
Top 10 Most Important Tablets

Top 10 Most Important Tablets

This list also includes Rapid Wealth Generation, however, it is not currently discounted. 

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  • The Rapid Deification Tablet

    The Rapid Deification Tablet

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  •  The Complete Dragon Calls

    The Complete Dragon Calls

    The Complete Dragon Calls   Why do dragon “Gods” exist   the world over? Perhaps the last time the true Creator came here was 100 million years ago, when the dominant species were giant reptiles. Perhaps the best suited or...
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  • Removing Attaching Spirits: The Master Edition

    Removing Attaching Spirits: The Master Edition

    Removing Attaching Spirits The Master Edition     Attaching Spirits are the cause of more than 80% of all the mental, emotional, and physical suffering found in this world. Since we cannot see them, we take them for granted. Unfortunately,...
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  •                                                                                                                                                                    Manus Dei

                                                                                                                                                            The Hand of God




The Hand of God, or Manus Dei in Latin, also known as Dextera domini/dei, the "right hand of God", is a motif in Jewish and Christian art, especially of the Late Antique and Early Medieval periods, when depiction of Jehovah or God the Father as a full human figure was considered unacceptable. The hand, sometimes including a portion of an arm, or ending about the wrist, is used to indicate the intervention in or approval of affairs on Earth by God, and sometimes as a subject in itself. It is an artistic metaphor that is generally not intended to indicate that a hand was physically present or seen at any subject depicted.


The Hand is seen appearing from above in a fairly restricted number of narrative contexts, often in a blessing gesture (in Christian examples), but sometimes performing an action. In later Christian works it tends to be replaced by a fully realized figure of God the Father, whose depiction had become acceptable in Western Christianity, although not in Eastern Orthodox or Jewish art. Though the hand of God has traditionally been understood as a symbol for God's intervention or approval of human affairs, it is also possible that the hand of God reflects the anthropomorphic conceptions of the deity that may have persisted in late antiquity. (Wikipedia)


In the Higher Spiritual Orders, the Hand of God took on a greater purpose.  It was designed to expand and empower the connection of the higher mind with the lower conscious mind.  The scientists of the Orders understood this connection centuries before it became known to secular science.  The Scientists have known for decades that the subconscious (or unconscious) mind is more powerful than the conscious mind. Some of them even suggest that if you can access and control your subconscious mind, doing extraordinary things such as telekinesis will be like a walk in the park.


In the popular documentary What the Bleep Do We Know?, Dr. Joe Dispenza states that a healthy human brain can process 400 billion bits of information per second. However, we are only conscious of about 2,000 of those 400 billion bits of information. In simpler terms, most of the information of reality is processed by your unconscious mind. If your conscious mind tries to process billions of bits of information at once, you will see or experience things that make your life very chaotic.


This is why, your subconscious mind translates most of the information. It can filter out unnecessary things allowing you to experience life in a way that makes sense to you. The subconscious mind is often termed as the “autopilot” behind your conscious mind. It is where your mind stacks away all its memories. It keeps your experiences, concepts, insights, and perceptions long after your conscious mind has forgotten them. From here come the feelings and notions that rule your conscious self, behaviors, habits, and mindset.

Through its complex mechanism of neurological functions, the brain is responsible for vital emotions, including negative emotions. These include anger, happiness, grief, shock, and the like. These interpretations give shape to the kind of behavior we exhibit. It influences whether a person cultivates positive thinking or limiting beliefs.


The unconscious mind is capable of a learning system that is not accessible to the conscious mind.  In this system, we only need look at certain images in a particular order, in order to download and process billions of bits of data that the conscious mind has no access to.  As we download and process this data, we evolve and grow.  This growth leads us to a wonderful place that the conscious mind has no ability to prevent us from reaching.  This is the secret to the leaps of growth and enlightenment that the higher members of the Order enjoy.


In order to use this book, you will not need any written words of instructions.  Many of the images are designed to guide you at the unconscious level, where real leaning and growth take place.  The outer world conscious mind learning system was designed by lower forces to distract and frustrate humans.  It also prevents them from reaching any meaningful plateaus of spiritual growth in any one lifetime.  Manus Dei helps the human mind grow and evolve in power and awareness through unconscious learning processes not available to the average person.  This is how God intervenes in normal human affairs in order to level the playing field.


