The AOS 10.0 Medallion
The Angels of Sanctification are of a high-level order of angels. According to the book of Jubilees, they were created on the first day, and are among the most holy beings in existence. The Book of Jubilees states that the angels of sanctification are one of two high orders, along with the Angels of Presence. The Principal angels of sanctification are Phanuel, St. Michael, Metatron, Zagzagael, and Suriel. Their function is not well known in this world, but without their presence, this world would be a bleak place indeed.
When these angels work together through this medallion: they dissolve negative karma, build positive karmic forces within the body, heal negative events in the past and the future, protect from hexes and curses, prevent attaching spirits from getting into the aura, remove demons, negative elementals and other dark forces, and cleanse negative forces from the soul.
The AOS 10.0 is the highest manifestation to date of a medallion, which is designed to battle the Daemonium on your behalf. Each subsequent manifestation of each AOS medallion is designed to rattle evil as it unleashed itself in higher and higher forms in our world. As you have seen, evil evolves. In our work, we have learned that we too must evolve if we are to fully protect ourselves. This medallion is our most powerful tool to date that you may use in fighting the growing evil around us.
Price: $500
18 Reviews
So thankful I purchased this
I’m so thankful to have been referred to Tybro. This medallion is exactly what I need and already has provided me with great rest. It works well with me, my nature, and my current needs. It has already helped me to release so much that had me feeling trapped in my energy field versus being free in my energy field. I highly recommend it for people who are healing their their sexual system and total body.
The connection before the arrival.
I ordered this product last week and even though it has not arrived yet, I still am making a connection with it. The night that I ordered this product I saw a burst of violet light explode over my mother and daughter. It reminded me of confetti sparks. Then that night right before bed I saw a yellow/whitish light inside my cover. It was in the shape of cell phone. The light was moving across the covers and I kept trying to catch it, the light came out of the covers and went onto my leg. It was the coolest thing. Then I started having some dreams of triangular patters in the sky. I believe the angels may be placing a code of some sort in my mind. The next evening there was a small storm and I took some pictures of the sky. In my pictures I have there are actual triangular patterns of lights in the sky. My dreams have been very meaningful and I can not wait for this medallion to finally arrive. I’m very excited and once I receive the product I will write another review. :)
Beautiful peace! The first 3 days I just looked at it. I feel empowered and at peace wearing it. I feel that myself and the AOS 10.0 medallion has become one. Thanks, Master Gibson.
Very powerful medallion indeed
I have the AOS 5, AOS 8 and now AOS 10. I love the AOS 8 for the beautiful script on it. But AOS 10 is by far the most powerful of the AOS medallions I have used. My sun shone very bright with many manifestation rays on wearing the medallion. It’s a very pretty one indeed. My little toddler screams out “star” on seeing the image on the medallion.
AOS 10.0 Medallion
As I was opening the package, I felt a current of energy flow into my hand before I even touched the medallion. I knew it was going to be Amazing. I placed it on my heart, while lying down - and it's a heavy medallion, but it soon felt So Light on my heart...then a little heavy on my solar plexus area. I wondered if it was clearing that chakra or shielding it maybe - but it felt Very Positive. I slept with it under my pillow, and in the morning, when I woke, (and this is the only way I can possibly describe this), Holy Fire from Heaven appeared and made a flaming Seal on my bedroom ceiling...TWICE!!! The first seal was a beautiful geometry that may Also be a star chart. The second seal was a grizzly paw (or another large bear with Very Long claws that I'm not aware of). They were only flaming there for a moment - but one of the most Blessed Moments of my whole life! I hear Master Gibson's voice telling me to watch and see how my inner work is reflected in my outer world. Smiling BIG SMILES!!!
A Must Have Protection Tool
So, I received this medallion less than a week ago. I love how easy it is for me to carry around in my bra. The first night I slept with it, I played the miracle prayer on repeat all night and I met two other souls in my dreams reciting the miracle prayer. One person was preparing for astral travel and the other was blessing a couple at their wedding. Amazing experience! Each night I’ve slept with the medallion I’ve traveled to worlds I’ve never seen before. They have technology I didn’t even know could be useful. Now the most important part. I was driving at night from a meeting at my children’s school. I was on my way to pick my children up from a family member’s house. While on the highway, I noticed some dust in the dark. I began to slow down but there weren’t many cars ahead of me to help me see or street lights. I then come up to two big hay stacks in my lane. I saw them at the last minute and didn’t have time to drive around them and ended up hitting them. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. The hay stack could have caused a major accident for me and others driving behind me but it didn’t. After I felt the impact of driving through them, I just knew my vehicle was too damaged to continue driving and I would have to pull to the side of the road and call for help. Well when I pulled over I had minor damage to my bumper and I could still drive. At this point I tell myself, I probably only need an alignment. Well as I started driving again, I realized my vehicle drove the same. There was no change. Once I calmed down, I realized it was the medallion that saved me and the others driving around me. There was no way, I didn’t have a major accident on a highway going 65 miles per hour with a fleet of vehicles behind me. I was so blessed to have the protection of the AOS. I was so blessed my children were not in the vehicle with me. I was able to pick them up and get home safely. I am so thankful for this protection. Humans really need spiritual protection now more than ever. There is so much evil lurking around.
AOS Medallion
I love this medallion. Thanks for sharing it.