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  • Digital subconscious speech language is a computer-generated series of tones, suggestions, and digital sounds that are designed to place specific suggestions directly into the human subconscious mind. This exciting new technology takes advantage of the storage potential of DNA and allows for rapid changes in behavior and the emotions. Our new recordings take advantage of this technology and uses it to create a tool that can help anyone achieve their mental and emotional goals with greater ease than ever before. The four main working components of our beautiful one of a kind recordings are:

 Post hypnotic suggestions

 Digitally created gamma frequency tones

 Digital subconscious speed language

 Alpha-theta wave enhancing music.

All of these unique technologies are blended into a seamless mixture of sound and technology that you must hear to believe. In our one of our newest product; Lose Weight Easily, the power of your subconscious mind that can help you lose weight easily is gradually released. The healing power stored within the mind is awesome. It has healed every problem that has been presented to it at some level of reality.

    Lose Weight Easily Audio Download

    Digital subconscious speech language is a computer-generated series of tones, suggestions, and digital sounds that are designed to place specific suggestions directly into the human subconscious mind. This exciting new technology takes advantage of...
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  • Digital subconscious speech language is a computer-generated series of tones, suggestions, and digital sounds that are designed to place specific suggestions directly into the human subconscious mind. This exciting new technology takes advantage of the storage potential of DNA and allows for rapid changes in behavior and the emotions. Our new recordings take advantage of this technology and uses it to create a tool that can help anyone achieve their mental and emotional goals with greater ease than ever before. The four main working components of our beautiful one of a kind recordings are:

 Post hypnotic suggestions

 Digitally created gamma frequency tones

 Digital subconscious speed language

 Alpha-theta wave enhancing music.

All of these unique technologies are blended into a seamless mixture of sound and technology that you must hear to believe. In our one of our newest product; Self Confidence, the power of your subconscious mind that can help you gain self confidence is gradually released. The healing power stored within the mind is awesome. It has healed every problem that has been presented to it at some level of reality.

Through the use of this powerful recording, you can learn to bring this healing energy down to a level that you can use in your daily life. Self confidence is already stored within you. It is your birthright. In order to access this awesome power, you need only learn to release it.

    Self Confidence Audio Download

    Digital subconscious speech language is a computer-generated series of tones, suggestions, and digital sounds that are designed to place specific suggestions directly into the human subconscious mind. This exciting new technology takes advantage of...
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  • The Amatsu Norigoto is one of the first spiritual prayers that I learned.  It is a Divine World Prayer.  There are many legends around the genesis of the prayer. The overall origin of the prayer is ancient and obscure, the author or authors are unknown. Its language is archaic, and most modern Japanese cannot comprehend the words. This is comparable to a modern English speaker attempting to understand the original text of the Beowulf epic, which roughly dates to the same time as the Amatsu Norigoto.

The prayer is a prayer of purification and empowerment.  I worked with this prayer extensively when I was in medical practice.  I found that it calmed my clients during relaxation techniques and it also helped them to clear their thoughts before a therapy session.  A number of clients asked me to record the prayer and I complied. 

There are four powerful Divine World Prayers that we work with. 

The Ana B’koack (The Miracle Prayer)

The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic

The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani

The Amatsu Norigoto (The Divine World Prayer0 

All these prayers come from different cultures and background.  They have great spiritual power and purification properties in common.  The Amatsu Norigoto has the ability to: 

Purify an area of spirits

Enliven and empower the energy within the soul of the recipient

Enliven and empower the energy within the soul of the person saying the prayer

Fill the aura with divine energy

Deepen meditations

Expand Consciousness

    The Divine World Prayer: The Amatsu Norigoto Audio Download

    The Amatsu Norigoto is one of the first spiritual prayers that I learned.  It is a Divine World Prayer.  There are many legends around the genesis of the prayer. The overall origin of the prayer is ancient and obscure, the author or authors are...
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  • The Giant Star Meditation utilizes energy from a star with the relative size of the largest red giant star in the image above. This star is many times larger than our Sun and is several billion years older.  This star is beginning its ascent into a higher sphere of reality.  Our Sun will achieve this same feat but will require many millions of years to do so.  

The energy of this star is quite ancient and has the energy of expansive consciousness, enlightenment, spiritual healing, and spiritual cleansing. The sounds contained within this recording will help you push beyond the boundaries of your present level of spiritual growth.

We added the gentle rolling sound of a mother rainstorm in order to balance the intensity of the sound.  We have already had reports of powerful healings, cleansings, and manifestations of spiritual power when our customers have meditated with The Giant Star Meditation.

This recording is best enjoyed by clearing the mind and allowing the frequencies to wash over the body and mind.  You may also play it while you sleep.

