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  •                                                                                                                                         Metaxis

Metaxis is the word used by Plato to describe the condition of “in-betweenness” that is one of the characteristics of being human. In particular, Plato applied it to spirituality, describing its location as being between the human and the divine. When I speak to the Gods, they are quick to point out my true condition, in that, I have achieved much during my life on earth, but that I am not one of them. I am Metaxis, in between.
At first this hurt my feelings because I still remember my life in the divine realm, but I also realize what I gave up coming here to help this domain. They are right, I am Metaxis, in between.  We all are to one degree or another. I have to accept this, but I strive to throw off this condition every day.
The state of metaxy is one of the most difficult paths in the world. We know enough about our condition to strive for better, but we don’t know enough to rise above it once and for all in a single lifetime.  Metaxis is a singular gift from the Gods.  There is a divine frequency inside the consciousness of our physical forms that strives to free itself from matter.  That frequency is 4.657hz.  You can’t hear it. You can’t speak it.  You can’t sing in a pitch that low.  It is the source of our divine force nevertheless.
 Metaxis is a series of divine formulas that elevate and evolve consciousness so that we can use more of our divine force. The formulas were given to me by the Morai, the gods that control fate, destiny, and evolution.  They believe that those who are ready will recognize the magnitude of the gift.
Metaxis does not consist of spells, incantations, or rituals.  It is something completely new.  Focusing on the metaxy formulas gradually helps you bring your divine frequency, and all of its octaves, into the world.  You will find yourself spontaneously attracting miracles, divine intuition, visions, healings, and clairvoyant phenomena into your life.  The process will happen no matter where you are in your spiritual work.  This is a gift from the Gods of the highest order. 

Price: $2000


    Metaxis       Metaxis is the word used by Plato to describe the condition of “in-betweenness” that is one of the characteristics of being human. In particular, Plato applied it to spirituality, describing its location as...
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  •                                                        Rare Latin Incantations                                                  
                                     Invoking The Celestial Wealth Currents

Magic is the ability to communicate with the higher forces of creation. Humans have always sought to commune with the forces that created them. They have always wanted to rise above suffering, disease, pain, and the weaknesses of our existence, Humans have always known that reality is something more than what is seen. Magic allows us a way to get more out of life much more efficiently than you could with simple human effort. Ironically, any true understanding of magic begins with an understanding of electricity, a very deep understanding of electricity.
The celestial currents that are formed by electricity in the air are ancient in nature. They have been with us forever. These currents may be connected on the earth plane by etheric markers called ley lines.  any people believe that a grid of earth energies circles the globe, connecting important and sacred sites such as Stonehenge, the Egyptian Pyramids, and the Great Wall of China.
The Celestial Currents have been mapped out and are the ultimate source of magical power.  When you learn how to use them you learn the secret to becoming a magus. The magus rides the currents of power into the higher worlds and manifests whatever they require. Each of the currents has a particular function and type of wealth that it likes to manifest.  We will introduce you to the most powerful of these currents.  Each current has a particular function, a meditative posture that allows you to tap into it, and an incantation that will allow you to summon its power.  We have never before revealed all of this information for these most powerful currents. 
The ability to tap into a current is best used after an orgasm. It is not a necessity but the energy of orgasm elevates your magical incantation of currents many-fold.  Heed this advisory and you will see your magical work elevate tremendously.

Price: $299

    New Rare Latin Incantations: Invoking The Celestial Wealth Currents - E-Book

                                                              Rare Latin...
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  • The Archangel Barakiel Celestial Tablet

