conscious awareness many of these hidden hindrances, so that we can examine them and choose how to deal with them.


The unconscious mind might be defined as that part of the mind which gives rise to a collection of mental phenomena that manifest in a person’s mind but which the person is not aware of at the time of their occurrence. These phenomena include unconscious feelings, unconscious or automatic skills, unnoticed perceptions, unconscious thoughts, unconscious habits and automatic reactions, complexes, hidden phobias and concealed desires.


The unconscious mind can be seen as the source of night dreams and automatic thoughts (those that appear without apparent cause). It can be seen as the repository of memories that have been forgotten but that may nevertheless be accessible to consciousness at some later time. It can be seen as the locus of implicit knowledge, i.e. all the things that we have learned so well that we do them without thinking. A familiar example of the operation of the unconscious is the phenomenon where one thinks about some problem, cannot find a solution but wakes up one morning with a new idea that unlocks the problem.


Neuroscience supports the proposition of the unconscious mind. For example, researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have found that fleeting images of fearful faces – images that appear and disappear so quickly that they escape conscious awareness – produce unconscious anxiety that can be detected in the brain with the latest neuroimaging machines. The conscious mind is hundreds of milliseconds behind the unconscious processes.


The Unconscious Mind Cleansing Virtual System works simply.  Look at the video or let it play in the background while you go on about your business.  The flames and the ambient sound within the system are programmed to clear the negative energies from your unconscious. The system does not challenge the inner processes of your mind and therefore it allows the cleansing to occur without interference from your conscious mind.  With regular use, you will sleep better, fight off addictive behaviors more easily, and evolve spiritually much more easily. We recommend using it once per week for one hour.

This is a Flash Drive Product.


Price: $99.95

    The Unconscious Mind Cleansing System

    The Unconscious Mind Cleansing System       The unconscious is where most of the work of the mind gets done; it's the repository of automatic skills, the source of intuition and dreams, and an engine of information processing. Fleeting...
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  •                                                           The Invocation for the Goddess Isis



The Goddess Isis is the feminine archetype for creation; She is the Goddess of fertility, motherhood, magic, harvest, dreams, divination, perspective, love, faithfulness, spirituality and destiny. She has gone by many names and played many roles in history and mythology - as Goddess and Female Creator. Over time, Isis had absorbed the attributes of all the great primitive Goddesses.

Her name literally means Queen of the Throne. Her original headdress was an empty throne chair belonging to her husband, Osiris. As the personification of the throne, she was an important source of the Pharaoh's power. The pharaoh was depicted as her child, who sat on the throne she provided.

Isis was venerated first in Egypt - the only goddess worshiped by all Egyptians alike, and whose influence was so widespread that she has become known as Queen of Heaven. The Goddess Isis spent time among Her people. She taught humankind the basic skills necessary to build civilizations. She has many gifts to share with modern women. The Goddess Isis embodies the strengths of the feminine, the capacity to feel deeply about relationships, the act of creation, and the source of sustenance and protection.


To call upon her is to receive the power, wisdom and compassion of one of the most worshipped deities of all time. This invocation will call her into your life. First build a relationship with her before asking for things. To encourage visionary dreams from Her, put some rose petals under your pillow before going to bed, and burn some myrrh or jasmine incense. Keep a dream diary handy, and write your down what you experienced. Remember She is a Goddess. Be Respectful. Here is the Invocation:





O Isis, Beautiful in All Thy Names,


I call Thee with the breath of my body,


I call Thee with the beat of my heart,


I call Thee with the pulse of my life,


I call Thee with the words of my mouth,


I call Thee with the thoughts of my mind.


I call Thee Power and Life and Creation.


I call Thee, Isis, Isis, Isis



This product is eligible for the Spring Sale until June 4, 2017. Please use code: CC108 to receive your discount.

Price: $9.95

    The Invocation for the Goddess Isis

    The Invocation for the Goddess Isis     The Goddess Isis is the feminine archetype for creation; She is the Goddess of fertility, motherhood, magic, harvest, dreams, divination, perspective, love, faithfulness, spirituality and destiny. She...
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  • The Hidden Power of Medallions

In this one of a kind seminar, The Master's discuss the amazing power of the medallions that Tybro has created. In this discussion, you will learn that certain mudra's can enhance the protective power of certain medallions. They can also help with Astral Travel. The angels that empower certain medallions can do work for you. Also, the beings inside the medallions can be invoked to appear in front of you. There are many secrets that are revealed during this 3 hour presentation. If you own one of these medallions this audio download should also be in your collection.

