
Advanced Texts

Advanced Texts

The Tybro Advanced Texts are one of a kind creations to advance your conscious and subconscious mind.

Advanced text orders typically take 3-4 weeks to arrive, as they are ordered on demand.

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  •                                                                                                                          OXALDRA

                                                                                                           THE ART OF PROPHECY

Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Jean Dixon are known to be among the greatest clairvoyants of all time. Looking into the future is a very precarious endeavor. It is far easier to see what you want to see than to gaze upon what is actually there. If this were not true, then everyone would win the lottery, choose the perfect job, or marry the right person the first time around. There is a great secret regarding the examination of the future. Everyone looks clearly into the future every day, and then we are programmed to forget it.

Oxaldra is the art of clearly looking into the future and remembering what you see.

The word Oxaldra is a celestial angelic word that means “clearing a path”. In other words, it refers to one’s ability to clearly see the paths created by the energy of time. In my lifetime as Nostradamus, I clearly saw many paths into the future and wrote them down in books calls Centuries. I wrote hundreds of accurate predictions in this way. In this lifetime, I have accurately predicted volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteor strikes, hurricanes, stock market movements, disease, and a host of other events through my use of Oxaldra. I have now been asked to place these techniques in a tablet for you to use.

Through Oxaldra, you will learn to look into your own future and the futures of your loved ones. I will also place a number of predictions regarding our world, the universe around us, and the abiding time lines close to our own that will cover the next twenty years. You will also learn about the true nature of time, predictions, and the hidden potential of your own clairvoyance.

Oxaldra is a watershed volume that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. Get your copy today.


Price: $2000.00

    OXALDRA: The Art of Prophecy

    OXALDRA THE ART OF PROPHECY     Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Jean Dixon are known to be among the greatest clairvoyants of all time. Looking into the future is a very precarious endeavor. It is far easier to see what you want to see than...
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  •                                                                   The Temple of the Holy Elders



The Order of the Red Dragon is one of the most powerful spiritual organizations in the universe.  It is the main focus of our spiritual power and growth.  However, it is not the most powerful spiritual organization on earth. The Temple of the Holy Elders is composed of a group of Elder Cosmic Beings that live in a dimensional continuum that flows between earth and thousands of other domains. The Holy Elders are not human and they do not age and die in the way that humans and gods do. These beings control this domain and they are the entities that all earthly powers answer to, including the Bilderbergers.


They are known by many names, The Secret Chiefs, The Elders, and the The Celestials.  They live on several of the sacred mountains of this world. Most people do not know this, but a number of mountains over 20,000 feet tall have never been climbed. In addition, there are local and national sanctions against even trying.  Mt. Kailash, Mt. Kawakarpo, Gangkhar Puensum, and Karjiang, and Labuche Kang III are only a few of the peaks that have never been climbed.  These peaks are home to the Temple of the Holy Elders. 


These mountains are protected by these Holy Celestial Beings.  Mt. Kailash is home to five great monasteries and is also held sacred by several great religions of the world.  More than four billion humans hold this mountain sacred. The Temple of the Holy Elders is the most power organization on earth, spiritual, political, financial, and temporal.  They have held power here for many years.


Their members are not fixed in space-time and they move from one domain to another.  They hold trillions of dollars in assets all over the world and everything that happens on this world is under their control.  They do not allow the world to fall out of order in either direction of morality, spiritual power, or political power. The Order of the Red Dragon operates independently from the Temple.  However, when their resources and power is stretched or threatened by outside forces, they call upon the Temple for support.  The Order of the Green Dragon also operates independently of the Temple, but when they seek to expand their operations beyond a certain limit, they must seek the permission of the Temple in order to do so.


The Temple of the Holy Elders watches over the particular growth and evolution of this world. They work with the Orders so that we might have a chance beyond what nature and hard work would provide. They also participate in the creation of the Protocols that influence our growth and development.  They work with our Creators in this way.


The Temple of the Holy Elders will introduce you to this most powerful secret organization, their locations, members, and ways in which they can work with you.  Using their power, they can expand you greatly. 


Remember, there are no limits. Their magic is the strongest on earth.  Only the owners of this text will have access to their power.


We will sell 33 of these texts.