    The Archangel Barakiel Celestial Tablet

    Archangel Barakiel

    The Archangel Barakiel Celestial Tablet   The Archangel Barakiel is the most powerful entity connected to changing one’s fortune for the better.  This Archangel has legions of angels that serve under his domain.  Each of his angels...
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  •                                                       The Book of Leaves
                                                            E-Book Version
In the fictionalized account of Leonardo Da Vinci’s life that was shown on television, he spent many years looking for a powerful text called The Book of Leaves. The book contained the secrets of the universe and was held by a powerful Order called the Sons of Mithras. The book as mentioned in the television series was totally fictional, as was the Sons of Mithras.  However, the true Book of Leaves was written by Djanth-Thoth, and is controlled by The Order of The Red Dragon.
 The True Book of Leaves contains the mysteries of all the galaxies of the universe.  It explains the secrets of alchemy, immortality, enlightenment, healing, and divine power.  The book works exclusively with the unconscious mind and as such contains no instructions, no English, and no guides that the conscious mind can cling to that might interrupt the process.
On television, The Book of Leaves is an enigmatic and mysterious tome, that Leonardo and many key characters thinks might change the known history albeit in different perspectives and for which he and his friends set on a challenging journey and face many dangers. The Book is supposedly hidden in the Vault of Heaven on a foreign continent unknown to the Old World - the New World (American continent).
The Book's origin is speculated by many parties in the series. Al-Rahim, a prominent member of the Sons of Mithras provided an esoteric origin of the Book where it is the collection of cognitive memory of ancient knowledge passed down from one generation to another that aims to revitalize again mankind after the Fall. On the other hand, Pope Sixtus believed that the Book may have Enochian origins as he proposed that it was written by the Nephilim, the offspring of angels and men.
A page of the Book made it first appearance in the bowels of Castel Sant’Angelo, where the pope keeps his Secret Archive. The page is written in an alien language that Leonardo has never seen, but with the wave of the pope’s hand, the writing magically switches to Hebrew, then to astrological symbols, and even to strange hexagonal patterns. This is the only place where you can find the Nephilim Version of the book. The symbols are enigmatic and powerful.  They point to a different order of reality and consciousness from our ancient ancestors.
 The Order of the Red Dragon has commissioned me to create a volume of The Book of Leave on earth.  This will be a smaller and more affordable text, designed exactly like volume one of the True Book of Leaves.  This shortened version of The Book of Leaves will download the energy of enlightenment, consciousness expansion, and divine power into the user. It is designed to be scanned and not read. There will be no English passages except for the introduction.
As you explore the book of leaves, you will not be able to rely upon your conscious mind to guide you.  This is done on purpose.  The conscious mind is a cruel master and intentionally slows down the progress of our spiritual growth.  The Book of Leaves is organized in such a way that your conscious mind is taken out of the equation.  You will not know what each section does.
You will not know when you are working on enlightenment, immortality, divine power, alchemy, or any of the sections of the text.  Your unconscious mind will guide you in using the text.  You may start anywhere in the book and look at each page for as long as you like. Some of the pages will repeat. This is intentional.
Know that whatever section you employ, you will grow and evolve with its use. After this section, there will be no further guidance or instruction. Relax. Allow your mind to experience something new.  Trust in the process of your evolution and growth to guide you.

Price: $199.95

    The Book of Leaves E-Book Version

    The Book of Leaves E Book Version     In the fictionalized account of Leonardo Da Vinci’s life that was shown on television, he spent many years looking for a powerful text called The Book of Leaves. The book contained the secrets of...
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  • The Medicine Buddha Tablet

    The Medicine Buddha Tablet

    The Medicine Buddha Tablet   When I was a small boy, I used to sit in front of a large window in our home and watch the sky, as if I were waiting for something.  I would sit there night after night until my mother would pick me up and carry...
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  • The Prometheus Tablet

    The Prometheus Tablet

    The Prometheus Tablet     Humans tend to forget they are animals. As Homo sapiens, we are — along with chimps and gorillas — members of the hominid family, a branch of the animal kingdom. It makes sense, then, that advances in...
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  • Your Astral Projection Body - E-Book

    Your Astral Projection Body - E-Book

      Your Astral Projection Body - E-Book    Astral projection or astral travel refers to the experience of a person's conscious awareness leaving the physical body to observe the world from an independent and objective point of view. This...
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  •                                                            To Meet A Goddess

The following story is based on a true event. As you develop magical thinking, you will learn that the gods and goddesses of the world are as real as any person you will ever meet.  One day, a man, I will not say who, lived through this story.  No one believed him at first, but eventually he became known worldwide for the powers that the goddess gave to him.  Listen to his story, learn, understand, and maybe one day the goddess will come to you.
The sun depicted in this story is a magical star.  If you focus just right, it may blink for you.

Price: Free

    To Meet A Goddess: E-Book

    To Meet A Goddess       The following story is based on a true event. As you develop magical thinking, you will learn that the gods and goddesses of the world are as real as any person you will ever meet.  One day, a man, I will...
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  •                                                                                                       The Jade Emperor: The Royal Court Spells

                                                                                                        Book Three of The Jade Emperor Trilogy

The Jade Emperor is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He is the director and chairman of the Celestial Treasury and it is said that all forms of wealth pass through his hands.  He is very benevolent and kind.

He governs the cosmos and resides in a magnificent palace in the highest part of heaven along with his large family and entourage of ministers and officials. These beings form his royal court. The Jade Emperor is believed to have been the disciple of the Primordial Heaven-honoured One, Yuanshi Tianzun (Yuan-shi T‘ien-tsun) from whom he inherited the governance of the universe. 