You can use the discount code: CC108 to receive your 20% off discount until December 31, 2016.

Price: $99.95

    The Hidden Power of Medallions

    The Hidden Power of Medallions   In this one of a kind seminar, The Master's discuss the amazing power of the medallions that Tybro has created. In this discussion, you will learn that certain mudra's can enhance the protective power of certain...
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  •                                  The Third Eye Astral Body Attunement
The third eye is the organ that we use everyday to see in dreams.  It is developed enough in most people so that they can see clearly in dreams, visions, and nightmares.  The third eye is shut down by the connection between the astral body and the physical body during the day.  This connecting circuit, the dream censor circuit, blocks incoming data from the astral body while the mind is awake in the physical world.  As a result, most people forget their dreams, visions, and nightmares upon waking.
The astral body functions while we are awake.  It continues to monitor dreams, visions, and nightmares, which also continue while we are awake.  The Third Eye Astral Body Attunement allows the astral senses and the physical senses to work well together so that the user can begin to see within the dream state more clearly.  Also, dreams and visions are enhanced while you are awake to that you can communicate with your astral self more easily. The attunement blocks out the energy of nightmares so that dreams and visions may be seen safely. When the third eye opens safely, you can use your astral vision with your physical eyes.  
Play the sound for one hour while you sleep and then turn it off.  The mind will do the rest of the work.  You may also play it during the day for further enhancement.  With time, your astral/clairvoyant vision will improve and open safely.
If you have the Third Eye Medallion, place it under your pillow while you sleep and it will enhance the function of the attunement.  You will see your ancestors, the gods, elementals, and me more clearly as you sleep.  I look forward to seeing you mature.
Price: $19.95

    The Third Eye Astral Body Attunement Audio Download

    The Third Eye Astral Body Attunement     The third eye is the organ that we use everyday to see in dreams.  It is developed enough in most people so that they can see clearly in dreams, visions, and nightmares.  The third eye is...
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  • The Invocation of the God Abraxax


Abraxax is the earliest known form of the God Djanthi Thoth. In Ancient Egypt, He was the Creator God and guided early man to higher civilization. Abraxax is the name given by early Gnostic Christians to denote the embodied Form of God. In the language of the Gnostics, God represents fullness. God is the source of all being and form. If a God were to materialize in the temporal world, we would have to give him a conceptual label and name. Gnostics gave this Label the name Abraxax.

Abraxax can provide us with a definition of God for the future. It will be as if Abraxax far from being a forgotten idea of the past was really a powerful and correct interpretation of God, waiting for the right moment to emerge and become more widely known again.

We met the God Abraxax about two years ago. We studied him and recently he revealed himself to Be one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods. He has helped us in many ways with our business, health, and manifesting money.

This invocation was spoken into existence by both Acharya and Myself. It combines the Spiritual Power of two Masters to invoke The God Abraxax into your life. The power that he brings is real. We have witnessed it. We hope you will try it for yourself.

Master and Acharya


Words spoken on Audio Recording


I invoke the eternal sun of the great Abraxax,

I let out myself from the evil of the fallen

I live by your eternal light.








    The Invocation of the God Abraxax

    The Invocation of the God Abraxax   Abraxax is the earliest known form of the God Djanthi Thoth. In Ancient Egypt, He was the Creator God and guided early man to higher civilization. Abraxax is the name given by early Gnostic Christians to denote...
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  •                  The Invocation of The Holy Shekinah

Although God is omnipresent, He has chosen to manifest His presence in certain locations and at certain times within history. This physical manifestation of God has come to be called the Shekinah.

The Holy Shekinah is the visible manifestation of the presence of God. It is the majestic presence or manifestation of God in which He descends to dwell among men. Whenever the invisible God becomes visible, and whenever the omnipresence of God is localized, this is the Holy Shekinah .  In the Old Testament, most of the visible manifestations took the form of light, fire, or cloud, or a combination of these. A new form appears in the New Testament: the Incarnate Word [John 1:14].

The concept of the Shekinah is behind the wonder of the incarnation.

This recording will bring the power of The Holy Shekinah into your life.  There will be a tangible incarnation of The Creator that will spread extra light and glory to you.  The invocation is spoken in a rare angelic tongue and is the first of its kind to enter into this world.