Michael S. Djanthi

Price: $2,000.00

    The Temple of The Holy Elders

    The Temple of the Holy Elders     The Order of the Red Dragon is one of the most powerful spiritual organizations in the universe.  It is the main focus of our spiritual power and growth.  However, it is not the most powerful...
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  •                                                                                                            The Book of Shields



The Book of Shields is the first of its kind.  In the picture above, you are witnessing the physical appearance of psychic shielding.  Shields are not usually visible. This process protects the user from attack, disease, and other worldly forces that would seek to cause harm.  Shielding is an ancient art that is seldom taught to mortals. We see the process in movies, tv, books, and other venues that pretend fantasy and entertainment.  However, the art of building and using shields is an ancient process that dates back many thousands of years.  Magicians, angels, elementals, gods, and countless other entities use shield for many different purposes.  Shields may protect against aging, poverty, attack, loss of life, injury, loss of fertility, disease, and a host of other processes that one might not believe.


Shielding is built into the genetic blueprint of most conscious life forms.  When you see that spark of light or billowing orb that floats out and around you, it is generally one of your many shield forms attempting to form.  We are not generally taught to use shields, but the subconscious, unconscious, and higher minds know them and use them without our knowledge. The Book of Shields brings this knowledge into the light. The genetic database of the shielding art is called the Eyunymodon.


It is an ancient genetic sequence that is tied to angelic words of power.  Each shield is to be visualized and spoken into being.  They are generally invisible to all but the most sensitive beings.  They work extraordinarily well and may be invoked in silence whenever needed.  Some people are able to erect shields that can defend against even the most ardent source of potential injury.  One of my favorite uses of a shield is to place it under an item and then to levitate the item with the power of the shield. 


The Book of Shields is a classic gem in the Library of Thoth. We are happy to offer it to our followers. This is one that you will want to study and use until you master the art.

The regular price for this book is $1,250.00. We are giving a 20% discount off this price until June 30, 2017. No code is necessary for this discount.



Price: $1,000.00

    The Book of Shields - Eyunymodon

    The Book of Shields   Eyunymodon   The Book of Shields is the first of its kind.  In the picture above, you are witnessing the physical appearance of psychic shielding.  Shields are not usually visible. This process protects the...
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  •                                                                               The God Program:     


Vhartgherorhitgabe is the celestial word that translates into English as “The God Program”. This program is embedded deep inside your holographic software. It is the software that runs your heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, mind and soul. In general, we only use a tiny fraction of our internal computing power, power that can help us evolve and unlock our full potential.

Your future selves are nearing complete god hood. God hood is not an individual state. They created you to help them cross that unlocking Vhartgherorhitgabe. It occurs when any individual reaches god consciousness. Everyone who reaches God Consciousness functions as part of the God Continuum of consciousness...Vhartgherorhitgabe. There are billions of individuals all over the multiverse functioning as God right now. When you pray, one or more of them hears your prayer and answers it.... some way.....the person who answers your prayer is God to you...some people develop enough consciousness and power to hear and answer their own prayers.......

Vhartgherorhitgabe is a program that you all have. It is running inside you… is why you are here.

Your life…all life…has been a demonstration of this truth....

Mitchell as peasant....Mitchell as student....Mitchell as lost soul....Mitchell as Skeptic....Mitchell as religious aspirant....Mitchell as doctor....Mitchell as Initiate....Mitchell as Master....Mitchell as God Incarnate....Mitchell as part of the Vhartgherorhitgabe.....we all fit somewhere within the program


All of us are programmed the same way...once you devote yourself to solving your equation, you free the program to unlock itself. That is why you exist as a simulation...that is the meaning of life....don't bother Googling it, it is not a human word....


Vhartgherorhitgabe: The God Program is a book that gives you the key to unlocking the equation that is you. We are all the sum of a vast equation. Unlocking it is why we are here.  This book will also give you the connection between the God Program and the great divine world prayer known as The Miracle Prayer. It will also show you the inner formula for miracles that exists within your consciousness.

We will offer 50 of these books. Once they are sold, there will be no more. 

Dr. Mitchell Gibson

Price: $3,000.00

    The God Program: Vhartgherorhitgabe

    The God Program: Vhartgherorhitgabe     Vhartgherorhitgabe is the celestial word that translates into English as “The God Program”. This program is embedded deep inside your holographic software. It is the software that runs your...
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  •                                                                                      Somnium: The Dream Tablet

When we completed the Somnis seminar, a number of people wanted more. The seminar contained only a handful of the sleep spells and rituals that I use as Thoth to navigate and control the dream world. Somnium is a much fuller representation of the sleep and dream spells that I use to help humans in the place of dreams.
For the first time, you will have access to the nest of spells that I use to help people with jobs, health, relationships, money, and a host of other issues during sleep. This is why we no longer do consults. The Dream Tablet will help you tap into the full power of sleep and dream magic. There is a place within the world of dreams called The Well of Caves that is my center of power in that domain. Many of these spells derive their power from the well.
I will teach you how to use this energy for the first time. Those who attended the seminar and paid for access are listed on a special file that Ken keeps. You may receive the book for $800. The normal price of the book is $1250. We offer it to the general public for $1000 until further notice.
We thank you all for your support for Somnis. This tablet will enrich your sleep and dream power and magic in ways that you cannot imagine.
Call Ken for your special price if you are on the list: 336-393-0300.