In his palace in heaven, the Jade Emperor lives with his wife the Jade Empress, Tianshang Shengmu or Mazu (Yu-huang sheng-mu or Ma-tsu) and their large family. Prominent members include his nephew Yang Shen (Yang Tsien), otherwise known as the Second Lord of Quality, Erlang Shen (Er-lang Tsien) whose Celestial Dog - Tiangou (T‘ien K’ou) - chases away evil spirits. One of the Jade Emperor’s secondary wives is the Horse Head goddess, who is believed to care for silkworms, producers of the precious Chinese commodity, silk. One of the god’s daughters is Miss Seventh or Shi Quning (Ts‘i-ku-niang), who is appealed to by young women in order to reveal the identity of their future husbands.


The heavenly palace is managed by Wang the Transcendent Official, otherwise know as Lingquan (Ling-Kuan), who also protects mortals from evil spirits. One of his functions is keeper of the palace gates where he stands guard wearing armour and wielding his heavy staff to ward off unwelcome visitors. He also runs errands for the Jade Emperor such as punishing wrongdoers and righting wrongs. The palace also has an extensive staff of attendants, ministers, officials and lesser gods


Like the signs of the Zodiac, every human s intimately connected to a member of The Jade Emperor’s Royal Court.  Each soul is assigned to a royal court deity at the time of the creation of the soul. This royal court deity ultimately guides the soul to the wealth and power that it deserves.  The Western and Eastern Sky based constellations were created to hide our connections to these Royal Deities.


The Royal Court Spells are granted by His Majesty and are the genesis of true growth and prosperity that flows into our lives. They channel his power into the world in secret and only those who discover these spells know the worth and magnitude of their power. The Deities in His Majesty’s Court work to extend His Power into the lives of commoners and royalty alike.


As an Avatar of His Majesty on Earth, I have been granted the authority to ordain priests in his name, issue new magical spells, and empower humans to work with humans to work with him more closely.  Tybro is the only company in the world that has performed Jade Emperor Master Classes and webinars. We are the only company in the world that issues magical tablets in his name.


We are honored to do this work.


The first thirty people that purchase this unique and final table of the Jade Emperor Series will be presented before the Royal Court and given a special proclamation of blessing and prosperity for their endeavors.


Price: $1500

    The Jade Emperor: The Royal Court Spells

    The Jade Emperor

    The Jade Emperor: The Royal Court Spells Book Three of The Jade Emperor Trilogy     The Jade Emperor is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He is the director and chairman of the Celestial Treasury and it is said that all forms...
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  • Removing Attaching Spirits: The Master Edition

    Removing Attaching Spirits: The Master Edition

    Removing Attaching Spirits The Master Edition     Attaching Spirits are the cause of more than 80% of all the mental, emotional, and physical suffering found in this world. Since we cannot see them, we take them for granted. Unfortunately,...
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  •                                                                                                                    The Spica Star of Wealth Matrix: E-Book

In one of our most recent seminars, we learned that the stars are not what they seem. We learned that the stars are in essence living breathing entities that have intelligence.  They also radiate power and life into the world from their positions in the firmament.  Their energies rejuvenate the body and keep us alive. 
The ancients understood that true wealth rained down into the lives of humans via the stars.  Some humans got more than others and they often wondered why these blessings chose them.  The statement, it is written in the stars reflects this widely held sentiment.  The stars stream information into the world via a coded field of energy that is called the matrix.  The ancients believed that our world is an illusion created by higher reality.  Plato believed that humans lived as prisoners in a large cave that only allowed reflections of light into the area.  Humans never saw the source of reality in the light because they remained firmly fixated on the shadows created by the light that they constantly mistook for the real world.  The real world is only revealed through the examination of the light emanating from the world hidden within the matrix code. 
In this sense, the stars represent the ultimate source of light and knowledge that we have available from the firmament.  The intelligent forces that shaped the firmament programmed each of the stars with specific types of information. This information is coded and must be interpreted in the sense of a code, not direct firm reality.  Modern scientists have begun to question the nature of reality as a holographic form of code that must be deciphered properly.  Mankind’s very fabric is fashioned from a simple code contained within our DNA.  Those among us that have higher levels of completed coding are healthier than those who have errors in the code that can lead to disease.
This is especially true of the code that allows for wealth.  One of the most important sources for this code emanates from the star Spica.  Spica is much more than light and gas, it is one of the main sources of our wealth code.  The wealth code is a complex pattern of energy that was inserted into our DNA by the gods.  In the beginning, humans had no need for wealth or work.  All of our needs were provided by the gods.  Over time, malevolent forces sprang up from deep within the human soul and challenged the rule of the gods. 
These forces demanded that mankind see itself as equal to the gods and therefore could not be governed as children.  This force still rules mankind to this day and causes us to look away from the true source of our life and wealth.  Most people do not understand this and this illusion has been passed down from one generation of humans to another. As a result, true wealth eludes the human race.  The code inserted into our genomes was placed there by the gods.  There are 13 human families that contain the code in its purest form and they are the wealthiest families in the world as a result.
The Spica Star Matrix is part of a vast field of energy radiating from the star energy of the Spica/Virgo Constellation. The matrix connects to each of us via a micro-complex of wormholes.  Most of us reject the energy that radiates down to us through these wormholes for religion, philosophical, or spiritual reasons.  We tend to believe that wealth is reserved for only a handful of humans and that we should only aspire to live on just enough to get by.
This thought complex is deeply embedded in our religions, social systems, and educational systems. As a result, 99.999% of the world’s wealth remains in less than 1% of the population. If the true wealth of this world were equally distributed, ever human that lives at this moment would enjoy luxuries numbering into the billions of dollars.  Magic and its attendant forces and power are shunned and reviled because they have the power to bring the force of the matrix of the stores into human consciousness and DNA. If a human rightfully absorbs the light emanating from the matrix of the Spica field, several things happen.
1.    Generations of errors associated with curses, false beliefs, skepticism and fear associated with wealth begin to heal.
2.    The energy of wealth and prosperity begin to fill the organs of the body.
3.    The aspirant begins to slowly attract wealth generating ideas and thought into consciousness.
4.    The aspirant begins to be led by the higher forces toward paths of life that generate wealth.

