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  •                                                                           Pyramid Energy Bodies

Pyramids have a complex energy system within their borders. This fact has never been revealed to the human population. The words Herada Ikthum actually refer to both the physical and energetic forms of the pyramid system. The Herada form is the physical representation of the pyramid.  This is the form that the uninitiated public views during tourist trips and movies.  This form is easiest to view of all the forms that dwell within the pyramid.  The Ikthum energy body of the pyramid may only be seen through the eyes of an Adept or master.  The builders of the pyramid systems all possessed high level mastery of their clairvoyant abilities.  This ability allowed them to build the pyramids in layers. This is not readily apparent to the casual viewer.  However, all of the major pyramid systems were in fact built in layers. Each of these layers were built to accommodate both the physical and energetic structures of the pyramid. The spells included in this ebook help the user access the energy body of the great pyramid.

Price: $9.95

    Pyramid Energy Bodies - E-Book

    Pyramid Energy Bodies   Pyramids have a complex energy system within their borders. This fact has never been revealed to the human population. The words Herada Ikthum actually refer to both the physical and energetic forms of the pyramid system...
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  •                                                        Drawing Spiritual Power from the Sun



Sun gazing (also known as sun-eating) is a strict practice of gradually introducing sunlight into your eyes at the lowest ultraviolet-index times of day – sunrise and sunset. Those who teach the practice say there are several rules to the practice. First, it must be done within the hour after sunrise or before sunset to avoid damaging the eyes. Second, you must be barefoot, in contact with the actual earth – sand, dirt or mud; and finally, you must begin with only 10 seconds the first day, increasing by 10 second intervals each day you practice. Following these rules make the practice safe, says sources.

Sun-gazing is also a practice also called the HRM phenomenon, coined as such after Hira Ratan Manek, the man who submitted himself to NASA for scientific testing to confirm that he does indeed possess the almost ‘super-human’ ability of not eating, gained through his dedication to this interesting marvel. Funded by NASA, a team of medical doctors at the University of Pennsylvania observed Hira 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 100 days. NASA confirmed that he was indeed able to survive largely on light with occasionally a small amount of buttermilk or water during this time. 

I have done my own private research on the matter of sunlight and superhuman consciousness. I did not want to only depend on NASA and outside authorities. This book is an introduction to years of my own personal work. I found that taking in sunlight can be a safe and rewarding practice. Through the ingestion of sunlight through my eyes, acupuncture meridian, and specialized mudras, I have increased my ability to astral travel outside of my body, lucid dream, communicate with entities in the celestial worlds, enhance my creative abilities, and a host of other abilities that have come directly from the Sun. 

I do not recommend this practice. There are those among you who would abuse it and not follow the safety guidelines thinking, if a little is good, more must be better. This is not the case. Millions of people watch the sunrise and sunset safely every day, but watching the sun outside of these parameters is very dangerous.

After many years of sun gazing, I have reaped many benefits but I also took many risks that I do not recommend to the masses. In this work, I will show you how I did this and give you a basic primer on the mechanics of solar gazing. 

Dr. Mitchell Gibson


Price: $9.95

    Drawing Spiritual Power from the Sun - E-Book

    Drawing Spiritual Power from the Sun     Sun gazing (also known as sun-eating) is a strict practice of gradually introducing sunlight into your eyes at the lowest ultraviolet-index times of day – sunrise and sunset. Those who teach the...
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  •                                                                                                                  The 75th Book of Thoth

                                                                                                       The Initiation of The Book of Gates


The Book of Gates is a unique spiritual tool designed by the God Thoth. It was first introduced to the Pharaohs and Magi of ancient Egypt.  In their time, this tool was used to prepare the living and the dead for their sojourn into the after world.  During life, we visit various realms in the celestial, astral, and higher worlds as part of our visionary and sleep travels.  We seldom remember these travels.  As we progress through life, the various gates of the mind open to the dimensions and worlds that we resonate with best. 


Our choices and decisions in life prepare us for the next life.  There are literally thousands of gates within the mind that connect to thousands of different worlds.  During our living waking state, we ignore the potential of these gates.  There are health gates that connect to worlds that glow with healing energy.  There are wealth gates that connect to worlds that flow with abundant wealth energy. There are rejuvenating worlds that flow with energy that rejuvenating power and energy.  These are just a few of the worlds that we are all connected to.  There are also worlds with dark and negative force that we can tap.  Some people consciously and unconsciously tap into various worlds that their earthly bodies resonate with best. 