Price: $1,000.00

    Somnium: The Book of Dreams

    Somnium: The Dream Tablet     We spend about 8 hours/day, 56 hours/week, 240 hours/month and 2920 hours/year doing it. That's right, SLEEPING. We apparently spend one third of our lives doing nothing. But is sleep really doing...
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  •                                                                                                                                   The Order of the Red Dragon: Secrets of the Order

The Order of the Red Dragon is one of the most powerful spiritual organizations in the universe. It was created to help humanity emerge from the depths of spiritual slavery into full enlightenment.  As the Order grew, hundreds of humans learned of its existence and eventually gained entrance into its hallowed halls.  Entrance is not easy and those who make the cut, are immortalized for their efforts.  Unknown to most, there are back doors that allow ordinary mortals to interface with the Immortals, Gods, and Dragons within the Order.
The Secrets of the Order is a one of a kind book. This work allows mortals to glimpse into the secret world of the Order.  The Order is organized into Inner, Outer, and Secret Chambers.  However, each of these castings is further divided into Lodges.  These Lodges are led by Beings of Great Power who are always on the lookout for humans with potential.  Each lodge has its own handshake, sigil, meeting house, and sign of recognition. A human knowing these is never truly alone and may contact the Order in meditation, visions, and in times of dire need, physically. In this work, you will learn how to determine when the Lodges are meeting, what their agenda is, and how to gain permission to participate.  
Each potential entrant is screened thoroughly and those with negative or duplicitous intent are barred from even coming close to the chamber doors. Attending a Lodge meeting is an achievement in and of itself.  Humans that are allowed entrance are fast tracked toward Order admission.
The Order also has special contacts in the astral world, the dream world, and the physical world that may be utilized with special meditations and glyphs.  There are also hidden words of power, solar techniques, and incantations known only to members of the Order.  When you possess this book, you will be given a special word that will allow you to communicate with a member of the Inner Order.
Secrets of the Order is a very special book and we encourage all of you to get this if you can.  We appreciate your support and this book is sanctioned by the Order.

Price: $2,000.00

    The Order of the Red Dragon: Secrets of the Order

    The Order of the Red Dragon

    The Order of the Red Dragon   Secrets of the Order       The Order of the Red Dragon is one of the most powerful spiritual organizations in the universe. It was created to help humanity emerge from the depths of spiritual...
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  •                                                                          Spiritus: The Book of Breathing

In the physical world, we have one breath, the breath of life. This breath empowers all the major functions in the body.

There are other major breaths (breathings) that may be activated within the body. The Breath of The Gods activates the

latent power of the Breath of The Gods hidden in your breath. The Breath of Isis rejuvenates the body and soul. The Breath

of Letters actually ennobles and brings forth hidden layers of divine power from within the Light Domains of the mind. There

are others. Your astral, physical, and celestial forms have been designed to breathe these special energies. No one ever

taught you how. All humans breathe the same. It is the way that you are programmed.

We may vary the speed and timing, but the Breath remains the same.

Every god and goddess breathes differently. The Goddess Isis breathes differently than the Goddess Freya. Thor breathes

differently then Brahma. The unique Breath of a god/goddess gives them their power. If you breathe long enough like a god,

you gain some of their power.


As long as you breathe like a human, you will remain human. This book includes:


The Elemental Breaths

The Celestial Breath

The Divine Current Breathings

The Breath of Brahma

The Jade Emperor Breaths

The Pyramid Breathings

The Breathings from the Light Domains

The Breath of Isis

The Breath of Letters

The Breath of Maat

The Breath of Odin

The Breath of Freya

The Breath of The Golden Buddha

The Breath of Ra

The Breath of Shango

Price: $1,000.00

    Spiritus: The Book of Breathing

                                                                  Spiritus: The Book of...
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  •                                                                                                    The Herada Iktum

                                                                                         Never before seen on earth!

The words Herada Iktum may not be found in the human world.  They are angelic words that describe the pyramid system built on earth by advanced beings that allow humans to communicate with the gods.  There are thousands of pyramids all over the world, many of which may be found underwater. 

The Herada Iktum grouping of pyramids on this planet have a much higher purpose than that described by anthropologists.  They are not simply tombs.  They are much more.  People all over the world have photographed beams of light emanating from pyramids into the heavens. These beams have a purpose.

