
Divine Empowerment Transmission (Audio Version)

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Divine Empowerment Transmission (Audio Version)


The Divine Empowerment Transmission, a strong divine creative force is infused into the spiritual form of the recipient. This divine force is first projected onto a series of divine talismans that are individually prepared for each recipient. The talismans are then blessed, consecrated, and charged with the task of empowering the divine creative force within the spiritual body of the recipient. The spark of the divine creative force exists in everyone, though it is dormant in most people. This empowerment transmits the force of the divine spark of the transmitter to the recipient inducing the innate divine spark in the recipient to awaken and augment its influence over the lower self. In the case of this divine empowerment, the force of the divine energy emanates from the primordial energy of the Medicine Buddha. The power of the divine empowerment transmission helps to remove the thick psychic veils that hinder the true perception of reality, spiritual growth, and inner harmony. 


Listen to the advanced audio everyday, for 30 days straight to complete the cleanse.


Price: $99.95

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8 Reviews

  • 5

    I listened to it everyday for 30 days straight. I know something changed but what exactly i' can't put my finger on.

    Posted by James Arrington El on Jul 3rd 2024

    The music was very relaxing.

  • 4

    Expanding my Consciousness

    Posted by Chantelle on Feb 28th 2024

    Day 1- I had a dream about a a woman standing in front of a bunch of old records that were scrolling upwards at record speeds. I could only tell they were stacks of papers, but knew they were records of some sort. It was almost like scrolling through a microfilm machine. Wish I knew what information the records held. I could only see the back of the woman, but she looked like Lara Croft. Same outfit and the long braid. Day 2- I had my first glitch in the matrix. I have a pair of cotton shorts that I got a couple years ago that had holes in each of the pockets. I remember because I was able to stick my hands straight through the pockets and I did it a lot when standing around or fidgeting. And I knew not to put my keys or items in the pockets, because they always fell right through. But on this morning, the left pocket was somehow sewn up, with the original stitching, like it never had a hole at all. I almost wondered if my mom had sewn it, as she asked for a needle and thread days earlier to sew my toddler's stuffed animal. But again, the stitching was the original stitching, and perfect. Day 5- I was scanning the Accelerated Texts 1 (pgs 10 & 11) and 2 (pg 8), when my flashlight started blinking. Approx. Day 25 - I started seeing faces in the trees in my photos, after zooming in on them. Clear as Day. I also started seeing them in the clouds. And not like when we're kids and seeing clouds shaped like dogs and horses. I will zoom in and see clear (human) faces. Day 26- I was snapping pics of the moon before nightfall. My kids and I were about to pull into our garage when I noticed the moon, looking full and bright. I stopped and took a few pics. If you have a Samsung or iPhone, you know your phone records the few seconds before (called a motion photo on a Samsung). When I was reviewing the pictures, one of the motion photos had a glitch. A glitch I didn't see when taking the picture. I was able to screenshot the glitch, and in it I found many faces, but initially only one. And it looked like that of a dragon. I later found a few more, all men. One looked similar to Charlie Chaplin, with a larger, very pointy nose. Day 27- I went to the park with my toddler to blow bubbles, and something told me to zoom in on the bubbles in our pictures. In the bubbles I can see what looks like other worldly beings, symbols, and one of them looks like a forest and a lake. They could definitely be coincidental, and the reflections just look this way. But I don't think so. Day 28- I took photos of the full moon during a ritual a friend and I were doing on this night. I got the most beautiful photos this night. It looks like I'm getting solar codes from the moon. I don't know how or if that works, are there lunar codes? Some of the people I've showed the photos to said it looks angelic, like an angel is coming down. I felt much lighter after the ritual, even emotional. I also took photos of the clouds surrounding the moon on this night, and the faces did not require me to zoom in at all. They're large and in your face. There were several women, and a round, happy man's head who kind of looked like The Laughing Buddha. Strangely enough, I have not seen the moon since. Despite going out each night to photograph it. My 30th day should have been Feb 26th, however, I missed a day, and so I made sure to do an extra day. Yesterday, 2/27 was my last day (although I plan to keep listening). I had a dream about glass elevators that were rapidly going up. They were the elevators that you can see on the outside of buildings, and there were people climbing up them and hanging on for dear life, as they flew up. They were so fast, I was terrified to get on. But once I was in, it didn't feel so fast at all going up, and I was no longer scared. For me, it feels like a sign that my consciousness is expanding, elevating. I certainly feel that it is with the experiences and dreams I have been having. But I know there can be many meanings. I plan to keep listening and hope to see more, and have more experiences in the future. I also hope it continues to expand my consciousness, and make information and signs a little easier to access and decipher. I definitely recommend.

  • 5

    Divine empowerment review from the GN

    Posted by Brooklyn on Jun 15th 2022

    This audio was helpful. I can say I felt lighter after a while of listening. I can say I also started to let go of things while using this audio. I haven’t had any next level things happen in regards to the esoteric side, but who knows what’s suppose to happen. I’ll just keep it up, and update in the future.

  • 5

    Divine Empowerment Transmission

    Posted by Cyrus Kawalya on May 18th 2022

    The Divine Empowerment Transmission is one of the most powerful audio I have purchased from Tybro. It creates a calm internal space, balance and full focus attention in the present. I feel blessed having access to this divine transmission. I feel am going through a powerful transformation. Looking forward to completing the cleanse required in 30days. Thank you so much Master Gibson for blessing my life in special way.

  • 5

    Divine Empowerment Audio

    Posted by AMAZING! on Mar 19th 2022

    I am a cleaner, clearer, higher frequency version of myself for having worked with this Divine Empowerment for 30 consecutive nights. Some things I experienced: I traveled to a sacred temple, where I met the Medicine Buddha. I was invited to meditate with Masters on golden seats that rose up from the floor in a rectangle in the center of the temple. I was given a Magick Bundle of what I can only describe as golden knitting needles that I apparently know how to use to "knit" energy into sacred geometrical objects of power, which I did twice. I chanted and danced a sacred dance (that was also a fun game kind of like hopscotch) with a Master. The Medicine Buddha showed me an altar, called the Tabernacle, as his faced morphed/shapeshifted into a series of Master Teachers who all spoke to me in their native language, and Kermit the Frog and Elmo from Sesame Street delivered profound spiritual commentary, under a tree on the temple grounds. I LOVE THAT!! My brain's neuronet has been rewired. I am a more evolved me.

  • 5


    Posted by Alex on May 3rd 2021

    The Divine Empowerment Transmission has truly enhanced my self-mastery abilities. It is basically a shaktipat. By day 11 of the cleanse I witnessed my higher Buddhic nature overlay and augment itself in my body. From then on out, my ability to remain centered, stable and "non- attached" to situations has greatly improved. Base desires, egoic reactions and self generated negativity has lost it's power and Divine Self now exercises more dominion in daily, moment to moment life. It has also brought other people, techniques and realizations unto me. I consider this Divine Grace through Spirit. I am grateful for the Divine Empowerment Transmission. It has been a part of a big transformational period of my life. I highly recommend this audio to those looking to elevate consciousness to their next level and improve mastery of Self, ability to choose and respond in a new way with Spirit. Given that it's linked to the Medicine Buddha, I have found that there is also powerful healing energy that radiates deeper and deeper throughout the cleanse.

  • 5

    Divine Empowerment

    Posted by Siporia on Feb 1st 2021

    I really love the music of this audio it's so beautiful I am still working with it haven't completed my 30 days yet. It's very amazing

  • 5


    Posted by Felicia (Omo Fe Oya) Parker on Mar 8th 2019

    So beautiful!

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