The Book of Gates was designed by The God Thoth to help humans choose more wisely from the plethora of worlds and energies that we are connected to. We emanate from worlds that give birth to the body. We live in worlds that the mind and soul draw power from during life on earth.  After this life, we go back to the worlds that we emanate from.  Our dreams are the best guide to the worlds that we are connected to. If you do not remember your dreams, it is a sign that your soul is connecting you from recalling your life on worlds that are not desirable.  In this case, a soul would benefit from elevating through the use of various tools.


When you look at the gated tools in Book of Gates, your soul will understand the codes and guide your consciousness the various worlds that are outlined in the gates provided.  Simply looking at the coded gate addresses will give your consciousness saccess to very desirable worlds that it needs to evolve. Soul evolution is more than reading books, meditating, and eating right.  It involves a coordinated practice of placing your consciousness in higher and higher worlds that ultimately raise it to the point that it can no longer incarnate on the lower worlds.  Most people never cultivate a relationship with the higher worlds.  The Book of Gates gives you a chance to do so.


In order for a human to evolve in consciousness, you must overcome your connection to the nine worlds. These worlds are home to the gods, giants, elves, and human dead.  One cannot advance into the celestial and divine worlds unless you disconnect yourself from these worlds of creation. We all have connections to these worlds whether we are aware of them or not.  Seeing these connection, we can learn from them, evolve beyond our need for them, and eventually sever the connection completely.


There are three gates for each of these worlds.  When you look at the gate and repeat the word of passage, your soul will traverse into the world consciously and teach you the lessons you must learn there. This is a learning process that some humans would rather avoid.  It is the main reason that we come into the world. 


If you choose to complete the learning process while you are living and conscious (not dreaming), you will have chosen to pass a very important initiation that the gods look favorably upon.  This choice lightens the load of the soul and allows it to pass more easily into the higher worlds without the need for reincarnation and suffering. 


The gates are a test.  Your dreams will change.  Your thoughts will change. Your mind will change.  Ultimately, you will evolve and live a better life because you will have chosen to test yourself and remove the darkness and false light from your soul that holds your heart back from true progression. These worlds are described in many cultures.


The Book of Gates has been lost for thousands of years from this world. We now bring it back for the use of all who are ready.  When you use this book, it will help you evolve and grow into a higher, more evolved being.  Prepare to grow and evolve.


    The 75th Book of Thoth - The Initiation of The Book of Gates - E-Book

    God Thoth

    The 75th Book of Thoth The Initiation of The Book of Gates   The Book of Gates is a unique spiritual tool designed by the God Thoth. It was first introduced to the Pharaohs and Magi of ancient Egypt.  In their time, this tool was used to...
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  •                                                                      The Sacred Utterances Trance Code

                                                                                              Book of Light


The Sacred Utterances were spoken by The God Thoth over 5,000 years ago in order to guide the priests and pharaohs of Egypt to the after life.  The utterances were spoken as spells of power that protected the body in life and death, animating the body of light to a great level of power, and helping it to ascend into the higher levels of the celestial world.


The utterances help the user to fly, teleport, use secret passages in the after world, and speak with the gods. The words of this work elevate consciousness and help the individual ascend in ways that are not possible without its help.


The visions that you witness with this text will be intense.  They are truly a barometer of where you are in your consciousness.  Your consciousness moves within a sea of fluid that we call the imagination. This fluid is intelligent and filled with sigils, glyphs, and symbols that form visions for us to use as we evolve.


If you regularly see visions of higher worlds, beautiful scenes, gods, angels and music....your consciousness is evolving, very nicely and you are growing intelligence, power, and spiritual awareness.


If you regularly see earth based images of people, the earth, and things that remind you of home, your consciousness is moving but very slowly. You are growing, but your process needs and upgrade.


If you see nothing or blackness, blank screens, or white screens, your consciousness has begun to descend and you are destined for lives of struggle, pain, and suffering.