    The Giant Star Meditation Audio Download

    The Giant Star Meditation Audio Download   The Giant Star Meditation utilizes energy from a star with the relative size of the largest red giant star in the image above. This star is many times larger than our Sun and is several billion years...
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  • The Living Soul Meditation is a simple, natural, and effortless procedure that will require only about 20 minutes once a day to complete. During this time, your awareness will settle down and you will experience a unique state of calm and serenity. The body will become more relaxed and your mind will begin to approach a doorway in consciousness that you will find very useful. In this state, the mind will become open to exploring itself.

Over 600 research studies have shown that the practice of meditation helps to develop the latent creative potential that we all possess. Furthermore, meditation helps to dissolve the effects of stress, fatigue, worry, and chaos that take away the strength and energy of the body. When this happens, your overall energy, creativity, focus, and inner peace become greater.

Meditation does not require a specific religious belief or lifestyle change. It is simply a way that you can help yourself achieve greater peace and serenity in your life through the application of a few simple principles. People of all ages, races, cultures, and religions have practiced meditation for centuries for some remarkable results.

    The Living Soul Meditation Audio Download

    The Living Soul Meditation is a simple, natural, and effortless procedure that will require only about 20 minutes once a day to complete. This is a guided meditation that contains the ancient practice of the breath of seven. During this time, your...
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  • The First Manifestation recording materialized directly onto my computer, without the use of any intervening recording apparatus. I saw it with my own eyes and to this day I still do not believe it. Every time I play it, I still get the willies. So much for the great inner scientist.

When you hear the recording for the first time you will be struck by several facts. One, it is incredibly complex. A composition such as this would take an earthbound musician months to write. That is, if they could write it. Second, its effect on the consciousness is unerring. Listening to this recording changes a person. That is the only way I can put it. You will have to see for yourself to fully understand what I mean. Third, the experience of listening to something that appeared out of nowhere is intensely supernatural. Take that inner scientist!

This recording is the first of a series of more than 20 products based on the technology revealed to me by Djehuti. I hope you will enjoy it. I proudly present to you, The First Manifestation.

    The First Manifestation Audio Download

    The First Manifestation Audio Download   The First Manifestation recording materialized directly onto my computer, without the use of any intervening recording apparatus. I saw it with my own eyes and to this day I still do not believe it...
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  • The greatest part of you lives beyond the truths of your days and nights ... Set to the rhythm of seven of Chopin's most beautiful etudes and the serenity of a glorious midsummer night's rainstorm, this meditation will take your spirit to the place in which it was will also allow you to retain the beauty and peace of the healing work that you have done on yourself up to this point. This is a very important CD in its own right but as an adjunct to Releasement, it is invaluable.

Remembering Inner Peace

Set to the rhythm of seven of Chopin's most beautiful etudes and the serenity of a glorious midsummer night's rainstorm, this meditation will take your spirit to the place in which it was born..

Imagine the rich tapestry of mankind's most beautiful piano compositions, woven with some of the world's most moving mystical poetry all mixed in with a living, breathing thunderstorm..........this symphonic cloth creates a one-of-a kind effect which is quite simply a profound spiritual experience. The inner peace that the listener will feel after this hearing this inspired creation must be experienced to be believed.....

Give yourself the gift of Remembering Inner Peace today....

    Remembering Inner Peace Audio Download

    Remembering Inner Peace   The greatest part of you lives beyond the truths of your days and nights ... Set to the rhythm of seven of Chopin's most beautiful etudes and the serenity of a glorious midsummer night's rainstorm, this meditation will...
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  • Sudden Fortune carries the ancient resonance of the magical formula of Psalms 57.  This resonance is hidden not within the English translation of the text, but in the Original Ancient Aramaic words.  These words are part of an ancient primordial language that is a great source of mystical and supernatural power.  Listening to the words and the soothing sounds of the background, gently coaxes the soul to release its treasures into the life of the listener.  Better health, greater wealth, improved relationships, and greater clarity regarding the purpose of life may result.

We called it Sudden Fortune because these energies will be released in sudden bursts of energy and power.  The process tends not to be slow and gradual.  One day the power seems not to be there, the next day, it is there in torrents.  This is our first recording of the supernatural version of the psalms.  We have used this energy with great result in the past and now we wish to share it with our followers.

    Sudden Fortune Audio Download

    Sudden Fortune carries the ancient resonance of the magical formula of Psalms 57.  This resonance is hidden not within the English translation of the text, but in the Original Ancient Aramaic words.  These words are part of an ancient...
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  • Everyone needs to let go of something ... Releasement is an ancient healing method designed to help the listener let go of even the most difficult painful emotional attachments in life ... a difficult relationship, painful memories, abuse from the past, and many other problematic issues have been successfully released using this beautiful technique.....This recording is equivalent to having a private session with one of the countries best spiritual counselors in the comfort of your own home.

