
Tools For Beginners

Tools For Beginners

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  •                                                                              Accelerated Spiritual Text Level Two

The physical body is a living meditation. It moves with the energy and speed of consciousness through space-time. Exercise can strengthen the body and help it live longer.  Exercise 30 minutes per day can help the body get stronger.  Science has demonstrated that meditation and visualization can help the body almost as much as physical exercise. Professional athletes now routinely mix visualization and meditation with their workouts to maximize their performances. 

Which is better for your body: meditation or exercise? On the surface, it seems like an obvious decision - physical exercise can strengthen our muscles, bones and heart, and has been proven to promote the production of oxytonin and other 'feel-good' chemicals. Whilst meditation is, well, a fad. Right? 

The physical body is a living meditation. It moves with the energy and speed of consciousness through space-time. Exercise can strengthen the body and help it live longer.  Exercise 30 minutes per day can help the body get stronger.  Science has demonstrated that meditation and visualization can help the body almost as much as physical exercise. Professional athletes now routinely mix visualization and meditation with their workouts to maximize their performances. 

This accelerated text is designed to rejuvenate the body.  Using this text will effectively augment the effects of exercise.  When you use this text, it will be the equivalent of one hour of physical exercise per day.  The energy will run into your body without any strain on your muscles, joints, or limbs.  The text has two levels, the physical level of benefit and the spiritual level of benefit.  Both levels kick in when you scan the texts in the following manner.

Price: $9.95

    Accelerated Spiritual Text Level Two - E-Book

    Accelerated Spiritual Text Level Two   The physical body is a living meditation. It moves with the energy and speed of consciousness through space-time. Exercise can strengthen the body and help it live longer.  Exercise 30 minutes per day...
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  •                                                                    Illuminated Consciousness Acceleration


What is the shortest distance between your dreams and your everyday reality……..the answer?….Consciousness Acceleration 

When you accelerate the movement of your consciousness through space-time, you gain the ability to manifest your dreams and desires more quickly and effectively. For most people consciousness moves very slowly or not at all.

We have heard your prayers….you want more out of life….you want real power… …you want us to really help you in a way that more of you can afford…

This release is the first in a series of new consciousness accelerating texts that will effectively help you to enrich, empower, and accelerate your consciousness in a real way. These text will come delivered as a E-Book so it is downloadable to your computer or device.

They will be priced at $9.95…..and they are protected by the gods…..they will know if you attempt to obtain or use one without buying it for yourself….in which case, the energy will not work for you….

These ten page $9.95 texts will effectively move you forward and shorten the distance between you and your dreams. All you have to do is look at the coded text on each page, the energy of the coded texts will push your consciousness forward.

The texts are to be used in complete darkness…you will need a flashlight to illuminate them. All things are born in darkness and these texts are activated by light in a dark space. Please use with a flashlight in a dark room…as dark as you can get…your brain will take the illuminated texts and push your consciousness forward…you don’t have to think about anything.

This is a gift. 

Master and Acharya

Price: $9.95

    Illuminated Consciousness Acceleration Text - E-Book

    Illuminated Consciousness Acceleration   What is the shortest distance between your dreams and your everyday reality……..the answer?….Consciousness Acceleration    When you accelerate the movement of your...
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  • The Jade Emperor Medallion                                                                                                                              The Jade Emperor Medallion


The Jade Emperor is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He is the director and chairman of the Celestial Treasury and it is said that all forms of wealth pass through his hands.  He is very benevolent and kind. His power is available for us to use but we must avail ourselves of the correct spells.

 Ordinary people treated most gods with a mixture of awe and an interest in negotiation. The gods were prayed to and worshipped, but they could also be bribed and appeased with offerings and gifts. The gods sometimes left Heaven to visit the Earthly Domain, and though they were not supremely powerful, they did have the power to help and hurt people in the Earthly Domain. The gods also had their foibles and could be capricious and get angry. One had to take care to not agitate the gods and work hard to remain on their “good side.”

The Jade Emperor Medallion will allow humans to have access to the benevolence and power of this important ruler.   This is our very first Jade Emperor Medallion and it is imbued with his power and grace.  The medallion will be charged with his blessing and will also carry his magic and dragon power.  This is truly a special item.

You may wear the item or place it on your altar.  Both are powerful methods of connecting with his power.  The medallion is designed to work with the Jade Emperor spell book and will add power to each of the spells bearing his seal.  The medallion will also work on its own without the book of spells. 