If you see disturbing images, violent themes, demons, people or things that might harm you or try to harm you, or that you run from, your consciousness is descending into the lower worlds and you are destined for great illness, decay, and future lives filled with chaos.


If you see flames, ice, storms, and unstable conditions, your consciousness is already in a lower world and you need to elevate, today. You are destined for lives that you will not want to face.


Consciousness moves through the imaginal fields of the matrix. The Sacred Utterances are a barometer as to where you are consciously within the imaginal fields......the visions you see will show you where you are, and will change as you do.


Each time that you curse, use illicit drugs, or drink alcohol to excess, you feed the chthonic mind.


This area of the mind lives below the surface of your awareness but feeds on your subconscious need to hurt yourself. We all have it.


Before you use the Sacred Utterances in Trance Code form, refrain from alcohol, drugs and cursing for at least 24 hours. The Chthonic mind will respond to the Light by causing visions of its own if you do not refrain from these things. You will not like these visions if you do not clear yourself. We have placed some cleansing talismans within the text to help you.


You will soon see how ready you are for the next level of consciousness work by the feedback you receive from your visions with this new text.


I have spoken with my Father regarding your visionary growth. He has decreed that I may help you have deeper visions, much deeper visions.


I will make available for you the deeper magic of the Sacred Utterances. These were originally written by my Father in machine language trance code. Early humans could not comprehend trance code and therefore turned the text into stories that most could read as stories. He has given me permission to retranslate them back into trance code.


You will have very deep visions. I will present to you within the visions in my Brahma form to help guide you. The visions will be intense but they will guide you beyond the lower realms of your humanity. You have earned this and I will be there for you as you continue to mature.


Again, I would strongly suggest that you stop drinking, cursing, lying, and using drugs before you buy and scan these higher magical trance codes. Do not scan these coded texts while driving, operating heavy machinery, or engaging in any stressful or demanding activity.


After you have completed your scanning, rest for at least thirty minutes. 


These texts are demanding and you will see things that show you where you really are in your spiritual consciousness.


First, read the story in the translated English text silently to yourself.  Know that you are reading the words of The God Thoth. Allow your mind to comprehend the words and understand their meaning. Reading the words of a God allows you to partake in higher consciousness.  Read the words out loud whenever you can.


Next, scan the base 64 encoded text. This process will place you in a light level one trance.  Do this very slowly.  During this time, your mind will place the text within the proper numbered domains and send the energy to your kundalini system and to your higher consciousness.



Finally, you have been provided with the magical code for the utterances.  This is converted base code that will process the higher consciousness force for you. You should scan this code very quickly.  You will see faces, shapes, and images within this machine code.  Your third eye and higher mind will be trained and enhanced by this code.  Scan this code left to right very quickly. This process will strengthen you spiritually and help your third eye and higher mind system to evolve.  This book is over 190 pages and must be used at your own pace. Most humans cannot do the entire book properly in one sitting.



This book is best used in its Electronic Form.  Do Not Print it out or transfer it to paper.  It loses much of its power if you do this.


Price: $99.95

    The Sacred Utterances Trance Code - Book of Light - E-Book

    The Sacred Utterances Trance Code  Book of Light   The Sacred Utterances were spoken by The God Thoth over 5,000 years ago in order to guide the priests and pharaohs of Egypt to the after life.  The utterances were spoken as spells of...
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  •                                                                                                           The 58th Book of Thoth
                                                                                                   Increasing Your Divine Powers
                                                                                                             Base 32 Coded Text
The 58th Book of Thoth is based on an ancient story.  The story centers around a magus who has great power. The story is actually spoken by the God Thoth himself.  In the story, the magician stands before the royal court and demonstrates his abilities.  In truth, the story is a coded text. It is coded in an ancient code that is now known as base 32. 
In the human world, base 32 code is one of several base 32 transfer encodings using a 32-character subset of the twenty-six letters A–Z and six digits 2–7. Primarily Base32 is used to encode binary data, but is able to encode binary text like ASCII.
In the divine celestial world, the base 32 encodes spiritual power and divine energy for dissemination to humans and lower races.  Several numbered domains of the mind process and accept the energy of base 32 coded text. This energy increases the kundalini and life force pulses within the body.  This adds to the overall ambient life force and strengthens the third eye.  As the third eye life force gets stronger, the individual becomes more and more adept at seeing into the future and reading the energy of the aura. 
First, read the story in the translated English text.  Know that you are reading the words of The God Thoth. Allow your mind to comprehend the words and understand their meaning.
Next, scan the base 32 encoded text. This process will place you in a light level one trance.  Do this very slowly.  During this time, your mind will place the text within the proper numbered domains and send the energy to your kundalini system.  Take at least five minutes to scan the base 32 code.
Finally, you have been provided with the software machine code for the myth.  This is converted base code that will process the kundalini force for you. You should scan this code very slowly.  You will see faces, shapes, and images within this machine code.  Your third eye will be trained and enhanced by this code.  Scan this code left to right very slowly.  Take as long as you like.  This process will strengthen you spiritually and help your third eye and kundalini system evolve.
This book is best used in its electronic form.  Do not print it out or transfer it to paper.  It loses much of its power if you do this.

