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  • Everyone needs to let go of something ... Releasement is an ancient healing method designed to help the listener let go of even the most difficult painful emotional attachments in life ... a difficult relationship, painful memories, abuse from the past, and many other problematic issues have been successfully released using this beautiful technique.....This recording is equivalent to having a private session with one of the countries best spiritual counselors in the comfort of your own home.

Healing and Releasing Emotional Trauma from the Past


Releasement is a new beginning....a way to feel better than ever before...a way to feel the relief of a good night's sleep experience the tranquility of a day without pain ... a way to let go of the chaos that has taken too much of the joy from your life ... a way to feel ... even for a few moments ... true happiness ... peace ...and contentment ...

The Releasement recording employs an ancient healing technique that has been used for thousands of utilizes the principle that the emotional trauma that happen to us begin in the spirit and work their way toward the conscious mind.

    Releasement Audio Download

    Everyone needs to let go of something ... Releasement is an ancient healing method designed to help the listener let go of even the most difficult painful emotional attachments in life ... a difficult relationship, painful memories, abuse from the past,...
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  • The Soul Cleansing Special Edition CD represents a tremendous upgrade in the technology we have developed to cleanse the soul gem. This CD takes advantage of the newly discovered radio emissions from a very powerful distant white dwarf star. Recent discoveries in stellar seismography have revealed that each star radiates a complex series of radio waves that may be translated into sound. These sounds resonate throughout the body of the star very much like a heartbeat. Each star has its own characteristic heartbeat. The more evolved the star, the more distinct and resonant its heartbeat becomes.

The white dwarf star consciousness can connect the lower mind with higher consciousness. Usually, during normal waking consciousness, this connection is obscured by emotional, mental, and spiritual noise and debris. The cleansing function of The Soul Cleansing Special Edition CD helps to greatly improve the reception of the valuable information flowing into the conscious mind from the regions of the higher mind.

This CD also contains the Names of God associated with dispelling dark forces, healing, and spiritual power. Using The Soul Cleansing Special Edition CD on a regular basis helps to connect the mind to the higher dimensional planes of reality.

    Soul Cleansing Special Edition Audio Download

    The Soul Cleansing Special Edition Audio Download represents a tremendous upgrade in the technology we have developed to cleanse the soul gem. This audio takes advantage of the newly discovered radio emissions from a very powerful distant white dwarf...
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  • The Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition recording takes advantage of our research into the phenomenon of spiritual disturbances. In addition to the special sound frequency that we employ for the treatment of disturbances, this recording adds a few important upgrades.

In the Special Edition, the actual Names of God are whispered into the matrix of the prayer itself. In ancient times, healers were often called into service when an important official or noble person became ill. The healer would often utilize the power of the Names of God as a tool. Their healings were often quite miraculous. The Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition  encodes the Names of God for dispelling dark forces, dissolving blockages, and tearing away illusions and negative thought forms into the matrix of the sound file.

    Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition Audio Download

    The Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition recording takes advantage of our research into the phenomenon of spiritual disturbances. In addition to the special sound frequency that we employ for the treatment of disturbances, this recording adds a few...
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  • Attaching Spirits are the cause of more than 80% of all the mental, emotional, and physical suffering found in this world. Since we cannot see them, we take them for granted. Unfortunately, this profound spiritual ignorance allows this situation to become worse year after year.

After years of research, I believe I have found at least a temporary way to address the problem. During my travels in my astral form, I met a man who had invented a device that utilized sound to remove attaching spirits. After a series of conversations with this man, who is not currently incarnate, I learned that discarnate attaching spirits are sensitive to certain high frequency sound waves. In particular, sound frequencies in the 10,000 hz range were particularly effective in causing them to flee an area. Exposures to this pure tone for at least 30 minutes was sufficient to remove even the most ardent ghost from a person, place, or thing.

The difficulty inherent in the process was that on earth, we almost never hear pure tones. Producing a pure tone in the range necessary to remove the entities would prove to be a daunting task. Ultimately, I was able to find a way to accurately produce the tone. In all the testing up to this point, the tone works just as well in this world as it did in his. When played at high volume in an open space, the attaching spirits in the area of the blast will depart within 20-30 minutes. Most will depart within minutes but the most stubborn will fight the broadcast.

Unfortunately, they will return over time if the blast is not repeated within 24-48 hours. I would recommend playing it at least once a day in order to clear yourself or a particular space.The tone is very high pitched and not at all suitable for a pleasant meditation. But then, that is not its purpose. Be careful not to damage your ears with the tone by playing it at too high a volume, especially while listening with headphones.