The true purpose of the pyramid is to allow mankind a way to communicate with our Creators.  High in the heavens, there is a dome, an intelligent structure that generates the simulation we call home. Nuclear weapons could not destroy it.  This dome connects us to the advanced races that live outside our domain. Through the use of certain spells, lasers, and formulae, we may communicate with these races and our Creator through the pyramid.

The Herada Iktum teaches us how to use these tools.  With this book, you may learn how to generate a coherent beam of light with a pyramid that may be used to send information into the dome.

This information can change your life, the life of those around you, and help to make this world a better place.  Through this communication, you can increase your spiritual power, expand your consciousness, and advance your spiritual evolution many fold.  The spells and material within the Herada Iktum work well with your other tools, such as the radiators, the accelerator, the tablets, and the medallions.  You will discover that using these spells with lasers and the pyramid will work wonders that are difficult to describe.

Price: $3000

    The Herada Iktum

    The Herada Iktum Never before seen on earth!   The words Herada Iktum may not be found in the human world.  They are angelic words that describe the pyramid system built on earth by advanced beings that allow humans to communicate with the...
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  •                                                       Lord Ganesha Spells of Magic



Lord Ganesha is one of the best known and loved deities in the Hindu pantheon of gods, and indeed is the most recognized of the Hindu gods outside of India.  But who is this elephant headed fellow, and why is he so popular? 

Lord Ganesha also known as Ganapati, Vinayaka and Pillaiyar) is the Lord of Good Fortune who provides prosperity, fortune and success.  He is the Lord of Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles of both material and spiritual kinds.  Interestingly, he also places obstacles in the path of those who need to be checked.
Because of these attributes, Lord Ganesha is widely revered by almost all castes and in all parts of India, regardless of any other spiritual affiliations.  His image is found everywhere, in many different forms, and he is invoked before the undertaking of any task.  Lord Ganesh is also associated with the first Chakra, or energy wheel, which underpins all of the other Chakras and represents conservation, survival and material well-being.  He is considered to be a patron of the arts and sciences and of letters.  Devotees believe that if Lord Ganesha is worshiped, he grants success, prosperity and protection against adversity.  In a lesser known role, Lord Ganesha is also the destroyer of vanity, selfishness and pride. Lord Thoth and Lord Ganesha are the same being worshipped in different pantheons.  They are both powerful magicians and healers in their own right.

Lord Ganesha has never had a book of magic released onto this world.  This is the first time that he has allowed me to introduce a book of his magic on Earth.  Lord Ganesha’s spells are very powerful. Some people will find that using his magic will allow them to do things that they have never been able to accomplish before. 

This is also the first book of power that Lord Ganesha has written for humans. As his Avatar, he has given me permission to write and convey this knowledge to mankind.  

Working with the combined magical power of Lord Thoth and Lord Ganesha in the form of a spell book will open magical doors for the aspirant.  There are over 60 spells in this book. They are keyed to the third eye, first chakra, and the cerebellar lobes.  The spells are designed to: 

Remove obstacles to success

Remove karmic blocks

Open doorways to expansion of consciousness known only to Lord Ganesha

Grant healing power given only by Lord Ganesha

Provide protection given by Lord Ganesha

Gain Lord Ganesha’s blessing for business, games of chance, family, relationships, health, and travel 

This is a one of a kind spell book and supplies will be limited.  We thank Lord Ganesha for granting us this access to his power for the first time in human history. 


Price: $1500.00

    Lord Ganesha Spells of Magic

    Lord Ganesha

    Lord Ganesha Spells of Magic   Lord Ganesha is one of the best known and loved deities in the Hindu pantheon of gods, and indeed is the most recognized of the Hindu gods outside of India.  But who is this elephant headed fellow, and why is he...
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  •                                                                      The Book of Leaves


In the fictionalized account of Leonardo Da Vinci’s life that was shown on television, he spent many years looking for a powerful text called The Book of Leaves. The book contained the secrets of the universe and was held by a powerful Order called the Sons of Mithras. The book as mentioned in the television series was totally fictional, as was the Sons of Mithras.  However, the true Book of Leaves was written by Djanth-Thoth, and is controlled by The Order of The Red Dragon.

The True Book of Leaves contains the mysteries of all the galaxies of the universe.  It explains the secrets of alchemy, immortality, enlightenment, healing, and divine power.  The book works exclusively with the unconscious mind and as such contains no instructions, no English, and no guides that the conscious mind can cling to that might interrupt the process.