Allow your subconscious mind to do all the work. Look at the page for as long as you wish.  Do not attempt to understand the image or the meaning behind the sigils.  The unconscious already knows and will use the symbols and pages as a kind of food for the nourishment and growth of your higher mind and awareness. 

Price: $2,000.00

    Manus Dei: The Hand of God

    Manus Dei The Hand of God   The Hand of God, or Manus Dei in Latin, also known as Dextera domini/dei, the "right hand of God", is a motif in Jewish and Christian art, especially of the Late...
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  •                                                                                                                                                                        WORDS OF POWER
                                                                                                                                                                      THE MAGICAL RACES

Several years ago we presented a ground-breaking workshop entitled The Words of Power.  For the first time, humanity was introduced to the secrets of using words of power from the celestial world. When spoken properly, these words have the power to change reality around you.  There are other words from many different races that we never had the chance to teach you.  Dragons have their own special breed of magical words that they use in secret to control their magic. The High Elves have their own words of power that give them immortality and high magic.  The Fairy Races have their own words that they have used in secret since the time of their merging with the angels. The People of the Secret, a hidden and powerful magical race of demigod level humans use their own words of power in order to build huge corporations and institutions.
The Words of Power from The Magical Races will explore the basics of using these special words.  These explanations on the use of these words may not be found anywhere else in the world.  Mankind is held in shadow and confusion when it comes to the magic of the higher races.  For the first time, we will integrate a basic primer on the words of power with the use of the higher words from various magical races.  These words will seem familiar to many of you because in reality, all of you are descended from at least one magical race.  Humanity is only part of your ancestry.  When you learn and apply words from the magical races, you will unlock yet another aspect of your hidden potential.
This book will also give you clues that will help you determine your magical ancestry. Using words from your own magical ancestry opens the door to true power.
Price: $3500.00

    Words of Power: The Magical Races

    WORDS OF POWER THE MAGICAL RACES         Several years ago we presented a ground-breaking workshop entitled The Words of Power.  For the first time, humanity was introduced to the secrets of using words of power from the...
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  •                                                                                                                  The Gods of Light


The very first question that a newly transitioned soul is asked by the Gods is simple: “Who(m) do you serve?”


Most people will say one of two things.  One: “I have no idea what you are talking about!” Those individuals are swiftly sent back to earth.  


Two. I serve no one. “I am my own Master.”


If you have not created a sustainable world with dwellings for yourself and your followers, you will be sent swiftly back to the earth domain.  Worlds that are sustained by your thoughts and emotion will wither as you die.


Some people will mention the god of their faith i.e., Jesus, Buddha, Moses, etc. but they will have no real idea of how to connect with the entity except through prayer or visualization.  It is a bit like being asked for your passport when trying to enter into a country and not having one.  Reciting the pledge of allegiance won’t get you past the guard.  Do you think moving from a lower world to a higher world would be any easier?”


A passport is a sign of allegiance to a particular country and its rulers.  Traveling in this world without one is very difficult.  Moving from the lower worlds to the higher worlds is very difficult without being able to show your allegiance and devotion to one of the Gods of Light. 


Each of the Gods of Light has created worlds that are sustained by their power.  I have seen many of these worlds and they are beautiful beyond belief.  However, most humans will not be afforded the luxury of living on a higher world because they have never really worked on devoting themselves to one of the Gods of Light. 


Mostly, they don’t even know who they are.


In this very important work, we will give the details of how you devote yourself to a god/goddess of light.  We will also provide you with details of their names, domains, and most important prayers, invocations, and practices.


With this information, you will be able to describe your service to The Gods of Light when faced with this important question.  You will be able to contact the god and form an important bond that will carry you forward with accelerated speed in your spiritual, emotional, and evolutionary growth.  My devotion and service to My Lord Thoth has been the impetus for my accelerated growth on this world.  You will now have the ability to form similar relationship with the god/goddess of your choice. 


The Gods of the Light rule over the forces of good and order in this domain. They are our main catalysts for evolution and growth.  In order to help you cement your connection with them through this work, we will provide you with a recently discovered meteorite that contains the DNA and light information of the Body of the God Ra.  The God Ra is the most powerful of all the Gods in the Egyptian Pantheon and he is the Ruler of the Power of the Light.  His information is included in the text.


The first thirty buyers will receive a specially designed holder that carries a Body of Ra Stone.