Price: $300

    The Jade Emperor Medallion

    The Jade Emperor

    The Jade Emperor Medallion   The Jade Emperor is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He is the director and chairman of the Celestial Treasury and it is said that all forms of wealth pass through his hands.  He is very benevolent...
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  •                                                                                                Healing Spells
Healing Spells is the first book that we will release that is fully applied to the art of healing.  My first connection to the world of the celestial was connected to healing miracles.  Now, we have been commissioned to offer a book full of healing spells that have never been released on this planet.  Each of these spells draws upon a healing reservoir within the soul, DNA, or chakra centers within the body.  These centers allow each of us to heal the body on a daily basis.  As such, we only tap a very small percentage of this power.  With this new work, we can use this power to heal ourselves, friends, family, and others in person or at a distance.  This book contains angelic healing spells, divine healing spells from the gods, elemental healing spells, solar healing spells, and Anthropos level healing spells.  There are also spells in this book that amplify the healing power of the user to great heights.
Price: $300

    The Healing Spells Book

    The Healing Spells Book     Healing Spells is the first book that we will release that is fully applied to the art of healing.  My first connection to the world of the celestial was connected to healing miracles.  Now, we have...
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  • The Living Soul Meditation is a simple, natural, and effortless procedure that will require only about 20 minutes once a day to complete. During this time, your awareness will settle down and you will experience a unique state of calm and serenity. The body will become more relaxed and your mind will begin to approach a doorway in consciousness that you will find very useful. In this state, the mind will become open to exploring itself.

Over 600 research studies have shown that the practice of meditation helps to develop the latent creative potential that we all possess. Furthermore, meditation helps to dissolve the effects of stress, fatigue, worry, and chaos that take away the strength and energy of the body. When this happens, your overall energy, creativity, focus, and inner peace become greater.

Meditation does not require a specific religious belief or lifestyle change. It is simply a way that you can help yourself achieve greater peace and serenity in your life through the application of a few simple principles. People of all ages, races, cultures, and religions have practiced meditation for centuries for some remarkable results.

    The Living Soul Meditation Audio Download

    The Living Soul Meditation is a simple, natural, and effortless procedure that will require only about 20 minutes once a day to complete. This is a guided meditation that contains the ancient practice of the breath of seven. During this time, your...
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  • Everyone needs to let go of something ... Releasement is an ancient healing method designed to help the listener let go of even the most difficult painful emotional attachments in life ... a difficult relationship, painful memories, abuse from the past, and many other problematic issues have been successfully released using this beautiful technique.....This recording is equivalent to having a private session with one of the countries best spiritual counselors in the comfort of your own home.

Healing and Releasing Emotional Trauma from the Past


Releasement is a new beginning....a way to feel better than ever before...a way to feel the relief of a good night's sleep experience the tranquility of a day without pain ... a way to let go of the chaos that has taken too much of the joy from your life ... a way to feel ... even for a few moments ... true happiness ... peace ...and contentment ...

The Releasement recording employs an ancient healing technique that has been used for thousands of utilizes the principle that the emotional trauma that happen to us begin in the spirit and work their way toward the conscious mind.

    Releasement Audio Download

    Everyone needs to let go of something ... Releasement is an ancient healing method designed to help the listener let go of even the most difficult painful emotional attachments in life ... a difficult relationship, painful memories, abuse from the past,...
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  • The human mind is the transmitter of consciousness. As such, human consciousness functions much like a band of stations one might find on a radio set. Some of the stations are easily identifiable, easily detectable with the tuning dial. The most commonly used and loudest channels would be analogous to the function of the conscious mind. We are generally accustomed to listening to and communicating with a set number of channels of perception that we call “awareness”. The Conscious Mind Cleansing and Enhancement recording is designed to gradually dissolve and eliminate negative and destructive mental and emotional energies that are stored within the mind. To accomplish this task, this recording employs a special series of powerful and penetrating tones and computer generated sounds that bore into the neurons and nerve pathways. Once there, the tones are programmed to detect and dissolve harmful patterns of energy.