    Spirit Attachment Removal Audio Download

    Attaching Spirits are the cause of more than 80% of all the mental, emotional, and physical suffering found in this world. Since we cannot see them, we take them for granted. Unfortunately, this profound spiritual ignorance allows this situation to...
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  • Words of Prosperity, in this CD, you will hear a series of Words of Power that are specifically designed to bring the power of success into your life. When you want to achieve real success, success without the roller coaster effect that wealth can so often have, you must recognize that all good fortune originates from the Light of the Creator. If you believe that you are the sole architect of your success, the actual creator of your prosperity, your disregard for the Light of the Creator will impel the financial roller coaster into motion. With the appropriate words of power, you can draw good fortune directly from the Light, not through your ego. The ego can provide you with some success, but ultimately, it strips away that success from some other important area of your life. As you hear these words of power, focus on the clearest, brightest, most pure light that you can imagine. With all your might, remove all doubt and fear from your mind as you fix your attention on being happy, prosperous, and successful beyond your wildest dreams. All you have to do is to hold a single happy, clear, unadulterated successful thought in your mind while you focus on the words and the Light will do the rest. Another key to ridding yourself of ego based fear and chaos is to think big. Permanent happiness, joy, financial success, and harmony in your relationships are possible today while you are still on Earth. Letting go and letting the Light give to you what is rightfully yours is crucial. If you don’t genuinely believe, with all the fibers of your being that the things that you are asking for are attainable goals, then you can’t truly say that you are allowing yourself to thing big. In truth, you have let your ego trick you into thinking small………..again.

                                                              Words of Power for Prosperity

                                                                    (spoken on recording)

                                 Arom Nahrea- mantra used to unlock the power of the Words..

                                   Keli, Lekab, Lehah, Sael, Vaho, Doni, Aumem, Mabeh, Aiau

                                 Arom Nahrea-mantra used to unlock the power of the Words.

    Words of Power Prosperity Audio Download

    Words of Prosperity, in this CD, you will hear a series of Words of Power that are specifically designed to bring the power of success into your life. When you want to achieve real success, success without the roller coaster effect that wealth can so...
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  • The Body of Light Mantra raises the overall vibration of the physical body. It also increased the amount of light that the physical body may hold.

By regularly chanting the mantra, many mystics believe that at the moment of one’s so called death, one would undergo the “perfect death” and be able to etherealize the physical body. The student would then immediately function in the Body of Light without any break in consciousness.

For the power of the mantra to be effective, they believe that one would have to tread the spiritual path with sincerity, honesty, and purity of heart. There are a large number of powerful spiritual experiences associated with the use of this mantra. Most of these experiences related to the visualization of light beings, kundalini surges, and powerful movements of light within the body of the user.

According to legend, memorizing the body of light mantra causes changes within the mind and body of the user. The culmination of these changes is the creation of the human body of light.


The Body of Light Mantra:
















    The Body of Light Mantra Audio Download

    The Body of Light Mantra raises the overall vibration of the physical body. It also increased the amount of light that the physical body may hold. By regularly chanting the mantra, many mystics believe that at the moment of one’s so called death,...
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  • The Prayer of Greater Miracles also known as the Usnisa Vijaya Dharani is a powerful and wonderful medicine that can universally free sentient beings from the sufferings in the cycles of birth and death. This has fully demonstrated the great compassion of the Buddha to save the world. Memorizing this prayer permanently transforms and elevates the soul.

The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani is given with the aim that all sentient beings living in this troubled and tumultuous world would benefit from it. The Usnisa Dharani will help beings overcome their sufferings and obtain happiness, increase their prosperity and longevity, and help them achieve rebirth in a world of light populated by Immortal Enlightened Beings.

    The Prayer of Greater Miracles Audio Download

    The Prayer of Greater Miracles Audio Download   The Prayer of Greater Miracles also known as the Usnisa Vijaya Dharani is a powerful and wonderful medicine that can universally free sentient beings from the sufferings in the cycles of birth and...
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  • The Miracle Prayer Platinum Edition is a completely new and digitally remixed recording of our miraculous prayer.  The new recording has a number of digitally magnified and enhanced sound energies embedded in the matrix of the recording.  In the new recording, we have created new background music, new instruments, and a totally new vocal track.  This version of  The Miracle Prayer was recorded following a special series of meditations that I completed that were designed to accelerate and enhance my spiritual power. 

The result of these enhancements has increased the power of the prayer. The digital potency process allows us to enhance and magnify the energy of a recording many times.  The process is energy based and allows us to add 10 times, 100 times, 250 times, 1000 times, and 1,000,000 times magnifications of the power of the sound to each recording.  The really beautiful aspect of this process is that the magnifications act on the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious aspect of the mind simultaneously.  Furthermore, the magnification process accelerates the digital enhancement to the superliminal area of consciousness.  In other words, your ears can't hear the extra energy, but your mind processes the information at astounding speed.