Price:$3000                    Platinum Price: $2250

    The Gods of Light

    The Gods of Light   The very first question that a newly transitioned soul is asked by the Gods is simple: “Who(m) do you serve?”   Most people will say one of two things.  One: “I have no idea what you are talking...
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  •                                                                                                                       Doxagrad




The word Doxagrad is an ancient celestial angelic term that refers to a broad family of entities that cause disease and suffering in the worlds.

The Doxagrad are the primary causes of all diseases, poverty, illness, and lack of evolution.  The Daemonium use the Doxagram as vectors
for the destruction that they cause in the lower worlds. When they wish to kill a person, they will send in a Doxagrad to cause cancer, heart disease, or an infection. 


Depending on the amount of spiritual and magical force the individual holds, they will be able to use their immune systems in order to fight off the problem.  Those with low spiritual resources are most easily attacked and consumed by the Doxagrad. The Doxagrad feed on our suffering as a type of food.


This book will give you a thorough listing of the major entities that cause illness and suffering.  It also gives the appropriate invocations, remedies, and energetic treatments necessary to eradicate the entities from the body, aura, and soul.  Most of us pick up these entities from the environment, other people, and family members.  Most of the time, they do not cause problems, but eventually as the body wears down, they strike and ultimately cause problems.


Doxagrad gives an excellent history of the entities, physical descriptions, and methods for disposing of them.  Healers, magicians, shamans, spiritual counselors, and aspirants of many types will want to use this text as a reference manual and resource for treatment.


When you know the specific cause of a problem, you can treat it more effectively.


There is no other book like this on the planet.

The First 50 people who purchase this book will receive a 1 milliliter bottle of Mother Elixir that can be combined with water, wine, cinnamon, whiskey or olive oil to create an elixir to help fight the Pathogens. First 50 people Only.


Price: $1200




    Doxagrad   The word Doxagrad is an ancient celestial angelic term that refers to a broad family of entities that cause disease and suffering in the worlds. The Doxagrad are the primary causes of all diseases, poverty, illness, and lack of...
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  •                                                                                                                                   The Order of the Red Dragon: Secrets of the Order

The Order of the Red Dragon is one of the most powerful spiritual organizations in the universe. It was created to help humanity emerge from the depths of spiritual slavery into full enlightenment.  As the Order grew, hundreds of humans learned of its existence and eventually gained entrance into its hallowed halls.  Entrance is not easy and those who make the cut, are immortalized for their efforts.  Unknown to most, there are back doors that allow ordinary mortals to interface with the Immortals, Gods, and Dragons within the Order.
The Secrets of the Order is a one of a kind book. This work allows mortals to glimpse into the secret world of the Order.  The Order is organized into Inner, Outer, and Secret Chambers.  However, each of these castings is further divided into Lodges.  These Lodges are led by Beings of Great Power who are always on the lookout for humans with potential.  Each lodge has its own handshake, sigil, meeting house, and sign of recognition. A human knowing these is never truly alone and may contact the Order in meditation, visions, and in times of dire need, physically. In this work, you will learn how to determine when the Lodges are meeting, what their agenda is, and how to gain permission to participate.  
Each potential entrant is screened thoroughly and those with negative or duplicitous intent are barred from even coming close to the chamber doors. Attending a Lodge meeting is an achievement in and of itself.  Humans that are allowed entrance are fast tracked toward Order admission.
The Order also has special contacts in the astral world, the dream world, and the physical world that may be utilized with special meditations and glyphs.  There are also hidden words of power, solar techniques, and incantations known only to members of the Order.  When you possess this book, you will be given a special word that will allow you to communicate with a member of the Inner Order.
Secrets of the Order is a very special book and we encourage all of you to get this if you can.  We appreciate your support and this book is sanctioned by the Order.

Price: $2,000.00

    The Order of the Red Dragon: Secrets of the Order

    The Order of the Red Dragon

    The Order of the Red Dragon   Secrets of the Order       The Order of the Red Dragon is one of the most powerful spiritual organizations in the universe. It was created to help humanity emerge from the depths of spiritual...
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  • Ars Immortalis Tablet

    Ars Immortalis Tablet

    Ars Immortalis Tablet   The Immortalis is part of a network of immortal energy broadcasts that comprise the basis for consciousness. Each of us is wired into these broadcasts. The Immortalis broadcast is part of the essence of all consciousness...
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