    The Holy Shekinah Invocation

    The Invocation of The Holy Shekinah   Although God is omnipresent, He has chosen to manifest His presence in certain locations and at certain times within history. This physical manifestation of God has come to be called the Shekinah. The Holy...
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  •               The Angels of Sanctification Enochian Invocation

The Angels of Sanctification are the most holy and powerful of all the angels.  They carry the presence of The Creator into all the worlds and they represent his name.  They are the Angels Suriel, Phanuel, Michael, Metatron, and Zagzagael.  These angels have the complete authority and power to protect the user from all harm, injury, and negative force.

Our Angels of Sanctification Medallion is designed to contain the power and force of these beings.  It is our best-selling medallion.  This invocation is designed to be used with the medallion as a tool to further invoke the power of these angels. 

You may simply play the invocation while wearing the medallion in order to more intimately invoke these great forces. You may also use the invocation as a stand-alone meditation. In either case, you will greatly increase the power of the presence of these angels. 

The recording contains the complete angelic invocation and the translation. This is the first time that the complete Angels of Sanctification Invocation has been released to the human world.


              The Angels of Sanctification Invocation (Enochian)







       The Angels of Sanctification Invocation (English Translation)

We invoke the power of the Angel Suriel, please protect us with your light

We invoke the power of the Angel Phanuel, please protect us with your light 

We invoke the power of the Angel Michael, please protect us with your light

We invoke the power of the Angel Metratron, please protect us with your light

We invoke the power of the Angel Zagzagael, please protect us with your light

Bring us into the power of the light…….

Price: $9.95

    The Angels of Sanctification Enochian Invocation

    The Angels of Sanctification Enochian Invocation     The Angels of Sanctification are the most holy and powerful of all the angels.  They carry the presence of The Creator into all the worlds and they represent his name.  They are...
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  • The Invocation of the Archangel Barakiel: The Archangel of Great Fortune 

The Archangel Barakiel is the most powerful entity connected to changing one’s fortune for the better.  This Archangel has legions of angels that serve under his domain.  Each of his angels helps the human race to evolve and gain more of the fortune that belongs to us.

The Invocation of the Archangel Barakiel is given in the angelic language as well as English.


The invocation reads as follows:

Bring the power of the archangel barakiel to serve me

raise my power of light  and bring me into greater gold and light




You may use this invocation to bring the energy of the Archangel to help you when you are in need.  Remember, Archangels are pure energy and they may be in multiple places at one time.  The more you invoke the energy, the more it will help you.

    The Invocation of the Archangel Barakiel

    Archangel Barakiel

    The Invocation of the Archangel Barakiel: The Archangel of Great Fortune   The Archangel Barakiel is the most powerful entity connected to changing one’s fortune for the better.  This Archangel has legions of angels that serve under his...
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  • The Angelus Immortal Broadcast


The Immortalis Broadcast is the energy of consciousness that defines the immortal part of your being.  Human consciousness defines only five percent of who you are. There are parts of you that are immortal.  They live in different domains and realities.  They communicate with you and the other parts of yourself. This communication is constant and occurs even when you are asleep.  The brain’s immortal network is home to the dormant power of the divine in your body. 

The immortal part of your brain is recessive.  The human part of you controls your awareness.  There is a great secret here.  The part of your brain that controls your awareness also controls your mortality. If you can switch this control over to one or more of the higher aspects of your consciousness, you will effectively change your being to that of an immortal. That is the key.  

You become that which controls you. 

Each of us has a powerful divine being that controls most of who we are.  This control is active and guided by the higher regions of your consciousness. You are not able to simply shut down your higher mind and switch over control to other areas. The immortal aspect of you will not enter into conscious control until you demonstrate evolved behavior.

The Angelic portion of the Immortalis broadcast is quite different from the other portions of the broadcast. The Gods, Daemons, Elementals, Dragons, and other important immortal beings within the universe control valuable portions of the broadcast, but they do not create stars.  The power of the angels is different because of this singular ability. 

The Angelus Immortalis Broadcast is composed of three distinct recordings. Each recording is a distinct separate channel of the voices that comprise the broadcast. This broadcast is a catalyst. It allows your brain to gradually work with the power of the Consciousness of the Angels in a meaningful manner. 