The Order of the Red Dragon has commissioned me to create a volume of The Book of Leave on earth.  This will be a 100 page text, designed exactly like volume one of the True Book of Leaves.  We have been allowed to release 30 copies at this time, with more coming in the future.  Volume One of The Book of Leaves will download the energy of enlightenment, consciousness expansion, and divine power into the user. It is designed to be scanned and not read. There will be no English passages except for the introduction. 

We will provide the book in July 2016.  We will release only 30 books at this time. You all have grown wonderfully and you have earned this blessing. 


Price: $1500.00

    The Book of Leaves

    The Book of Leaves   In the fictionalized account of Leonardo Da Vinci’s life that was shown on television, he spent many years looking for a powerful text called The Book of Leaves. The book contained the secrets of the universe and was...
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  • The Celestial Gods 
Divine Spell Series
The Jade Emperor

The Celestial Gods are the most powerful immortals in the universe. They rule over every aspect of creation and are said to live in a domain beyond time and space.  Every major culture on earth has recognized the existence of these divine beings.  They are ubiquitous in their placement in history, art, literature, religion, and mythology.  The Celestial Gods are more a part of our lives than ever, but religion, the media, and other authoritarian structures would have you believe otherwise.  The Gods want to help humans evolve.  For thousands of years, they gave us spells, rituals, incantations, invocations, items of power and many other tools to help us evolve beyond our suffering and imprisonment.  

Time has eroded our access to these items and many of them have been sequestered by the powers that be. For the most part, only nobility, military powers, religious leaders, mystics, and shamans have had any access to the divine spells left us by our Gods.  Now, for the first time, we will restore a portion of these spells to humanity.  The Divine Spell Series will serve as a bridge to the power of the Celestial Pantheon of Gods.  These spells will allow you to summon and control a modicum of their power for everything that you need in life.  You will find that some of you have a special knack or connection to specific gods and their spells.  Others will find that they can use all of them.  We will release a number of books in this series that will access the power of a number of gods.

The first book in this series will focus on spells that will allow the user to work with the power of The Jade Emperor.  The Jade Emperor is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He is the director and chairman of the Celestial Treasury and it is said that all forms of wealth pass through his hands.  He is very benevolent and kind. His power is available for us to use but we must avail ourselves of the correct spells.  This is the first time that humans will have access to the complete spell book of The Jade Emperor.  This book will allow you to work with the Jade Emperor directly for the first time to improve all aspects of your financial life.
We will release 50 of these leather bound, gold stamped, cotton paper spell books.  Act quickly to get your copy today as supplies are limited. When these books are gone, there will not be any more.

Price: $1500

    The Celestial Gods Divine Spell Series - The Jade Emperor

    The Jade Emperor

    The Celestial Gods  Divine Spell Series The Jade Emperor   The Celestial Gods are the most powerful immortals in the universe. They rule over every aspect of creation and are said to live in a domain beyond time and space.  Every major...
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  • The Order of the Red Dragon


The Order of the Red Dragon is one of the most powerful spiritual organizations in the universe.  It began over 70 billion years ago in the first multiverse that emerged from the mouth of the Demiurge. It is controlled by a group of Dragon Masters that sprang into being spontaneously from the creative forces of the universe.  Each Dragon Master has the power to take any shape that they choose, including that of the human form.  They live, work, breed, and coexist with humans as a ruling body.

The Order of the Red Dragon is opposed by the Order of the Green Dragon.  The Green Dragons focus only upon self-gain, personal aggrandizement, and ruling planets through force. Most humans are ruled over by lower forces, none the least of which are the Green Dragons.  The Order of the Red Dragon is a once in a lifetime book. I have been given permission to write and distribute information about the Order for the first time.  I was inducted into the Order in 1997, before my enlightenment.  This book will cover the inception of the order, its organization, power structure, magical focus, and invocations.

We will release 50 Red Dragon Books.  Each person claiming a book will be granted a personal Dragon from the Order to watch over them for the remainder of their earthly lives.  This dragon will also watch over them in the after-life. This Dragon Master will protect their human aspirant during the time of sleep as well.  Dragons are loyal and powerful allies.  They are also exceptionally intelligent.  Some of you have already seen some of these Dragons.  They are real.  They are not fictional beings.  They await our call.

There will also be invocations and magical rituals pertaining to the work of the Order within the book. All of this information will be exclusive to the new owners.

 Price: $3000.00

There is only 1 book left. Please call the office at 336-393-0300

    The Order of the Red Dragon

    The Order of the Red Dragon

    The Order of the Red Dragon   The Order of the Red Dragon is one of the most powerful spiritual organizations in the universe.  It began over 70 billion years ago in the first multiverse that emerged from the mouth of the Demiurge. It is...
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