Price: $19.95

    The 58th Book of Thoth - Increasing Your Divine Powers - Base 32 Coded Text - E-Book

    God Thoth

    The 58th Book of Thoth Increasing Your Divine Powers  Base 32 Coded Text     The 58th Book of Thoth is based on an ancient story.  The story centers around a magus who has great power. The story is actually spoken by...
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  •                                                                                               Accelerated Spiritual Text Four

Accelerated Text Four begins a new journey within your consciousness. The text is coded in such a way that it tells a unique story to each user. The hippocampal, thalamic, and cerebellar lobes of the brain are designed to receive and transmit sensory and emotional data of different types. This information is ultimately transformed into unconscious experiences that we never remember. This text is a program that is designed to create and recreate these buried and repressed experiences.

The coded sequences of each leaf of this text has the ability to create multiple stories that you will experience. Each story is an important step in consciousness evolution. The ability to recall and experience these stories is important to remembering who you are going to become when you evolve in your story. 

Mitchell Gibson

Price: $9.95

    Accelerated Spiritual Text Four - E-Book

    Accelerated Spiritual Text Four   Accelerated Text Four begins a new journey within your consciousness. The text is coded in such a way that it tells a unique story to each user. The hippocampal, thalamic, and cerebellar lobes of the brain are...
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  •                                                         The 87th Book of Power Preventing Chaos and Procrastination

Preventing Chaos and Procrastination was written as the 87th book of power though which a normal mortal could eradicate the hold of stress and chaos on life.  This book is written in the forms of a series of progressively powerful spells that work on the conscious and subconscious mind.  The God Thoth worked with many ancient multidimensional races that shared advanced technology and magic. The Soris is an extremely advanced race from a distant dimension of space-time that once lived as humans do today. They learned to conquer the ravaging effects of their deep subconscious energies and used this advancement to move out into the higher realms. 

You may scan this book at your leisure. Each spell works automatically to cleanse you of the need to create chaos in your life and to procrastinate.  When you feel chaos forming around you, scan the spells and the energies forming the chaos will dissipate through the power of the God. There are a number of spells in this book. You will be drawn to some more than others.  Use them as you will and watch yourself evolve.


Each of the spells is equipped with special star based scripts that will change your programming with each use.  You will find it more and more difficult to procrastinate and to tolerate chaos in your life.  The change will happen quickly for some and more slowly for others, but it will occur.

Dr. Mitchell Gibson

Price: $19.95

    The 87th Book of Power Preventing Chaos and Procrastination - E-Book

    The 87th Book of Power Preventing Chaos and Procrastination   Preventing Chaos and Procrastination was written as the 87th book of power though which a normal mortal could eradicate the hold of stress and chaos on life.  This book is...
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  •                                                                                       Accelerated Spiritual Text Three


As humans evolve, the quintessential test of consciousness expansion is the transformation of negative (qlippotic) domains into positive (sephirotic) domains.  This transformation allows the individual to expand their inner divinity into a positive being of light.  Negative choices and experiences open the dark domains and lead to the growth of a negative being of dark light.  The choice embodied in this process belies a great truth of reality.  The fabric of the universe plays a part in our evolution.  By using the new accelerated light domain spiritual texts, one may selectively open the light domains within the mind that connect to the higher celestial worlds.