Price: $99.95

    The Spica Star of Wealth Matrix: E-Book

    The Spica Star of Wealth Matrix       In one of our most recent seminars, we learned that the stars are not what they seem. We learned that the stars are in essence living breathing entities that have intelligence.  They also...
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  •                                                                                              The Dark Orders: The Battle For Your Mind

There are two main types of Spiritual Orders in the world. There are Orders devoted to the light work with the Angels and Gods of Light in order to help mankind grow and evolve. There are Orders devoted to darkness and work with the Gods of Darkness and Demons for their own ends and goals. They seek to control the minds of the masses, the monetary systems, and the temporal forces of the world.

The Dark Orders Tablet is designed to teach you about these groups and how to fully defend yourself against them. We release this text at this time because these groups are preparing to make a major move against humanity over the next two years. They plan to begin a depopulation process that is largely fueled by Dark energy fueled by the mass unconscious energy of humanity.  They plan to use our minds against us.

The energy of the mind is a highly sought after fuel source.  The battle for this energy rages in ways that most people do not understand. This tablet fully outlines the details of the battle for your mind and how you can defend ‘the different levels of your consciousness energy from plunder.  Doing nothing leaves you wide open.

We will discuss the names of the Dark Orders, their origins, goals, and modes of operation.  The Dark Orders tend to be better organized, better funded, and have a much more rigid hierarchy than the Orders of the Light. Understanding their workings and details of organization can help you see who is really controlling your life.

Fully defending yourself against these Orders is crucial to the survival of this world.  If we do nothing, hundreds of millions of people are destined to perish in the coming years. We will offer 33 of these books to those souls who are ready to evolve in ways that have never been possible before without this text.

Price: $2,000.00                                                                                              The Dark Orders: The Battle For Your Mind

There are two main types of Spiritual Orders in the world. There are Orders devoted to the light work with the Angels and Gods of Light in order to help mankind grow and evolve. There are Orders devoted to darkness and work with the Gods of Darkness and Demons for their own ends and goals. They seek to control the minds of the masses, the monetary systems, and the temporal forces of the world.

The Dark Orders Tablet is designed to teach you about these groups and how to fully defend yourself against them. We release this text at this time because these groups are preparing to make a major move against humanity over the next two years. They plan to begin a depopulation process that is largely fueled by Dark energy fueled by the mass unconscious energy of humanity.  They plan to use our minds against us.

The energy of the mind is a highly sought after fuel source.  The battle for this energy rages in ways that most people do not understand. This tablet fully outlines the details of the battle for your mind and how you can defend ‘the different levels of your consciousness energy from plunder.  Doing nothing leaves you wide open.

We will discuss the names of the Dark Orders, their origins, goals, and modes of operation.  The Dark Orders tend to be better organized, better funded, and have a much more rigid hierarchy than the Orders of the Light. Understanding their workings and details of organization can help you see who is really controlling your life.

Fully defending yourself against these Orders is crucial to the survival of this world.  If we do nothing, hundreds of millions of people are destined to perish in the coming years. We will offer 33 of these books to those souls who are ready to evolve in ways that have never been possible before without this text.

Price: $2,000.00

    Dark Orders: The Battle for Your Mind

    The Dark Orders: The Battle For Your Mind   There are two main types of Spiritual Orders in the world. There are Orders devoted to the light work with the Angels and Gods of Light in order to help mankind grow and evolve. There are Orders devoted...
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