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  •                                                                  Angel Summonings

There are hundreds of powerful angels that are hardly ever invoked on this world. At one time, mankind invoked the Angels as much as the Gods. The Ancient Angels of Power are different than regular Angels. 

They stay with you forever and serve you in life, in the afterlife, and into the next lifetimes. They are Immortal Servants and Guardians.

Mankind has been stripped of the knowledge of their Presence. 

You have forgotten their Names and how to invoke them.

It is now time to bring this knowledge back to you.

Angel Summonings is a book that was lost to the world thousands of years ago. The text is a translation of an angelic tongue that has not been used in this dimension. With this book, you can change the material, emotional, sexual, and mental aspects of your life with the help of angels who stand by to help you. After long centuries of suppression, they can now be with us again. 

There are over 50 separate Angel Summonings in this book. With this work, you can now bring new angelic light into your life.

We will only release 50 of these rare texts. They will all be hard bound, leather covers, gloss paper, gold foil cover lettering.



    Angel Summonings

    Angel Summonings   There are hundreds of powerful angels that are hardly ever invoked on this world. At one time, mankind invoked the Angels as much as the Gods. The Ancient Angels of Power are different than regular Angels. They stay with you...
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  •                                                                                                Healing Spells
Healing Spells is the first book that we will release that is fully applied to the art of healing.  My first connection to the world of the celestial was connected to healing miracles.  Now, we have been commissioned to offer a book full of healing spells that have never been released on this planet.  Each of these spells draws upon a healing reservoir within the soul, DNA, or chakra centers within the body.  These centers allow each of us to heal the body on a daily basis.  As such, we only tap a very small percentage of this power.  With this new work, we can use this power to heal ourselves, friends, family, and others in person or at a distance.  This book contains angelic healing spells, divine healing spells from the gods, elemental healing spells, solar healing spells, and Anthropos level healing spells.  There are also spells in this book that amplify the healing power of the user to great heights.
Price: $300

    The Healing Spells Book

    The Healing Spells Book     Healing Spells is the first book that we will release that is fully applied to the art of healing.  My first connection to the world of the celestial was connected to healing miracles.  Now, we have...
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  • The Royal Star Tablets: Regulus

    The Royal Star Tablets: Regulus

    The Royal Star Tablets Regulus   The stars have fascinated mankind for thousands of years. The closest star to earth gives us power, light, heat, and life. The stars that are more distant give us celestial power, but we have forgotten to tap into...
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  • The Dark Arts are the most feared and least understood of all the forces that beset mankind. This text is designed to help mankind learn the higher principles of defense against the dark arts. This basic text is taught to all of the soldiers among my people who protect and defend the lower worlds.  I have written many such texts as primers in order to help defenders in training learn the ways of the warrior.

    Defense Against the Dark Arts Book

    The Dark Arts are the most feared and least understood of all the forces that beset mankind. This text is designed to help mankind learn the higher principles of defense against the dark arts. This basic text is taught to all of the soldiers...
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  • This book is a compilation of the most powerful Latin incantations that I have ever known.  These incantations, spells, and invocations were my introduction to the world of magic in this lifetime.  I share them with you, my followers, as a window into what has up to this point been a very private world.

The Chapters, Introduction, The Elemental Incantations, Invocations of the Holy Light, Invocations of the Light of the Holy Names of God, Rare Empowerment Invocations, Protective Incantations, Rare Latin Healing Invocations, Rare Latin Invocations of the Major Gods, Complex Latin Invocations.

    Rare Latin Magical Incantations Book

    Rare Latin Magical Incantations Book   Incantations fall within the domain of the conscious aspect of the language mediated particle generating force. When we speak, our words collapse the potential forces of reality into things. Some of these...
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  • In this new book, we will teach you how to connect with your spiritual parents.  We will also teach you how to find them on your own.  This task is a major spiritual blessing and in the past, one could go to spiritual Teachers, magi, shamans, or other connected beings in order to find out who your connections are.  I can look at a person and tell who their spiritual parents are, in much the same way that one can see physical parentage.  There are ways to tell who your spiritual parents are, and now we will share some of these secrets with the world.

    How to Find Your Spiritual Parents and Building Your Spiritual Altar Book

    How to Find Your Spiritual Parents and Building Your Spiritual Altar Book   In this new book, we will teach you how to connect with your spiritual parents.  We will also teach you how to find them on your own. This task is a major spiritual...
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  • The Original Emerald Tablets were designed to create a community of illuminated and enlightened humans that could lead mankind into the stars and beyond.  In their original design, man only needed to look at the tablets in order to activate the hidden elements within consciousness that could lead to elevation.  These tablets were destroyed and only one tablet remained. In fact, man was only allowed one page of that book of tablets.  That page was in truth an introduction to the tablet itself.  As a result, mankind has been denied access to the True Emerald Tablets for thousands of years.  Most have been led to believe that the introductory tablet is all there is.  In truth, there is much, much more.

The Illuminated Tablet will contain 100 individual tablets and will be designed to elevate the consciousness and spiritual DNA of the user.  These tablets will help the user become a leader within the general community.  They will also allow for accelerated spiritual evolution and teaching ability.

    The Solar Tablet - Illuminated Level (Collector's Edition)

    God Thoth

    The Solar Tablet - Illuminated Level   The Original Emerald Tablets were designed to create a community of illuminated and enlightened humans that could lead mankind into the stars and beyond.  In their original design, man only needed to...
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  • The Golden Tablet

    The Golden Tablet

    As the soul evolves, it changes, grows, and becomes more complex.  The Golden Tablet is the first tablet that is designed to help accelerate the growth and evolution of the soul gem itself.  Each page is separately programmed to evolve a...
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  • The Daemonium Black Tablet is designed to help you defeat the evil that is the real reason you are stuck on this world.  Until you utterly defeat the evil that brings you into this world, you are destined to return here and suffer over and over.  This is the only escape.

    Daemonium: The Black Tablet

      Daemonium: The Black Tablet     The concept of demons is as old as mankind.  In the times of old, we huddled against the night, warm in our caves and huts, protected against the beasts that populated the night. We wove stories...
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  • Angelic Consciousness is the most useful and hardest to develop of all the forms of spiritual awareness that we have taught thus far. If you are going to make a real investment in your spiritual growth, now is the time to jump in. The Consciousness of the Angelus will be born during the month of October. That is why we were instructed to deliver this tablet last. The Consciousness of the Angelus will give humans the ability to access their Immortal Angelic Consciousness with ease.

    Angelus Tablet

    Angelus   Angelus will allow a human to develop and bring to the surface the power of their angelic consciousness. There has never been a tool such as this available to humans. In order to complete this feat, the Gods have decreed that a new...
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  • Ars Immortalis Tablet

    Ars Immortalis Tablet

    Ars Immortalis Tablet   The Immortalis is part of a network of immortal energy broadcasts that comprise the basis for consciousness. Each of us is wired into these broadcasts. The Immortalis broadcast is part of the essence of all consciousness...
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  • The Symbols of Power book reveals for the first time the very energy patterns that emanate from the sun which sustain and balance all life and consciousness in the solar system.  These powerful patterns emanate light of many different varieties and are capable of creating miraculous changes in consciousness, diminishing the force of death, aging, illness, anxiety, and other destructive forces which affect our lives.

    Symbols of Power Book

    The Symbols of Power     The Symbols of Power book reveals for the first time the very energy patterns that emanate from the sun which sustain and balance all life and consciousness in the solar system.  These powerful patterns...
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