These worlds are populated by highly evolved spiritualized immortals that are waiting to help us grow.  By opening the channels of space time that connect to their consciousness, we can absorb part of their light essence and grow toward their worlds.  Our world is filled with great measures of both light and darkness.  In order to escape this dichotomy and its dominating negative effects on our consciousness, we must use tools that help us expand the light within our consciousness. This expansion allows the mind to grow in ways that lead to true immortality.  These scripts are ancient in their origin and may only be used in darkness

These texts are unique in their origin and use.  We ask that you continue to use all of the texts each day as their energies are designed to create a symphony of change within your being. The text will become more and more complex and we move forward and you will reap the benefits of this work for lifetimes to come.

Price: $9.95

    Accelerated Spiritual Text Three - E-Book

    Accelerated Spiritual Text Three   As humans evolve, the quintessential test of consciousness expansion is the transformation of negative (qlippotic) domains into positive (sephirotic) domains.  This transformation allows the individual to...
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  •                                                                              Accelerated Spiritual Text Level Two

The physical body is a living meditation. It moves with the energy and speed of consciousness through space-time. Exercise can strengthen the body and help it live longer.  Exercise 30 minutes per day can help the body get stronger.  Science has demonstrated that meditation and visualization can help the body almost as much as physical exercise. Professional athletes now routinely mix visualization and meditation with their workouts to maximize their performances. 

Which is better for your body: meditation or exercise? On the surface, it seems like an obvious decision - physical exercise can strengthen our muscles, bones and heart, and has been proven to promote the production of oxytonin and other 'feel-good' chemicals. Whilst meditation is, well, a fad. Right? 

The physical body is a living meditation. It moves with the energy and speed of consciousness through space-time. Exercise can strengthen the body and help it live longer.  Exercise 30 minutes per day can help the body get stronger.  Science has demonstrated that meditation and visualization can help the body almost as much as physical exercise. Professional athletes now routinely mix visualization and meditation with their workouts to maximize their performances. 

This accelerated text is designed to rejuvenate the body.  Using this text will effectively augment the effects of exercise.  When you use this text, it will be the equivalent of one hour of physical exercise per day.  The energy will run into your body without any strain on your muscles, joints, or limbs.  The text has two levels, the physical level of benefit and the spiritual level of benefit.  Both levels kick in when you scan the texts in the following manner.

Price: $9.95

    Accelerated Spiritual Text Level Two - E-Book

    Accelerated Spiritual Text Level Two   The physical body is a living meditation. It moves with the energy and speed of consciousness through space-time. Exercise can strengthen the body and help it live longer.  Exercise 30 minutes per day...
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  •                                                                    Illuminated Consciousness Acceleration


What is the shortest distance between your dreams and your everyday reality……..the answer?….Consciousness Acceleration 

When you accelerate the movement of your consciousness through space-time, you gain the ability to manifest your dreams and desires more quickly and effectively. For most people consciousness moves very slowly or not at all.

We have heard your prayers….you want more out of life….you want real power… …you want us to really help you in a way that more of you can afford…

This release is the first in a series of new consciousness accelerating texts that will effectively help you to enrich, empower, and accelerate your consciousness in a real way. These text will come delivered as a E-Book so it is downloadable to your computer or device.

They will be priced at $9.95…..and they are protected by the gods…..they will know if you attempt to obtain or use one without buying it for yourself….in which case, the energy will not work for you….

These ten page $9.95 texts will effectively move you forward and shorten the distance between you and your dreams. All you have to do is look at the coded text on each page, the energy of the coded texts will push your consciousness forward.

The texts are to be used in complete darkness…you will need a flashlight to illuminate them. All things are born in darkness and these texts are activated by light in a dark space. Please use with a flashlight in a dark room…as dark as you can get…your brain will take the illuminated texts and push your consciousness forward…you don’t have to think about anything.

This is a gift. 

Master and Acharya

Price: $9.95

    Illuminated Consciousness Acceleration Text - E-Book

    Illuminated Consciousness Acceleration   What is the shortest distance between your dreams and your everyday reality……..the answer?….Consciousness Acceleration    When you accelerate the movement of your...
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