    The Miracle Prayer Platinum Edition Audio Download

    The Miracle Prayer Platinum Edition is a completely new and digitally remixed recording of our miraculous prayer.  The new recording has a number of digitally magnified and enhanced sound energies embedded in the matrix of the recording. ...
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  • The Beautiful Blue Star Meditation is a powerful inducer of theta brain waves. The sound that is used in this meditation is emitted by a star, billions of miles away from our Solar System. This star is a beautiful Blue White Giant. It is highly evolved and vastly intelligent being that continually emits some of the most powerful theta waves in the universe. 

In ancient times, Taoist shamans used the sounds coming from the stars in order to attune their consciousness to the gateways that line the universe. 

When one uses this meditation, you will soon enter into a reproducible theta state. I use this meditation almost daily for this very purpose.  Boosting theta brain waves can improve your health by making you feel younger, giving you more energy, and improving uour immune system. Each of the “slower brain waves” produce wonderful health benefits. 

A common benefit to increasing the amount of slow brain waves [i.e. alpha, theta, delta] in your brain is feeling deeply relaxed. Scientists have found that when the brain is in slower brain wave states [like alpha and theta], it produces specific hormones and “neuropeptides.” These hormones and neuropeptides that are produced have been linked to boosted memory, creativity, and ability to learn.

    The Blue Star Meditation Audio Download

    The Beautiful Blue Star Meditation is a powerful inducer of theta brain waves. The sound that is used in this meditation is emitted by a star, billions of miles away from our Solar System. This star is a beautiful Blue White Giant. It is highly evolved...
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  • The Actus Signal is the great primordial sound from which all life, consciousness, and motion derives. It is a sound which permeates all the known universe and may be heard briefly only in deep meditation. The Actus Signal is generated continually by the Source and may be heard everywhere throughout the universe. The Words of Power are embedded within this signal. 

As the consciousness of a race or individual evolves, the ability to decipher and use The Actus Signal emerges. In our galaxy, the sound of The Actus Signal is echoed in the voice of the stars, planets, and nebulae.

    The Actus Signal Audio Download

    The Actus Signal is the great primordial sound from which all life, consciousness, and motion derives. It is a sound which permeates all the known universe and may be heard briefly only in deep meditation. The Actus Signal is generated continually by the...
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  • The human mind is the transmitter of consciousness. As such, human consciousness functions much like a band of stations one might find on a radio set. Some of the stations are easily identifiable, easily detectable with the tuning dial. The most commonly used and loudest channels would be analogous to the function of the conscious mind. We are generally accustomed to listening to and communicating with a set number of channels of perception that we call “awareness”. The Conscious Mind Cleansing and Enhancement recording is designed to gradually dissolve and eliminate negative and destructive mental and emotional energies that are stored within the mind. To accomplish this task, this recording employs a special series of powerful and penetrating tones and computer generated sounds that bore into the neurons and nerve pathways. Once there, the tones are programmed to detect and dissolve harmful patterns of energy.

    Conscious Mind Cleansing Audio Download

    The human mind is the transmitter of consciousness. As such, human consciousness functions much like a band of stations one might find on a radio set. Some of the stations are easily identifiable, easily detectable with the tuning dial. The most commonly...
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  •                                                                                                                                   The Miracle Prayer

The Miracle Prayers is a tool of meditation and contemplation.  Some people believe that the Name of God is recorded in the lines of the Miracle Prayer. On one level, just listening to its words helps the user feel better, feel calmer, and function better on a daily basis.  On another level, the Miracle Prayer makes the impossible....possible....

The Miracle Prayer is a combination of several advanced and ancient energies;

1. The Ana B’Koach…an ancient prayer which some say encodes the 42 letter Name of God.

2. The power of a wonderful mother rainstorm

3. Softly embedded EMDR tones

The 42 Letter Name of God is an ancient word of Power. This Name of God is divided into seven lines.

The Miracle Prayer has been electronically mixed with a lingering and beautiful mother rainstorm that lasted for several hours. The energy of the storm was in part captured in the recording. In effect, one can almost feel the power of the rain as you listen to the recording.

EMDR tones are designed to help facilitate enhanced communication between the left and right lobes of the brain. EMDR stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy. This is a relatively new and exciting therapeutic process that has shown great promise in the treatment of trauma and anxiety disorders.

The EMDR tones embedded within the recording act to speed up the action of the prayer on the body and mind.


Price: Free

    The Miracle Prayer Audio Download

    The Miracle Prayer   The Miracle Prayers is a tool of meditation and contemplation.  Some people believe that the Name of God is recorded in the lines of the Miracle Prayer. On one level, just listening to its words helps the user feel...
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