    Conscious Mind Cleansing Audio Download

    The human mind is the transmitter of consciousness. As such, human consciousness functions much like a band of stations one might find on a radio set. Some of the stations are easily identifiable, easily detectable with the tuning dial. The most commonly...
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  •                                                                                                                                   The Miracle Prayer

The Miracle Prayers is a tool of meditation and contemplation.  Some people believe that the Name of God is recorded in the lines of the Miracle Prayer. On one level, just listening to its words helps the user feel better, feel calmer, and function better on a daily basis.  On another level, the Miracle Prayer makes the impossible....possible....

The Miracle Prayer is a combination of several advanced and ancient energies;

1. The Ana B’Koach…an ancient prayer which some say encodes the 42 letter Name of God.

2. The power of a wonderful mother rainstorm

3. Softly embedded EMDR tones

The 42 Letter Name of God is an ancient word of Power. This Name of God is divided into seven lines.

The Miracle Prayer has been electronically mixed with a lingering and beautiful mother rainstorm that lasted for several hours. The energy of the storm was in part captured in the recording. In effect, one can almost feel the power of the rain as you listen to the recording.

EMDR tones are designed to help facilitate enhanced communication between the left and right lobes of the brain. EMDR stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy. This is a relatively new and exciting therapeutic process that has shown great promise in the treatment of trauma and anxiety disorders.

The EMDR tones embedded within the recording act to speed up the action of the prayer on the body and mind.


Price: Free

    The Miracle Prayer Audio Download

    The Miracle Prayer   The Miracle Prayers is a tool of meditation and contemplation.  Some people believe that the Name of God is recorded in the lines of the Miracle Prayer. On one level, just listening to its words helps the user feel...
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  • Supernatural power is a sign along the way that one is indeed making progress.  I have heard these words from the mouth of the Buddha himself.  These words carry with them the power of the lineage of My Master The Enlightened One.  Hearing these words while holding within one’s being clear thought and light, positive emotion, and quiet contemplation of soul, will allow the supernatural attributes to arise from the soul naturally. We all have these seeds buried within us, proper nourishment and care with is all that is required to bring them to the surface.

Listen to the words of these supernatural meditative attunements. Clear your mind, evoke any positive emotion that you choose, and focus.  The seeds of your growth will take root and spread throughout your being.  They will do so naturally, effortlessly, and with joy.

    The Supernatural Consciousness Attunements of the Buddha

    The Supernatural Consciousness Attunements of the Buddha    Supernatural power is a sign along the way that one is indeed making progress.  I have heard these words from the mouth of the Buddha himself.  These words carry with them...
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  • On Sale
                                                                                                                                                                       The First Medallion

The First Medallion is a unique and powerful spiritual tool.  It is called The First Medallion because it contains several elements that derive from the original primordial elements that make up our universe.  The Divine Script that outlines the border of the Medallion spells out the Names of the Four Seraphim that utter the Name of God out into the universe.  Their Names are not able to be pronounced by the human tongue, but the power that they release causes the entire universe to be  continually renewed.  This power causes the flowers to grow, rain to fall, the galaxies to move through space, and the breath that we take to flow through our lungs.  These Seraphim continually express the Name of God throughout all reality.  

Properties of The First Medallion: Increases Spiritual Power, Protects the wearer from negative forces, Adds the power of the 42 Letter Name of God to the Aura, Infuses the wearer with the Power of the Four Seraphim, Strengthens the Aura, Improves Health, Helps Connect the Subconscious mind to the celestial realm, Improves one's contact with the indwelling divine essence, Helps to diminish and weaken forces of darkness within the wearer.

Price: $300.00

    The First Medallion

    Now: $89.95
    Was: $300.00
    The First Medallion    The First Medallion is a unique and powerful spiritual tool.  It is called The First Medallion because it contains several elements that derive from the original primordial elements that make up our universe. ...
    Now: $89.95
    Was: $300.00
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    Now: $89.95
    Was: $300.00
  • In this new book, we will teach you how to connect with your spiritual parents.  We will also teach you how to find them on your own.  This task is a major spiritual blessing and in the past, one could go to spiritual Teachers, magi, shamans, or other connected beings in order to find out who your connections are.  I can look at a person and tell who their spiritual parents are, in much the same way that one can see physical parentage.  There are ways to tell who your spiritual parents are, and now we will share some of these secrets with the world.

    How to Find Your Spiritual Parents and Building Your Spiritual Altar Book

    How to Find Your Spiritual Parents and Building Your Spiritual Altar Book   In this new book, we will teach you how to connect with your spiritual parents.  We will also teach you how to find them on your own. This task is a major spiritual...
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