Thousands of Immortal Angels have arisen from the Consciousness of The Angelus. Listening to this unique recording will cause the immortal consciousness embedded within your DNA to rise and manifest.

The three recordings add up to two hours of broadcast. The sounds are multidimensional and move across several levels of consciousness. This is unlike anything you are likely to hear in your life. You may use the broadcast with or without the Angelus Tablet.

If you have the Angelus Tablets, the broadcast will amplify and accelerate your work with this and all the other tablets.  If you listen to the broadcast, you will absorb the energy of any tablet within ten feet.  If you do not own a tablet, the energy will slowly work to help you absorb and process the energy from the Immortalis itself.  The process is slower, but it will give those who do not have a tablet to work on their development.  This is a great recording to use while sun gazing.  It will accelerate your work with the Sun.


The Angelus Broadcast will be delivered via flash drive and the total cost will be $99.95.

    The Angelus Immortalis Broadcast - Audio Download

    The Angelus Immortalis Broadcast - Audio Download   The Immortalis Broadcast is the energy of consciousness that defines the immortal part of your being.  Human consciousness defines only five percent of who you are. There are parts of you...
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  • The New Miracle Prayer: Healing the Trauma of Abortion, utilizes the latest Biblical Healing Technology that we have discovered.  There are three critical components to this and other recordings of its genre that we will soon release. 

One:  The background rain only sounds like rain.  We have taken each letter in the 42 Letter Name of God and transformed it into a musical note.  Each note was then exported to a MIDI file.  Each note in the file is then transposed into a sound that resembles rain.  What you are hearing in this portion of the recording is the 42 Letter Name of God transformed into rain.  The 42 Letter Name of God is one of the most powerful Names given to us by the Creator.  Its power is said to control all of reality. We call it The Miracle Prayer.  This is the first recording that we have released that includes The Miracle Prayer in this form. 

Two:  I have searched the Ancient Hebrew Version of the Bible for passages that address a number of problems in our world.  The ancient versions of our Bible contain the original power of the Creator.  Using the original words retains this power and according to legend, the correct use of these words can help mankind overcome any problem.  The modern versions of the Bible have changed these words significantly.  Below, we list the verses, in their original form and the modern English translations.  These verses are interspersed throughout the recording.  

The voice that you hear in this recording is me speaking these beautiful verses in the original Hebrew.

Three: I have placed the four passages in subliminal for throughout the entire recording.  Even when you do not hear the Hebrew passages, they are there underneath the rain and music, helping you heal.

    Miracle Prayer for Abortion Audio Download

    The New Miracle Prayer: Healing the Trauma of Abortion, utilizes the latest Biblical Healing Technology that we have discovered.  There are three critical components to this and other recordings of its genre that we will soon release...
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  • The New Miracle Prayer to Break Curses and Remove Dark Forces utilizes the latest Biblical Healing Technology that we have discovered.  There are three critical components to this and other recordings of its genre that we will soon release. 

One:  The background rain only sounds like rain.  We have taken each letter in the 72 Letter Name of God and transformed it into a musical note.  Each note was then exported to a MIDI file.  Each note in the file is then transposed into a sound that resembles rain.  What you are hearing in this portion of the recording is the 72 Letter Name of God transformed into rain.  The 72 Letter Name of God is one of the most powerful Names given to us by the Creator.  Its power is said to control all of reality. 

Two:  The 72 Letter Name of God was then again transformed into music.  The Name was transformed into Beautiful Ambient Stringed instruments and Cavernous String Instruments.  The sound of the instruments is formed solely by the Name.  No transposition or additions of any kind were added.  The beauty of the piece has been hidden in the bible for thousands of years. 

Three:  I have searched the Ancient Hebrew Version of the Bible for passages that address a number of problems in our world.  The ancient versions of our Bible contain the original power of the Creator.  Using the original words retains this power and according to legend, the correct use of these words can help mankind overcome any problem.  The modern versions of the Bible have changed these words significantly.  Below, we list the verses, in their original form and the modern English translations.  These verses are interspersed throughout the recording. 

The voice that you hear in this recording is me speaking these beautiful verses in the original Hebrew.

    Miracle Prayer: Breaking Curses and Removing Dark Forces Audio Download

    The New Miracle Prayer to Break Curses and Remove Dark Forces utilizes the latest Biblical Healing Technology that we have discovered.  There are three critical components to this and other recordings of its genre that we will soon release...
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