Healing and Releasing Emotional Trauma from the Past


Releasement is a new beginning....a way to feel better than ever before...a way to feel the relief of a good night's sleep experience the tranquility of a day without pain ... a way to let go of the chaos that has taken too much of the joy from your life ... a way to feel ... even for a few moments ... true happiness ... peace ...and contentment ...

The Releasement recording employs an ancient healing technique that has been used for thousands of utilizes the principle that the emotional trauma that happen to us begin in the spirit and work their way toward the conscious mind.

    Releasement Audio Download

    Everyone needs to let go of something ... Releasement is an ancient healing method designed to help the listener let go of even the most difficult painful emotional attachments in life ... a difficult relationship, painful memories, abuse from the past,...
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  • The Soul Cleansing Special Edition CD represents a tremendous upgrade in the technology we have developed to cleanse the soul gem. This CD takes advantage of the newly discovered radio emissions from a very powerful distant white dwarf star. Recent discoveries in stellar seismography have revealed that each star radiates a complex series of radio waves that may be translated into sound. These sounds resonate throughout the body of the star very much like a heartbeat. Each star has its own characteristic heartbeat. The more evolved the star, the more distinct and resonant its heartbeat becomes.

The white dwarf star consciousness can connect the lower mind with higher consciousness. Usually, during normal waking consciousness, this connection is obscured by emotional, mental, and spiritual noise and debris. The cleansing function of The Soul Cleansing Special Edition CD helps to greatly improve the reception of the valuable information flowing into the conscious mind from the regions of the higher mind.

This CD also contains the Names of God associated with dispelling dark forces, healing, and spiritual power. Using The Soul Cleansing Special Edition CD on a regular basis helps to connect the mind to the higher dimensional planes of reality.

    Soul Cleansing Special Edition Audio Download

    The Soul Cleansing Special Edition Audio Download represents a tremendous upgrade in the technology we have developed to cleanse the soul gem. This audio takes advantage of the newly discovered radio emissions from a very powerful distant white dwarf...
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  • The Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition recording takes advantage of our research into the phenomenon of spiritual disturbances. In addition to the special sound frequency that we employ for the treatment of disturbances, this recording adds a few important upgrades.

In the Special Edition, the actual Names of God are whispered into the matrix of the prayer itself. In ancient times, healers were often called into service when an important official or noble person became ill. The healer would often utilize the power of the Names of God as a tool. Their healings were often quite miraculous. The Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition  encodes the Names of God for dispelling dark forces, dissolving blockages, and tearing away illusions and negative thought forms into the matrix of the sound file.

    Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition Audio Download

    The Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition recording takes advantage of our research into the phenomenon of spiritual disturbances. In addition to the special sound frequency that we employ for the treatment of disturbances, this recording adds a few...
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  • Attaching Spirits are the cause of more than 80% of all the mental, emotional, and physical suffering found in this world. Since we cannot see them, we take them for granted. Unfortunately, this profound spiritual ignorance allows this situation to become worse year after year.

After years of research, I believe I have found at least a temporary way to address the problem. During my travels in my astral form, I met a man who had invented a device that utilized sound to remove attaching spirits. After a series of conversations with this man, who is not currently incarnate, I learned that discarnate attaching spirits are sensitive to certain high frequency sound waves. In particular, sound frequencies in the 10,000 hz range were particularly effective in causing them to flee an area. Exposures to this pure tone for at least 30 minutes was sufficient to remove even the most ardent ghost from a person, place, or thing.

The difficulty inherent in the process was that on earth, we almost never hear pure tones. Producing a pure tone in the range necessary to remove the entities would prove to be a daunting task. Ultimately, I was able to find a way to accurately produce the tone. In all the testing up to this point, the tone works just as well in this world as it did in his. When played at high volume in an open space, the attaching spirits in the area of the blast will depart within 20-30 minutes. Most will depart within minutes but the most stubborn will fight the broadcast.

Unfortunately, they will return over time if the blast is not repeated within 24-48 hours. I would recommend playing it at least once a day in order to clear yourself or a particular space.The tone is very high pitched and not at all suitable for a pleasant meditation. But then, that is not its purpose. Be careful not to damage your ears with the tone by playing it at too high a volume, especially while listening with headphones.

    Spirit Attachment Removal Audio Download

    Attaching Spirits are the cause of more than 80% of all the mental, emotional, and physical suffering found in this world. Since we cannot see them, we take them for granted. Unfortunately, this profound spiritual ignorance allows this situation to...
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